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  1. olefin

    Vasectomy and heart problems

    The only knowledge I have is that I had a vasectomy 43 years ago. I know several more my age that had it done. First I've heard of it causing heart problems. I wonder if there is any real proof of the free floating sperm causing any problem. Maybe that's like all the tales about Aspartame.
  2. olefin

    Al's Dosing Guide

    Al's site is gone. This Online Coumadin Dosing Calculator works great.
  3. olefin

    Is daily low dose Aspirin required after tissue aorta valve replacement?

    Bruce, I've taken a 81 mg coated aspirin and warfarin daily for over 19 years. No problems. And had a history of bleeding duodenal ulcer before AVR.
  4. olefin

    Mechanical valves in elderly patients

    I'm almost 76, if I needed another valve it would probably be a tissue. If I was 10 years younger it would definitely be another mechanical. Hillary, welcome to the forum. Wishing your husband the very best.
  5. olefin

    Prescriptions for meters and supplies? Really?

    Dick, what has been your problem with equipment suppliers? I've been with QAS/Alere ever since been home testing and never had a problem with anything. I've never had to deal with any equipment supplier. Alere takes care of my supplies. I rate them Super in everything. They keep me 3 months...
  6. olefin

    What ACT costs are incurred with a mechanical valve?

    I requested Alere email the forms to fill out for Medicare. I filled out mine and faxed it to them. Partially filled out the cardiologist form, took it to his office for his signature, they faxed it the same day. In one week received notification from Alere that Medicare had approved. Alere sent...
  7. olefin

    What ACT costs are incurred with a mechanical valve?

    No cost to me, my Inratio2 meter belongs to Alere. They keep me supplied with at least 12 extra test strips for I test weekly.
  8. olefin

    What ACT costs are incurred with a mechanical valve?

    I'm on Medicare and have a supplemental policy that covers the amount Medicare doesn't pay. Therefore all medical bills and my home testing cost is 0. Warfarin cost $10 for a 3 month supply. My Cardiologist approves me taking care of dosage.
  9. olefin

    Dental Extraction with INR at 1.9

    Our local oral surgeon and some dentist refuse to do extractions while on warfarin unless the patients cardiologist or doctor says otherwise. My cardiologist instructed me to never stop warfarin for extractions or other gum surgery. He also said to lower INR before the extraction but not go...
  10. olefin

    I have become surly.

    James, I agree you have been wise to seek help. I think heart surgery affects us all different. Some worse than others. Before AVR it was really hard for me to shed a tear. I soon notice after surgery that had completely changed. I water up doing a movie, reading a sad story or even stories...
  11. olefin

    Coumadin Tablet Sizes (Dosages) Available

    They haven't changed over the years. My old Patient's Guide for Coumadin from DuPont shows pictures of the very same dosages available.
  12. olefin

    Insurance says yes!

    Gail, sorry to see he's at it again. He smarted off about one of my post although it wasn't about spelling. (he should see my post before spell check :biggrin2:) He was telling me I shouldn't have posted in that thread. I replied, since he was telling me what to do, I told him he should become a...
  13. olefin

    Insurance questions!

    Not sure how things will change. I retired at 54 and two years later had AVR. My retirement insurance lifetime max benefit was only $50,000. I went over that by $35,000 from AVR. Then couldn't get insurance until I was old enough for Medicare. Luckily it was no big deal. Being a veteran...
  14. olefin

    So.... when do you tell the family about this?

    Hi Roxx, First, I think you should have already told your wife. Wife and I don't have keep anything from each other, been that way for over 54 years. I was diagnosed with Aortic Stenosis in 1981 at age 46. But didn't have an enlarged Aortic root. My cardiologist said surgery would be needed...
  15. olefin

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III --- 10-1

    Since Sunday been fast walking 3 miles a day and lost the 7 pounds I gained on the 10 day cruise. :thumbup: I walked 3 miles a day on the cruise but since Sunday the amount of calories consumed has taken a nose dive. Sure haven't been eating stuff like this and this! :frown2: Not counting the...
  16. olefin

    Can i get an mri/mra?

    Maybe the new ones have that info but mine doesn't.
  17. olefin

    Can i get an mri/mra?

    I had a MRI 2 months ago. I first checked with St Jude. They said there was no problem. But I did take a copy of THIS and give to the MRI tech. He noted them and said the MRI would meet the guidelines.
  18. olefin

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III --- 9-24

    Not only lunch, include breakfast and supper. :rolleyes2: As of this morning I've already lost the 7 lbs from the last cruise. :thumbup: Those salads do bring off the pounds. :thumbup:
  19. olefin

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III --- 9-24

    But were you hitting the deck for 3 miles every morning before breakfast?:biggrin2: We were on a 14 day cruise last April and lost weight but it wasn't from walking. We had that bad GI infection called diarrhea. :frown2: Also played the devil with my INR. :eek2:
  20. olefin

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III --- 9-24

    Janie, your mom looks super great! :smile2: So did you gain any on your trip to Niagara Falls? :biggrin2: And how was your trip? I didn't gain but 7 lbs on our cruise and that was with doing 9 laps here in 43 minutes every day. :wink2: