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  1. marc_kowal

    13 years and counting

    13 years ago, I was being wheeled into the O.R .for my aortic valve replacement/ bentall procedure surgery. As I was kissing my wife goodbye, I gave her my wedding ring and told her I was coming back for this. Needless to say, a couple hours later that ring was back on my finger. There are...
  2. marc_kowal

    12 years and counting

    12 years ago I had my AVR surgery and aside from a few little bumps here and there, life has been great! if it wasn’t for that surgery, I wouldn’t be here watching my boys growing up or celebrating my 22nd wedding anniversary with my wife, who is my rock. Hope everyone is doing well, I’m...
  3. marc_kowal

    Lovenox for bridging with a Mechanical Valve

    Greetings all, Next month I need to have an outpatient procedure done and when my Gastro received the cardiac clearance from my cardiologist, the instructions were to stop my warfarin 3 days prior to the procedure, no bridging mentioned. I sent my cardio a message asking about that and that...
  4. marc_kowal

    10 years!

    It’s been a while since I’ve been on the boards, but I figured I would post since this past Saturday was my 10 year anniversary. I can happily say that there have been more ups than downs since my surgery. I guess Joe Walsh sang it best, “Life‘s been good to me so far!”
  5. marc_kowal

    Schatzki ring treatment

    I was wondering if anyone ever had Schatzki Ring treatment while on warfarin and if they had any issues with their procedure. Schatzki Ring is basically a narrowing of the esophagus before the stomach. This sometimes causes food to become “stuck “until it passes it through this narrow section...
  6. marc_kowal

    Small magnets and mechanical valves

    Hi Everyone! With my new job, I have a name tag that I wear when meeting new clients or hosting open houses. Instead of a clip-on or pin type name tag, this one is a two piece (one part is the magnet and the other is the name tag). It doesn't seem like the company offers any non-magnet name...
  7. marc_kowal

    I'm baaack!

    Hey guys and gals! Just wanted to let everyone know I'm still alive and ticking. Things have been pretty busy since we relocated to North Carolina this past spring! The weather is sooo much better than the North East. My wife and kids also love it down here, it was definitely a good choice...
  8. marc_kowal

    5 years

    5 years ago today I became cyborg. Looking forward to many, many more years to come.
  9. marc_kowal

    Question for the guys

    Ok, so here's something that's a little embarrassing, but I wanted to know if any of the gents have had any situations like this. As you know, I was bridging with Lovenox since I needed a colonoscopy. On my last day of my Lovenox, I noticed blood in my semen (yikes)! I quickly looked up...
  10. marc_kowal

    Induction oven and mechanical valve

    This may be a stupid question, but do us mechanical valvers have to worry about being around induction ovens since they basically use magnets to cook? We were looking at maybe getting one, but wasn't sure if this could be a problem for me. ~Marc
  11. marc_kowal

    Giving myself my first Lovenox injection.

    So today was the first day of me bridging for a procedure on Tuesday. So I figured since others may find this helpful, I would write about it. First things first, wash the hands. You need to give your self a shot in the stomach, about 2 inches from your belly button. You swab the area with...
  12. marc_kowal

    Cardiologist in North Carolina

    So there's a good possibility my wife and I will be relocating to the Cary / Raleigh, NC area. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience or recommendations for cardiologists in that area. Thanks! ~Marc
  13. marc_kowal

    Bridging for the first time.

    Sooo on the 26th of this month, I'm having my first colonoscopy performed (yah for me!), and will be bridging for the first time. I received my instructions from my cardiologists office yesterday, and wanted some input from people who have done this before. Just wanted to know if this was...
  14. marc_kowal

    Fiber anyone?

    Ok, so since I've had one bout of diverticulitus, my GI doctor wants me to stay on a high fiber diet. Does anyone have any information if suppliments like Benefiber or Fiber Choice tablets interact with warfarin? I've tried to search on the web and the boards, but didn't see anything. Oh...
  15. marc_kowal

    Dosing thoughts?

    Ok, some I'm on Augmentin for the next 9 days ( I started it on 4/6 ) until this diverticulitis clears up, and I let my cardiologist know (they technically monitor my INR). I usually take 4.5 mgs everyday except Sunday is 6 mgs. My INR have been the following: 4/3- 2.0 home test 4/4-...
  16. marc_kowal

    Diverticulitis and Coumadin.

    So I've been in the hospital since Sunday with my first bout of diverticulitis and everything was going smoothly until we noticed some blood in my b.m. For most people, no big deal since bleeding can be a common side-effect, not so with someone on warfarin. Doctor is a little stumped on how...
  17. marc_kowal

    Pro Biotics and warfarin

    Does anyone know if there are any issues with taking warfarin and Pro Biotics at the same time? I've been having some stomach issues the last few days, and my wife suggested taking some of her pro Biotics. They are a good brand and have to stay refrigerated. I looked on line and didn't see...
  18. marc_kowal

    MRI question

    So my wife is having an MRI to figure out what's wrong with her knee and it got me thinking what would I have to have done since I have a mechanical valve. CAT scan? are there MRIs that are safe for us mechanical valves? If anyone's been in that situation before, I would love to hear your...
  19. marc_kowal

    3 years

    3 years ago today I had my valve job done. Here's to another 50 more hopefully. Salute!
  20. marc_kowal

    Low INR

    So apparently the combination of being on Levaquin and drinking a lot of water has caused my INR to drop a lot. On Wednesday my INR was 3.2 and then it was 2.1, 1.9 and today it was 2.0. My cardiologist initially was trying to get me at the low end of my range of 2.5 to help deal with some...