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  1. joel1947

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    When the government employees retire to the pharma industry anything can happen. Often, when a drug goes off patent they can just make it time release so you take one a day insted of twice a day and the patent clock resets. Or as you mention take two common meds, put them in one pill and...
  2. joel1947

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    I also had a classic on my right eye. Never had it again, and that was 9 years ago. I do take low dose aspirin every day and have a bovine airtic valve installed in 2014. My cholesterol has always been quite low with good HDL. I just had an angiogram just to see how things are holding up and...
  3. joel1947

    9 Years and a question

    Replacement of Aortic valve 9 years ago with St. Judes Trifecta tissue valve. ALl has been good, but I just had a chest X-ray for unrelated reasons and there was a note that one of the wires in my sternum has fractured. My cardiologist says not to worry. But of course I worry a little bit...
  4. joel1947

    Transportation to doc appts?

    We have a "community cares" mailing list for people to offer rides, cook meals and so on. The city also can provide transportation. And the municipal bus line has vans which are not too expensivee.
  5. joel1947

    My AVR Experience!!!

    I also feel colder than normal. It is 4 weeks, and very hot in MA, but I do not mind it. I stopped taking the Percoset fairly soon because I prefer a bit of pain to a lot of constipation. Good luck.
  6. joel1947

    1st day post

    Post 4 weeks. All good. One pesky suture finally disolved and fell out. It was the only one that poked out. So now maybe I can go in a pool. I can walk as much as I have time for, but have not started running or biking. Hope I get cleared for that on my next appt. Some intercostal muscle...
  7. joel1947

    1st day post

    Had my first checkup today. Post 3 weeks. Seems to be going ok. Was told I can drive in two weeks. I have been doing two 30 minute walks and can increase to whatever I feel comfortable with. I have a cardiologist appt. in 2 weeks and hope to learn all is good. I am not worried anymore if...
  8. joel1947

    1st day post

    Paleogirl, obviously I cannot say whether mental attitude has anything to do with recovery, and am not sure how to tell. I seem to have lot's of time on my hands :) so I may do some research. I do believe it is possible to control some physiological processes by mental activity, but I have...
  9. joel1947

    1st day post

    Thanks everyone. Sorry I have not posted in two weeks, but everything has been going great and I did not want to jinx it. I had surgery on Thurs the 7th. As I mentioned the valve could not be repaired, but everything went well. Out of CCU on Friday. Was able to walk right away and while it...
  10. joel1947

    1st day post

    went well. could not repair so got a cow valve. leaving CTU already. sat in a chair most of the day. hurts and a little nasuea but glad I'm ready to recover.
  11. joel1947

    Introduction - Male, 67. AV repair, LAD CABG -I almost sound like I know what that is

    I am walking a lot. it helps me. but even the docs and nurses are asking me why I walk so much. had a great discussion with one of the surgical PAs who explained a lot of the procedure and post op. it is the same as reported in this forum but was still good to understand. of course much of...
  12. joel1947

    Introduction - Male, 67. AV repair, LAD CABG -I almost sound like I know what that is

    Well I am in the hospital awaiting surgery a few weeks early. Went to my cardiologist Friday and told him zip had some tightness in my chest. After an echo he sent me to the ER at Tufts Medical Center (Boston). I am on the cardiac floor but have to wait til Thursday for surgery. At least I...
  13. joel1947

    Feeling "pushed" into surgery too soon?

    I was asymptotic for years with severe 4+ aortic regurg but an EF of 55% and felt great. but the jet started creating a Venturi that was holding my mitral open. I was told I would know when I needed surgery. in May it was scheduled for 8/19 but yesterday I went to my cardiologist for a check and...
  14. joel1947

    Introduction - Male, 67. AV repair, LAD CABG -I almost sound like I know what that is

    Went to see my cardiologist today and mentioned I felt different after EKG and echo he sent me right to hospital. So am being observed over the weekend and will have surgery soon. Im glad the waiting is almost over but was not quite prepared. I'm at Tufts Medicsl Center and the staff hefe is...
  15. joel1947

    I have 4 days to decide - help!

    It is likely that AVR could be done much less invasively in 10 years, either robotically or transcatheter or percutaneously. So switching does not mean another OHS. But I also am an, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of guy.
  16. joel1947

    Valve Selection Questions

    Do you all really think the choice should be yours rather than your doctors? I am hoping for repair, and if that is not possible I want to optimize for the best gradient. I prefer a tissue valve and made that clear , but when my surgeon has me open and has a good look I expect he will decide...
  17. joel1947

    Any resources for interval training ? And support for working out?

    I have not had surgery yet (August 19), but have trained. It is always a struggle as you age (67) between the "no pain no gain" and the "don't be crazy" schools of thought. Intervals are the best, but unless you are exactly like the person in the book, you may do better with different...
  18. joel1947

    visualising heart disorders

    Nice! Great find. Thanks.
  19. joel1947

    Hello, new here. MVR, scheduled for August surgery at Cleveland Clinic.

    Same, AVR, 4+ regurg, told I would know when it was time. I decided it was time in May, surgery in a month. What was surprising was that during the pre-op testing it was discovered that I did not have a BAV and it can be repaired. And big surprise because I have awesome HDL/LDL levels, a 80%...
  20. joel1947

    Exercise and dizziness

    I have had 4+ aortic regurgitation for 5 years and finally started to get so breathless after exertion that I am having surgery mid August. I never had any dizziness from BP meds, currently Losartin. The only restriction I had was lifting any heavy weight over my head. My cardiologist told me...