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    AI to find potential TAVR patients
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    BNP: An insightful biomarker

    BNP is a test which requires a simple blood draw yet can shed valuable insights about the valve deterioration (based on inference from the resultant pressure inside the heart). This test is generally done to rule out heart failure and is NOT a standard practice for valve patients, but some...
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    12 week update: Work in process

    Background: 55 yr old male. Always led active and healthy lifestyle, athletic, competitive sports (previously), recreational long-distance runner. First referred to AVR some 22 years ago (2002) when I was 33, but that’s a separate topic for another day :) Valve anatomy changed overtime -...
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    2 week post-op: Hemoglobin, hematocrit, RBC remain depressed

    I had never had any issue with Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and RBC before surgery in my the entire life. Normal range all along. Even 5 days before surgery these numbers were normal. But they remain very depressed since surgery. Anyone else experienced this post op? I got mechanical (On-X) valve 2...
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    July 23rd: My Olympics start sooner :-)

    My opening ceremony happens on July 23rd, and I hope to be in some senses by Olympics opening ceremony (July 26th) :) My event is Bentall - a multi-sport (Aortic root, ascending aorta, mechanical On-X aortic valve). I can't thank this community enough which has provided tremendous support and...
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    Henrik Lundquist (NHL star goalkeeper) story; Aortic valve, root and ascending aorta surgery

    NY Rangers star goaltender Henrik Lundquist got Bentall procedure (it seems) a couple of years ago. His story is NOW on Netflix under "Open Heart". Great story to relate to - for emotions, motivation and preparedness - before and after the surgery. Here's an article as well...
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    Ideal BP for surgery?

    Is there an ideal BP heading into (4-6 weeks out) AVR? I'll be getting aortic root + ascending aorta + aortic valve (Bentall procedure). My BP varies from 115/60 to 125-130/65-70 depending on the time of the day it's taken wrt the timing of BP meds. I'm on regular BP med and dosage. No beta...
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    Tissue valve longevity: Can it last longer under certain lifestyle conditions?

    Is there any data or information to suggest that tissue valve may last longer under certain lifestyle conditions? For example, if someone lives a very clean (e.g. eating) and active lifestyle, can they expect it to last longer? For sure, they are many many other variables, but wondering if...
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    Best mechanical valve?

    I'm 54 who's having AVR with root replacement (Bentall procedure) this summer. As the title suggests, I'm leaning on mechanical (although I'm open to suggestions and convincing otherwise:-)). For example, my cardiologist was preferring tissue with future TAVR(s) since he thinks risks of...
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    Best surgeons in Bay Area (Stanford, UCSF, other)

    I'm 54 BAV with severe stenosis, starting to shop for surgeon in the bay area, preferably Stanford. I would need an AVR and also aorta (root and ascending) replacement (Bentall procedure), so hopefully this surgeon would specialize in the latter as well. Any recommendations welcome. PS: Not...
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    Aortic arch and descending aorta - surgical criteria?

    1) What's the surgical criteria for aortic arch and descending aorta? - 5.5cm as per newer 2014 guidelines (and 5.0 prior) seems to be the criteria for aortic root and ascending aorta, but it's not clear what arch and descending surgical thresholds are. 2) More importantly, what were your...
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    BAV, Aneurysms and Dissections - First large population study at Mayo

    Link: Among BAV population, aneurysms very common, dissections not so... Some excerpts from the paper, a population study(416 BAV patients): To our knowledge, this study reports for the first time the BAV incidence of aortic dissection...
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    Losartan and dissection - Helpful or hurtful?

    I have come across so many threads on this site regarding the benefits of Losartan to avoid/manage aneurysms/dissections. Some of you have personally benefitted from it already while other are taking it as a precaution. There are even clinical trial undergoing to demonstrate this efficacy. But...