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  1. E

    Heart failure treatment with cells. Promising news.

    Amen to keeping the dream for promising news for heart failure patients! CNN: Watch the video on top of the page. If you cannot open CNN link, here’s a similar YouTube versions: More about the IPS Cells:
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    Another cry out for help…Ablation or no ablation!

    Last Sunday (8/18), my iWatch alerted me at 1 p.m. that my pulse was over 100 for ten minutes while inactive. Although this was the fourth time since 2019, I was again taken by surprise because I felt fine and normal like the previous times! I had no symptoms—my blood pressure was normal, no...
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    Bridging after biopsy

    Edited after posting: my cardio just responded that I need to take my warfarin too. So just disregard this post. Thank you. I am a bit confused between my cardio’s instructions and the information I found online regarding post-procedure bridging. I’m taking my lovenox injections. Should I...
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    IR US Breast Biopsy

    I am scheduled for an IR US Breast Biopsy on August 6. While I was scheduling the appointment, the lady asked me to stop taking Advil. I mentioned I take Warfarin, she responded that I take my regular medicines as usual. The written Instructions I just received state: “Please stop taking...
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    Feeling a whirlwind of emotions—sadness, confusion, bewilderment, …, etc. after my recent “Bubble echo” test, which uncovered a hole in my heart.

    Hello all, Feeling a whirlwind of emotions—sadness, confusion, bewilderment, …, etc. after my recent “Bubble echo” test, which uncovered a hole in my heart. Despite the turmoil of feelings, I am coming to terms with this unexpected discovery and learning to accept what lies beyond my control...
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    MEBO - Miracle ointment for burns

    After my surgery when I started taking warfarin I noticed I burnt myself easily while cooking or even making Turkish coffee. And now with age any little burn hurts a lot! With MEBO, If you cover the burnt area right away, the burn will disappear in a day or two! Thanks to my nephew who...
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    INR difference between lab and my Coagucheck

    Hello. Yesterday, I had lab work at my doctor’s office including INR testing. I had my machine with me. I tested my INR pricking my finger. My Coagucheck XS result was 3.8. Lab result is 2.5!!! Big difference! WHAT’s you advise. My machine is about five years old. Thanks in advance.
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    Ivabradine. Anyone tried this to lower heart rate?!

    My husband saw the below article in Bloomberg about Ivabradine as an “alternative that selectively slows the firing rate of the heart’s sinus node, which regulates the speed at which the organ pumps blood.” Quote: To normalize the rhythm of the heart for people with POTS, cardiologists are...
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    Resting Heart Rate

    Since January my heart rate has been fluctuating! Early January it was 125-130 with no other symptoms. I was prescribed 400 mg Amiodarone. It went down to the 80s mid March. But due to its side effects, cardio asked me to drop Amiodarone from 400mg to 200 mg. After ten days, my pulse went up...
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    Recalled Phillips Respironics CPAPs

    Just wandering what you’re using/doing if any of you owns one of the recalled machines! Mine is among the recalled ones, yet my sleep doctor wants me to continue using it despite the fact that I always have been waking up with a headache and waking up grasping for air during the night! He...
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    Seeking advice re changes in my heart and energy

    My energy level has been dropping these last two years more than before. I related this to the “unspecific A-Flutter“ in March 2019, the fall over 18-steep wooden steps end December 2019, A-Fib In March 2020 which required cardio version, some tension, etc.! I’m able to run some errands, do...
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    Testing INR with non-matching chip code using Coagucheck XS

    I have 48 test strips (chip code 403) but do not have the matching chip code. It was inside my machine which I returned to Roche when it broke. (Roche could not return the chip to me). Yesterday I used last strip with 418 chip code. INR was 2.7. After that, I kept the 418 chip inside the...
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    Everything about Warfarin, vit. K, drug interactions, etc.
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    Coagucheck XS Test Strips Chip Code

    Greetings hoping you all are safe and healthy always. Any ideas where I can find/buy a CHIP CODE 403 from. I could not find any help on internet. I’m trying Roche, to whom I returned my broken machine to and may hv kept the chip inside it 2 months ago, but no answer yet. If by any chance...
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    What do you think about my GP’s recommendation re Warfarin dosage! Please advise. Thanks.

    While waiting for a replacement for my broken Coagucheck machine from Roche, I am testing my INR at my GP’s office: Two weeks ago, I was on 6 mg Warfarin when I tested. INR Result was 4.2. (Using latest Coagucheck machine) Doctor recommended I take 5 mg instead of 6 mg. Today, INR was 2...
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    A new leak!

    In September 2008 I had my Aortic and Mitral valves replaced with St. Jude mechanical valves. In June 2017, my cardio was happy with the echo results! In April 2018, my echo revealed a mild Tricuspid leak! Since my surgery the leak had been trivial! My GP told me (maybe to put my mind at...
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    If you live in Kentucky, beware of Saint John London’s hospital.

    Just watched a new series on TV called “Whistleblower” which exposed several cardiologists at that hospital doing expensive unnecessary procedure to over 150 patients! If if you’re interested, it’s on KCBS 002 channel, Aired 8/3/18 and maybe repeated another day. Im surprised that these...
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    Flowerless oatmeal Banana Pancake with peanut Butter.

    Pancake Flourless peanut butter Flourless oatmeal Banana Pancake with peanut Butter. Recipe from 'Tasty' on Facebook. I tried it and loved it! I didn't add the chocolate as hubby is diabetic. INGREDIENTS 2 ripe bananas...1.5 big ones 3 eggs....3 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter...4 or 1/4...
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    Warfarin and supplements

    I came across this article when I started taking vitamin 'E'. My INR went up to 5.? Range! Just wanted to let you know how this affected me though the article says that it's safe to take! if you're like me, watch out. If you take it and your INR is not affected, I like to read your views...
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    Diamond plated mechanical heart valves...latest with less or no anti-coagulant

    Hello, I apologize I have not been here in a long time, yet the moment I heard about this I came to share the info. My girlfriend's mother (73 years) who lives in Hungary had her valve replaced with a 'diamond plated mechanical valve'. I never heard of this before. I was curious. So, I...