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  1. olefin

    Home Monitor Questions

    Use all my fingers, rotate each week. When I used the Autolet, set it on 5. For the last 6 months been using Unistik 2 Extra, no adjustment on that device. Real handy little thing. After sticking, hold my arm down all the way for a few moments and usually have a nice drop of blood.
  2. olefin

    After 35-years, I'm still here!!!

    Norma Jean, that is outstanding! Congratulations to you and glad to hear everything is still doing good. Now you can really celebrate on your upcoming cruise!
  3. olefin

    Air Force Veteran Glad to Be Home & Lucky to be Alive Again

    Aloha, Major and welcome to the forum! I'm also an Air Force veteran, (only 4 years). We've been to Maui twice, it's a beautiful country. I'll never forget "The Road to Hana". Agree you've had more than your share. Here's wishing you the very best.
  4. olefin

    Most doctors know very little about Coumadin doseage.

    Hospital labs can also give different readings on high INR. Once mine tested 6.2, my cardio was 600 miles in another city. He said try another hospital lab, they tested 4.4... was less than an hour difference. He made no change on dosage, week later lab 1 tested 5.0, he then reduced dosage...
  5. olefin

    ats vs on-x

    I agree. I think my St. Jude will outlast me. :D
  6. olefin

    Using Q10

    Copied: I've taken amoxicillin many times but only a 2000mg dose when going to the dentist. I've never noticed any difference in INR. Taking it for more than one day might effect INR. I routinely see changes of .5 in INR without doing a thing. I just ignore them unless it keeps going in one...
  7. olefin

    Using Q10

    I always like Ross's answers. :D
  8. olefin

    Extreme home makeover tonight on tv. 8:00 EST

    It was a very good show. Not sure if we saw your son. We recorded it and watched later.
  9. olefin

    Extreme home makeover tonight on tv. 8:00 EST

    Thanks neat Betty. I don't normally watch the program but I'll set the DVR in case your son is in it.
  10. olefin

    Oral Surgeon

    annamdg, I failed to post that I never asked my cardiologist... I was feeling he might tell me stop warfarin and switch to Lovenox. But the next time I see him I'm going to see how he feels about dental surgery. I'll take a copy of "Myths of Dental Surgery", just in case. I later asked my family...
  11. olefin

    Oral Surgeon

    I had an old root canal go bad, the Endodontics had to cut the cracked root off below gum in the bone. It took 3 stitches to close the hole. He first said I'd have to stop warfarin for 5 days. Told him I couldn't do that... then he surprised me and said OK. I lowered my INR down to 2.2 for the...
  12. olefin

    effect of vomiting, diarrhea, and not eating much for a couple of days on INR

    Diarrhea can cause INR increase. I found this out week before last on a cruise ship. I'd had diarrhea for couple days, I tested and had 6.1 INR. The ships doctor said it wouldn't effect INR, I didn't believe him. Went online and found it could raise INR. I stopped warfarin for 2 days and...
  13. olefin

    anyone have to get their INR checked in a lab every 3 months?

    Yes, I think it's weird. Some cardiologist do not trust the monitors or don't want to give up the income. My last cardio said his office had a monitor but never used it. After he approved my home testing he still required me to come in once a month for lab test, the same as before. But the...
  14. olefin

    Working overtime may harm the heart

    Good one Ross! ;)
  15. olefin

    5 years today...

    That's great! Here's to many more.
  16. olefin

    Working overtime may harm the heart

    Fully agree with you! I had Aortic Stenosis for 10 years before replacement, worked a high stress job and if the plant went down, worked till it was online. And like you, I wasn't overweight, didn't smoke or drink. Also jogged 3 miles everyday. I retired, year later had a bleeding ulcer... the...
  17. olefin

    Probiotics and heart valves

    Thanks, I'd never heard of probiotics, so I read up on it and got a little education. Rings a bell.... I had major complications from AVR and was on antibiotics for almost 3 weeks. During that time I got acute diarrhea from taking all the antibiotics. Still had diarrhea when I went home. A...
  18. olefin

    helping out your fellow citizen

    Debbie, You seem like a very organized person. With your planning and what help you have, you should do well. I was fortunate to have a good wife to take care of me and she's still doing it. Wish you the very best.
  19. olefin

    Barbara Walters having heart valve surgery

    Not true! I can honestly say I had no fear of AVR. I had know it was coming for 10 years. Surgery date was set a month ahead so I could save some of my own blood. My wife was nervous enough to make up for me. After surgery it was a totally different story. After I finally got home I told my...
  20. olefin

    bleeding in my abdominal muscles

    Rectus Sheath Hematoma. A few copies from above. Rectus sheath hematoma is an ancient disorder first being accurately described by Hippocrates and mentioned by Galen. The first reported case in the United States was by Richardson in 1857. Rectus sheath hematoma is an uncommon, but not rare...