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  1. d333gs

    Third Anniversary!

    Three years ago today :AVR with an Edwarads Inspiris. I am feeling great ! And getting in lots of exercise! But I recently had a stress test that included measuring my LV ejection fraction, with results I did not like. My ejection fraction under stress(80% exercise bike effort) was less than...
  2. d333gs

    My second cardio visit since my AVR

    Valve is perfect but my heart seems thick: She said it could be from lots of things but thinks it is my weight lifting. I lift weights about 3 times a week but moderately . On the other hand I push very hard on my bike = strenuous exercise. I bike or hard walk between an 1.5 hours and two hours...
  3. d333gs

    How are your BNP levels ?

    Healthy individuals are supposed to be 125 or under. I tested 147 today . I am 70 years old. 450 indicates heart failure. Nevertheless, I don't like 147 I see my cardio end of month . INFO;
  4. d333gs

    I certainly dis nor look or feel this good one week after surgery

    This is hard to believe:
  5. d333gs

    Blood pressure home testing

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to share this ongoing BP home testing experment. The past couple of visits to my doctors found my blood pressure up 140/70. Both doctors said it was likely stress and they are probably right to an extent , the past year has been very stressful . So I bought a Omron BP...
  6. d333gs

    First Post Surgery Check Up

    All is good after my ARV on February 4 2002 19 months ago. Good to have confirmation; I am always suspicious of any little thing!
  7. d333gs

    One Year Anniversary ! Feb 4 2022 Feb 4 2023

    Me and scars one year later, youtube link
  8. d333gs

    Blood sugar levels , stress hormones , over exercise; Heads Up

    I wobble between pre-diabetic and diabetes 2. As a result, I often monitor my blood sugar levels. Up to the last couple of weeks my blood sugar levels were down around 8 after my intense bike rides. As the temperatures have been rising here my post-ride glucose levels also started to rise...
  9. d333gs

    How long does it take the heart to adjust to a new bovine aortic valve?

    I have read a lot about the sternum healing process but not much about the heart healing process; Apparently, my aortic valve is the size of my little finger and I will be getting a new one about the size of my big toe. In videos I have watched, the doctors say the heart responds immediately...
  10. d333gs

    aortic stenosis and heart beats per minute.

    I was wondering if there was any correlation between maximum BPM and the degree of stenosis? Does stenosis restrict BPM? The logic being, during exercise, a large valve opening would allow more BPM than a restrictive valve would. Does anyone know? Thanks. John PS I have been in the waiting room...
  11. d333gs

    Aortic valve Regurgitation, mm Hg numbers

    Hi everyone, I guess you would say I am new to the waiting room: I am 63, I have Aortic valve Regurgitation, think I was born with it .I went to see a cardio as part of a general check up , and got a 37 mmHg number.Cardio said when it hits 40 mmGh it is time for OHS. I have been very active in...