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  1. N

    Short of breath at night

    You don't have a goiter, do you? I have one that has moved my trachea over, and although it hasn't caused me any breathing problems, yet, it has the potential, and one of the signs is shortness of breath when laying down.
  2. N

    Oh yes,,, that clicking you hear is my ____________

    Joe would always say that he didn't hear any ticking, and that would scare people, because they couldn't find out where it was coming from. That was his little joke.
  3. N

    Are you taking an ARB (such as Cozaar and similar prescriptions)?

    I remember when I first started Simvastatin. I had just gone through treatment for breast cancer, and there were reports about that causing cancer, I don't think it was a major problem, but was reported anyway. So when I had an appt. with the oncologist I asked him about it, and he became very...
  4. N

    RRRRRRR- no BM, no discharge

    is he still on pain meds? If so, that will make the bowels very sluggish, one of the side effects.
  5. N

    Heart valve replacement without a general anesthetic in the UK

    here's another article about the surgery and Sister Duggan, who was 91 at the time. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see where they said whether she had general anesthesia or not.
  6. N

    Heart valve replacement without a general anesthetic in the UK

    I think it depends on the patient. Joe had a pacemaker implatation with a local and he told me that the surgeon and he discussed football throughout the procedure. They might have done a better job with the local anesthetic than you had Chris. And anyway, Joe always got very talky when he had...
  7. N

    Heart valve replacement without a general anesthetic in the UK

    Here is some information about it. It is the type of valve that Bob H mentioned above. Not everyone is a candidate for it, but it certainly can help some. Not in general use yet, and not for those needing the more traditional surgery. The video takes a while to load...
  8. N

    Heart valve replacement without a general anesthetic in the UK

    I cannot imagine how heart valve surgery could be done without general anesthesia, if the surgery would involve the heart/lung machine and a vent, and a sternotomy where they saw through your sternum and pin your arms way back to expose your heart and then do an incision on it. I do know that...
  9. N

    Buying on eBay

    I have both bought and sold on eBay. But I have to tell you that for something this important, I think you would be better served to buy from a dealer or pharmacy. There are terrific sellers on eBay (me for instance :) ), but there are also some scam artists. A lot of people sell things they...
  10. N

    Bears now steal cars!

    that's pretty amazing!
  11. N

    Medtronic failure rates

    There was a recall of Bjork-Shiley mechanicals. The strut welds were poorly executed and were breaking, causing death for some. Other people had to have an explant and redo. Joe had to have his examined, but his model was not involved, although it gave us some pretty scary moments. He never had...
  12. N

    Medtronic failure rates

    Joe died in 2006, and he had his original Bjork-Shiley aortic valve which was implanted in 1977, and it was working perfectly until his last moment on earth. That's 29 years. BTW, there were mechanical valves prior to St. Jude, Bjork-Shiley for one, but there were others even before that one. I...
  13. N

    Peeling on chest and stomach/numbness left chest

    Maybe the skin peeling is an allergic reaction to something they put on your skin during surgery. I know they swab you down with Betadine or something like it. It could also be a reaction to tape used. Joe had very sensitive skin and he was very allergic to most tapes, so they had to use paper...
  14. N

    breathing "shudders" post op

    As far as your mechanical valve getting louder. I'm wondering if the sound was muffled by the fluid that accumulates after surgery. Remember how they pump you full of fluid all the time in the hospital? And now that you are getting around more and feeling better, that fluid probably has come...
  15. N

    breathing "shudders" post op

    Ok, I found something on it. Look at page 11 near the bottom.
  16. N

    breathing "shudders" post op

    I think others have had that experience. And I believe it goes away after a while. From what I remember they have described it as an involuntary breath. Probably something left over from the body's stress during surgery, anesthesia and the vent. All of your body's functioning is a little funky...
  17. N

    May I please vent for a minute?

    I feel you need to know exactly what sort of arrhythmia you are having. Some can be quite innocent, and some are not. It is impossible to tell on your own which kind you are having. There are at least 20-30 of them, maybe even a lot more. In someone with a known heart condition, it is important...
  18. N

    Medical malpractice??

    Just a reminder. This original post is 8 years old. But this advice stands. If you are contemplating any kind of legal action for any reason, medical or otherwise, do not post anything about it on the Internet. Your opponents can and will track anything you say about the case and could...
  19. N

    8 years ago

    I remember that terrible time. Just shows you how badly the human body wants to repair itself and stay alive. Maybe you should let the newbies know what happened to you.
  20. N

    May I please vent for a minute?

    either go to the ER or call your doctor and TELL them your dizzy spells are continuing and that you are also having arrhythmias and you want it to be checked out asap. If you are emphatic with them, then they have to move on it, because if they didn't and something happened, it would not be good...