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  1. Gail in Ca

    Clinical trial

    Here’s my latest update. The NP called me after the interventional cardiologist got all my records from Stanford. He now recommends that I join an Encircle clinical trial. I’ve read about it since that call and I’m pretty sure I’m not doing a clinical trial that’s just starting. However, I did...
  2. Gail in Ca

    Revisiting TMVR after 2nd opinion

    This is my update. I got an appointment with another heart surgeon. The visit went well and gave me some answers to questions on what to do next. This surgeon was also recommended by my cardiologist and GP. He spoke about a possible 4th surgery to get a mechanical mitral valve. BUT, he said 4th...
  3. Gail in Ca

    4th procedure

    I saw the surgeon on Tuesday. I didn’t need any of the questions I had planned to ask him. He had looked at my TEE, and said if he was me he would go with the TMVR. He’s done thousands of surgeries and felt my case was very high risk for problems like stroke. Also, going through the ribs...
  4. Gail in Ca

    Fourth surgery anyone?

    I spoke w my cardiologist and I will need another procedure to replace my severely leaking mitral valve. He said it’s better to do it sooner than later. When I told him that the interventional cardiologist’s nurse said the TMVR valve lasted 5-7 years and they have patients at 10 years, he was...
  5. Gail in Ca


    I saw my brother-in-law on Saturday. He is now outfitted with a LVAD. His heart was in very bad shape. He had OHS to have this pump installed. He lives in So Carolina. He’s decided to go for a heart transplant but they have to run tests to determine if he’s a candidate. He’s only early 60’s...
  6. Gail in Ca

    TEE procedure on Tues

    I tested my blood today as per the interventional cardiologist’s office to do it 48 hours before the TEE. Well, here it is Sunday and my INR is 2.0. They wanted it no higher than 3.5. Thought I’d get opinions here on whether I should take extra warfarin tonight to at least get it into range...
  7. Gail in Ca

    Spider bite

    I was bitten by a spider 2 days after Thanksgiving on my cheek while sleeping. I didn’t see the spider or find any webs. It was looking bad and my eye and cheek area was hurting, so I went to urgent care the next day. The MD prescribed an antibiotic ointment. I was already on augmentin for...
  8. Gail in Ca


    It’s my Birthday today. I’ve now had an artificial aortic valve longer than I had my native valve! Thank you Doctors who have kept me going!!
  9. Gail in Ca

    Blood shearing

    My mechanical valve is shearing my blood cells. My blood numbers have been going down since 2018. My newest cardiologist thought my valve is probably the culprit. I started seeing a new GP and asked her to check my blood. Everything was off, so she sent me to a hematologist. More blood tests...
  10. Gail in Ca

    COVID in house

    My daughter came home last night after a visit with friends in Las Vegas, Raider game and then Palm Springs. She drove home last night and early this am had 103 fever, so she did 2 COVID tests, both positive. She is immune compromised with many issues and I’m high risk from 3 ohs, a fib, leaky...
  11. Gail in Ca

    Mitral repair

    Is there anyone here that has had mitral repair with anulplasty ring? Mine began failing after 10 years, it is now leaking mod to severe. It was severe but my cardiologist upped the dose of lasix and losartan and echo shows mod to severe. I’ve now switched to another cardiologist and he agrees...
  12. Gail in Ca

    Long time, no posting

    Hi All, I realized by looking at my posts that i haven't been on the site for years. I had posted April 11,2014, and then my world changed. My husband told me the next morning, on April 12th, that he was leaving me, and he said I had changed since my last open heart surgery! He gave more...
  13. Gail in Ca

    Cost vs Effectiveness

    I am in A-fib and have recently talked to the arrhythmia cardio about my options. He would recommend another cardioversion because he feels that I got almost 2 yrs a-fib free after my 1st cardioversion in '12. I spent some time online researching af and found that it almost always returns...
  14. Gail in Ca


    I found my paperwork on my surgery 5 years ago.(Feb.20) Thought I would pass on some info about the surgery. (new aortic valve inside graft, mitral repair, heavy scarring) Bypass time:332 minutes Clamp time:259 minutes Lowest temp achieved:27.2C. Total heparin dose:55,000units Kind of amazing we...
  15. Gail in Ca

    Back in A-Fib

    Yes, that's right, my heart is beating kinda crazily at times. I did find out something I didn't know before about A-fib. I mentioned to the cardiologist that I had a bad cold and when it was getting better finally, I noticed my heart beating more irregular. He said a bad cold could bring it on...
  16. Gail in Ca

    scar treatment

    For those that followed my ordeal with melanoma removal and subsequent long recovery, I thought I'd let you know what my dermatologist recommended I put on my scar from 26 stitches. She said her favorite was vaseline, but 2nd favorite was coconut oil, and it may become her new favorite. So, I...
  17. Gail in Ca

    Valve in Valve surgery higher endocarditis?

    Had anyone read anything about the catheter method of placing a valve inside one's own deteriorating valve, or inside an already replaced tissue valve creating more stuff in there for bacteria to attach to? I was wondering about this, since my surgeon was pleased to do the valve inside a graft...
  18. Gail in Ca

    Leg okay now

    Well, my incision has decided to heal. I ended the 4th go round with antibiotics last Sunday. I will need to take bleach baths twice a week for 2 more months! I have just started walking my dog again, starting a short distance and will increase daily. It feels good, and I have a red scar. I...
  19. Gail in Ca

    Just try to keep INR around 2, I dare you!

    Well, I finally talked my dermatologist into leaving the unna boot off my leg. However, she took another culture from the still open 1/2" wound right in the middle of the incision. Because it's still open, I will just have to place a duoderm patch on it and then use a compression stocking on my...
  20. Gail in Ca

    Another Update!

    Well, it's been 5 1/2 weeks since my melanoma was removed. The unna boot was removed Monday after a week again, and it does look like it's closing up at both ends. The middle, where the actual melanoma was, is still a small opening and there are 2 small holes near it. They were oozing a bit...