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  1. L

    Bentall Procedure

    Does this mean they have to graft skin from your leg? This really depresses me.
  2. L

    Bentall Procedure

    Well the cardiologist said it might happen tomorrow, but he'd let the surgeon make the decision. I want the mechancial because I don't ever want to do this again....a tissue would put me having to do this again since they don't last long.
  3. L

    Barbara Bush - Houston surgery today.

    With the Houston facilities being so top notch and having some of the most incredible doctors in the world, having the international clients that they have, it is very routine to them. My surgeon is world renowned and one of the women in his office told me this is as normal to him as getting up...
  4. L

    Bentall Procedure

    Anyone had the Bentall Procedure done? I'd love info. on it. I might possibly have to have it.....something with the root of the aortic valve.
  5. L

    Did my cath this's over cath is finished and was a breeze. I was treated like a queen. I never felt a thing and it was over with before I even know it. My cardiologist is hilarious. The entire procedure he was jamming to Bruce Springsteen. I have no blockages. They might have to do what's called the...
  6. L

    Need some quick opinions before a procedure

    Oh Mary, God love his little soul. I would be finding the person that gave that advice and giving them a piece of my mind. Oooooh the mommy and grandmommy is coming out in me. I kept telling my docs that my son had something wrong with his brain, but they told me I was an overprotective mommy...
  7. L

    Alternatives to Morphine

    I have trouble with percodan and percocet. Oh it makes me sick to my stomach. I sure hope this isn't one they use.
  8. L

    Questions about an echo

    Thanks Scott. I am trying to put my energy on all the good things now that it is Sunday night and I'm not far from surgery. I just walked my handicapped son to bed and thought to myself how I can't wait to have some energy. It just fatigues me to walk him and changing his diaper.
  9. L

    Surgery is coming- know any good surgeons in the Atlanta, GA region?

    Oh wow....I can't imagine having to wait 6 mos. to a year. Can you imagine the basket case you'd be dealing with Ross???? I'm packed and my bags are at the door. I'm ready to get it done. I'm having a big glass of water before midnight so I can get this cath done tomorrow and then Tuesday is...
  10. L

    What have you done differently after heart surgery?

    I ran track in high school and was in drill team and dance as well. I am so glad this valve never gave me issues when I was in my younger years. I would love to run again...maybe I'll do that one day. It's so hot and humid in Houston though.
  11. L

    Can you hear the valve???

    Oh CT guy, I don't want to gain any weight back that I lose. That's the only thing I'm looking forward to.....hehe. When does one not feel winded and not sweat? Does that eventually go away. The windedness is what gets me now and I sure am ready for that to be a past time.
  12. L

    lilteach3234's surgery is Tuesday, March 10

    All of you have been wonderful. I am so glad it's Sunday night. I've got most of my bag packed. I just ate a healthy Subway sandwich for my last meal until after the catherization tomorrow. I've been trying to give up Coca Cola but even indulged in one of those. My cath is at 7 in the morning...
  13. L

    lilteach3234's surgery is Tuesday, March 10

    I know everyone. I am a worrier. I come from that kind of family. I do have lots of great qualities though.....hehe. I have about driven my dear hubby crazy this weekend. He left here about 5 and said he had some things to do at work. I think he just wanted to get away from me.
  14. L

    Vision problems post op?

    Why don't they tell you the possibilities of things before this crazy surgery? My doctor has told me nothing. I felt pretty calm after walking out of the office but the more I read the worse it gets. What the heck am I doing to myself in two days? Sorry Ross, I said I wouldn't worry, but I lied.
  15. L

    Can you hear the valve???

    I promise I'll be good more worrying.
  16. L

    Can you hear the valve???

    Oh lordy, These are the posts that scare me, because one minute you can be feeling good and then two weeks later everything can change. I hope I am not a basket case after the surgery waiting for something to be wrong. I hope your dad gets better and his doctor gets him back on track.
  17. L

    lilteach3234's surgery is Tuesday, March 10

    Thanks everyone. I love all the well wishes. I am just kind of sitting here today watching the hours tick by. Hey, at least I am one up with springing forward....hehe.
  18. L

    Need info AVR

    I feel really stupid here, but I just told my doctor to do what's best for me and I know things might change when I'm in surgery. I know I have to have a mechanical, but I am letting my surgeon make the choice. Being at St. Luke's and having one of the best surgeons in the world is what I'm...
  19. L

    What have you done differently after heart surgery?

    If I was in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I'd be outside all the time. Aren't grandchildren fun? We have our first and grandpa and I have gone goo goo. Mom and baby live with us so I get her all the time. Matter of fact, she is laying by me right now kicking her feet and arms, cooing and...
  20. L

    Susiesknight's AVR is Wed., March 11

    I'll be a day ahead of ya....we can recover together. Good Luck and God Bless.