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  1. olefin

    Which doctor to believe

    My first cardio said 2.5 to 3.5. He said not to worry if it was 2.5 to 4.5. I had TIA's for 6 months after AVR. Over the years I've had some new docs want it at 2.0 to 3.5, I refused! 2.0 gives protection but with the way my INR changes I feel better with some room for swings. It's worked for me.
  2. olefin

    Warfarin Necrosis???

    Ross, my back is covered with dark ugly spots the size off dimes, must be from taking that nasty warfarin for 19+ years.
  3. olefin

    Cataract Surgery while Anti-Coagulated ?

    I had a retina tear that required emergency (within 2 hours) laser surgery. No problem from being on warfarin. Same would go for cataract surgery.
  4. olefin

    Warfarin and Tylenol

    I've taken Tylenol for fever and cardiologist oked for pain if needed. Suppose I'm very fortunate, I don't need anything for pain. Quit smoking about 45 years ago, up till then I had to take aspirin for headaches... after stop smoking no more headaches. Now days it's a 81 MG aspirin daily but...
  5. olefin

    What A Stable INR Looks Like

    I've tested my wife one time when I didn't believe my monitor... her INR was 1.1, she is not on warfarin.
  6. olefin

    Hawaii here we come!

    Glenda, You will love Hawaii! :thumbup: We been twice, first time was in 05 cruised all the islands and last time in 07 rented an ocean front home for 10 days in Maui. The only thing we didn't like was the 8 hour flights from Dallas. We don't mind flying but 8 hours gets long. We also went...
  7. olefin

    What A Stable INR Looks Like

    You got it Dick, one of the nurses call me worse than that. :biggrin2: Bill, my first cardiologist wanted me to test monthly unless I was out of control and then he required test in 3 days or a week until in control. But after 7 years I moved to another state and my new cardio wanted to go to 2...
  8. olefin

    What A Stable INR Looks Like

    Dick, I have DuPont record books with all my results and dosage starting with the first dose in the hospital. The first readings were in protime and in Feb 94 started recording INR. I started tweaking dosages in 1997 when I got a new cardiologist. After 97, doctors nurses would irritate me...
  9. olefin

    What A Stable INR Looks Like

    Looking good Ross. Here's mine for last 10 weeks, control 2.5 to 3.5. with 41 to 42 mg a week. 2.7 2.3 3.5 3.1 2.4 3.4 3.5 3.1 2.5 2.9 The last time I got high (6.1) was from having diarrhea on the ship in May.
  10. olefin

    Heat and the Heart

    Heat and humidity is the reason I get my daily 3 mile walk and weekly yard work completed early before the sun gets high. It's usually 80 here at 6 AM with Dew Point of about 70 °F.
  11. olefin


    Blake, I had a apicoectomy surgery (cut off the tooth's root tip) back in January. An old root canal had gone bad. The endodontis said I'd have to stop warfarin for 5 days before. I said no, I would lower INR to 2.5 but couldn't stop warfarin. He then said, ok. I never checked with my...
  12. olefin

    This is funny

    Good one Ross! I'm also no cell phone lover. Wife has one she uses when we travel. I use a real camera for photo taking. Only thing worse than someone trying to drive while using a cell phone is someone trying to drive and text!
  13. olefin

    23 yr anniversary dual heart valve replacement

    Congratulations on your 23rd. And welcome to the forum! :)
  14. olefin

    Tissue vs. Mechanical - terrified and confused

    I noticed a slight click soon after AVR but mainly was concerned because no one had told me it would click. After I found out it was normal it was no big deal. I seldom ever hear it now. I can't imagine anyone making a decision not to use a valve that may last a lifetime because it might have a...
  15. olefin

    Stress Echo

    Never had a stress echo but have had a couple Cardiolite stress test. Once so the cardiologist could pay for his new equipment and once when I had gas that felt like chest pressure.
  16. olefin

    Captain Phil

    Joy, Wife and I are a big fan of the show. We always DVR to skip commercials but we do that with everything that has commercials.
  17. olefin

    who monitors your INR

    I monitor and adjust my INR once a week. Call in the results to the company that provides the monitor and supplies, they notify my cardiologist office. I never hear from his office unless I'm out of control range. While back on a cruise my INR got high, I was reporting weekly by email. When we...
  18. olefin

    Tissue vs. Mechanical - terrified and confused

    My mechanical valve is not near the age of Dick's, mine is only 19+ years. The surgeon recommended mechanical, he didn't especially like it with me having a history of bleeding ulcer. But he said he couldn't recommend a pig valve due to my age of 56. It made sense to me for I didn't want but...
  19. olefin

    4th of July Plans?

    Wish you could have Ross. The boats alone is a view to see, that area of our lake is solid blanket of red, green and white lights. Didn't seem to be as many boats as in the past. One year it was estimated to be near 5,000 boats. And after the fireworks most all the boaters returned home at...
  20. olefin

    One Mile Timed run

    Wow! Sounds great to me! I feel I'm doing good to walk 3 miles in 44 to 45 minutes, I'm 75.