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  1. Rich

    I need to make a choice soon

    Good to hear you came to a decision, it's never easy. My St. Jude is over twelve years old and still going strong. I don't think there is a wrong choice, just getting a new valve can make a huge difference in your life no matter what kind it is. Rich
  2. Rich

    The Great ER Visit(s) Of Ross

    Ross, I just can't beleive what an ordeal you went thru again. Glad to hear you are back home and hopefully on the mend. Stories like this bring back bad memories of what happened to my wife in '02. I hope it's not because you two are from the same hometown.:eek: In the meantime I will volunteer...
  3. Rich

    "Blood thinner" origin??

    I think you can find a lot of the history and myths as well on Al's website. I heard once that this started in the fiftie's when President Eisenhower was put on it, and the media created this myth. It doesn't bother me to hear that from someone on the street who has no clue, but when a doctor...
  4. Rich

    In a Teaching Hospital....... Surgical Residents

    Seems there are a lot of pros and cons about this subject. My hospital is a teaching hospital as well. I had no problems at all, but for my poor wife it was a whole different story. Right after her catherization her leg started going numb. It turns out the collagen plug was forced into the...
  5. Rich

    Sex hijack thread

    Well this is dangerous ground but here goes. I do believe this thread is about valve replacement because after my surgery that big increase in blood flow............well you know!! I don't know about implants but as far as 'lifts' go, I thought that was part of my wedding vows............I...
  6. Rich

    I have pneumonia.

    Ann, Happy to hear you are getting treated. Here is wishing you a speedy recovery. Rich
  7. Rich

    Needin to get handicap rails installed!

    After thinking about this I would suggest looking into a local place that supplies things like crutches, wheelchairs and other medical equipment needed by those having a tough time getting around. They may be able to help and maybe Medicare would pay for it. Rich
  8. Rich

    Favorite Oktoberfest Beer??

    After living in Bavaria for a while I had no favorite because it was all great!! The one nightspot I remember had 77 brands of GERMAN beer available. Try to pick from that. And does everyone know Octoberfest is celebrated over there in September. Rich
  9. Rich

    I have pneumonia.

    Ann, Iv'e been gone for a few days and didn't want to hear news like this. Iv'e had it twice in my life and know it's not fun. Please get well soon, I know it won't be overnight. Have you had the pneumonia shot that Medicare allows? Rich
  10. Rich

    Hello All

    Ross, Welcome home. You should be able to do something? I think you have done plenty for so many of us. So it was our turn, just wish we could have done more. Take it slow, rest and get well. Rich
  11. Rich

    Needin to get handicap rails installed!

    You might even look for someone who remodels bathrooms. As Bina said it is not a big deal, but I am assuming these rails may be located around a bathtub or shower, which may involve mounting (and drilling thru) ceramic tile. If I was a lot closer I would do it for you. Rich
  12. Rich

    Ross is Home!

    That's great news. Ross, hang in there and get plenty of rest. Hopefully things will just get better from here. Rich
  13. Rich

    Current state of the economy

    What I would like to see is a government by the people, for the people. Wouldn't that be unique? I would also like to see the majority rule, and dump the years out of date electoral college.
  14. Rich

    Full Dental Extractions Fully Anticoagulated?

    I sure will be thinking about you tommorow. The very best of luck to you. Rich
  15. Rich

    Current state of the economy

    Thanks Sue, We do understand all that, I was just kidding about maybe putting it under our mattress. Rich
  16. Rich

    Current state of the economy

    They say we may be heading for a recession? What the hell do they call this situation we have been in for the last several years? If things keep going south it will be a depression, no doubt in my mind. I don't think pulling our money out of 401's or IRA's is good either. Think of the taxes we...
  17. Rich

    age related risk for valve replacement

    This is certainly a tough one for both your husband and yourself as well. Both of you will be in our thoughts and prayers. At my hospital here in Michigan the chief of cardiology did the first successful valve replacement via the catheter in this country. I have had the pleasure of meeting this...
  18. Rich

    Second opinion

    When I discovered my valve problem I was not the least bit happy with the cardio at that time. A good friend of mine strongly recommended another Cardio at a different hospital. It was the best thing I could have done. You have to have some comfort level with your doctor or say good bye. Deek...
  19. Rich

    How much is Ross' teeth and surgery going to cost?

    Ross, No doubt this is scaring the hell out of you, but hopefully all will go well and you can put it behind you once and for all. I'm really sorry our plans changed and we didn't get down there, just been really crazy around here. The best to you, Rich
  20. Rich

    Arrhythmia and Acid Reflux

    Karlynn, This reminds me of my problems earlier this year. Severe gas and bloating which caused my heart to skip 24/7. It was long term use of Nexium which caused this even the doctors were not sure. Once I stopped it all symptoms went away, but it did take about two and a half months. I lost...