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  1. olefin

    Dental Implant

    I had an old root canal go bad on a molar and required removing the root tip below gum line. My Endodntics said stop warfarin for 5 days before. I said I couldn't do that but I would lower my INR to 2.5 to 2.0 on the day of the procedure. Then he said OK. Took three stitches to close my gum but...
  2. olefin

    Candida (fungus) growing on bovine valve

    Sorry about your father, sending my sincere condolences.
  3. olefin


    Janie, then you are there! :thumbup: Hope you're having a GREAT time. :smile2: Not long till we'll be not far from there to board the Eurodam. :thumbup:
  4. olefin


    You are wrong to think that the other site is recruiting members from here! The first I heard of the other site was from Hank's email. I was also wondering what had happen to Ross. I did get a little upset here when my pictures were deleted 2 days before payment was due. And that happen just...
  5. olefin

    Your first time...

    Norma Jean, Thanks for the picture. It looks like it's in GREAT shape. And all shiny! Also great that you worked while in school to make the down payment. And I like your experience driving the John Deere. :thumbup: Both our daughters worked after school and one bought herself a car. It was...
  6. olefin

    Your first time...

    Norma Jean that is really neat to still have that car after so long!
  7. olefin

    Your first time...

    Can't say for sure but probably was about 1945 when I was 10. The car was a 38 Ford Coupe. Lived on a farm, I was already driving the tractor. I was 13 when my brother started letting me use his car at night to go into town to the picture show. We moved to AR right after I turn 14. I drove all...
  8. olefin

    The Great Couch Potato ThrowDown 09-06-10

    Cooker, you're doing great. You are wanting to get back to daily walking and that is good. Hope the ankle gets better real soon. I got my regular 21 miles for I didn't do the yard last week. Doing the summer I got into skipping walking on yard day. Had my annual last week, good report. Didn't...
  9. olefin

    Greetings From Abroad

    Those are some nice pictures! We have a cruise coming up soon.
  10. olefin

    Blood Clot or Infection

    Glad to hear the results were negative!
  11. olefin

    MECHANICAL VALVES - History of the Modern Bi-Leaflet Designs

    That's interesting! Thanks for posting. Not exactly the same but where I worked used Pyrolysis cracking to produce olefins from propane. A hard layer of carbon formed inside the furnace tubes and had to be routinely burned out.
  12. olefin

    The Great Couch Potato ThrowDown 8-23-10

    Another almost routine week. 18 miles walking. Daily time during the hot weather was around 48 minutes. But today it was cooler and made it in 45 minutes. Missed one day walking this week due to doing the yard. It took me a little over two hours to cut the grass, weed eating and blowing...
  13. olefin

    Coagucheck results .6 higher than blood draw,,,, word?

    Hey guy, I'm very well aware of what others are doing. Maybe you should notice when I became a member. If folks wish to never hold, that is great! I have no problem with what others do. But I KNOW what works for me. Over the years I tweaked the dosage when I felt necessary. My cardiologist...
  14. olefin

    Coagucheck results .6 higher than blood draw,,,, word?

    Back soon after I started home testing I didn't believe my INRatio 2 meter, for I tested 7.1. Switched to other hand and tested 6.1. Switched to another batch of test strips and tested 6.8. Then tested my wife that doesn't take warfarin.... her INR was 1.1. :thumbup: I stopped warfarin for 2...
  15. olefin

    The Great Couch Potato ThrowDown 8-23-10

    Cooker, you're doing excellent! Keep up the good work.
  16. olefin

    Ibuprofen and Warfarin

    When I had an ulcer I didn't have any indication what so ever until my stools turned to tar. Up till then I thought I had a cast iron stomach. The gastrologist did emergency endoscopy and found a duodenal ulcer the size of a dime. At first he though I would require blood. But he was able to...
  17. olefin

    What's it like on the other side? Aortic Stenosis progressing

    To me, the other side feels no different than before. I was diagnosed with aortic stenosis in 1981. My cardiologist said the valve would have to be replace in about 10 years. I had no symptoms other than a noisy valve until a month before AVR. I blacked out while on my daily 3 mile fast...
  18. olefin

    Brace yourself will laugh

    Made my day! :thumbup:
  19. olefin

    Testing Frequency

    I've always taken warfarin around 4 pm for when I tested monthly at docs office I usually got the lab results in the morning or early pm. If I was out of control he required weekly testing or sooner until in control. I started weekly testing as soon as I got on home testing, usually test in...
  20. olefin

    My dad is getting a pacemaker

    Debbie, I don't know a thing about a pacemaker but do wish the very best for your parents. God Bless. Wife is 71 and I'm 75 but we are fortunate, at the present we have good health. Suppose someday we'll need to move closer to family for we're 650 miles.