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  1. N

    Alamring news about increased cancer risk from Losartin (Cozzar) see the red box at the top.
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    if you want to read about his situation, here are a couple of articles. We do have some members here who developed the chorea symptoms along with rheumatic fever. If you do a...
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    Agree with Norma. My husband had rheumatic fever also. There is no medication that will fix a valve once it is leaking and as you mentioned getting worse. Surgery is the only fix. I hope he gets the help he needs, and I also think another cardioligist should be consulted, just to make sure he is...
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    Beating making me crazy and sad - HELP!!!

    You have indeed been given the gift of life. But that doesn't mean that the recovery journey won't be difficult. At 46, it is a terrible surprise to have something like this happen. We all think of surgery as something like an appendectomy, you go in, go to sleep, come home, are in pain for a...
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    Beating making me crazy and sad - HELP!!!

    Cherie- My husband had two mechanical valves and he used a sound spa machine when he slept. It helped him a lot. They are pretty easy to find, here's one from Walmart
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    Beating making me crazy and sad - HELP!!!

    It's pretty common after this surgery. I think if you do a search on thumping or hard beats, or something like that, you will find a lot of posts about it. I do think it will slowly go away, and that most people feel it is caused from the situation prior to your surgery when your heart had to...
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    2 quick questions

    The sticky stuff can be softened and removed with simple baby oil, or any kind of oily stuff, even face cream. Apply it and let it sit for a while to soften and then wipe it off and wash the area.
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    Candida (fungus) growing on bovine valve

    Jim, I had a couple of thoughts. First off, I think an Infectious Disease specialist should be called in to assess your dad's problem. I would think they would want the infection under very good control before any surgery is anticipated, because surgery could stir up a hornet's nest again. He...
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    Candida (fungus) growing on bovine valve

    would percutaneous valve replacement be appropriate for a valve that is infected?
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    I found a great cookbook

    use "fresh" mozarella instead of the regular one. It is softer, but still melts, and it usually has way less sodium than the regular cheese. Check out the label, though to make sure.
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    Prayers for our longtime member, Mindy..!!

    Hi Mindy- I hope you get the very best group of doctors to get all the problems sorted out and a good plan developed for you.
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    Prayers needed

    Hi Betty- Oh, this boss! It is a woman. I do believe she is bi-polar. She is either extremely high or in a foul mood and angry. She has no impulse control, an absolutely horrible temper, is petty, childish and just flies off the handle at every little thing. And she is the kind of person who...
  13. N

    Still blue, are you?

    The forceful beating, I believe, comes from your heart having to work so hard prior to surgery. It is still beating like it has to push very hard to get the blood through. This will settle down after a while as your heart remodels and comes back to a normal size and function. Don't get...
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    Prayers needed

    Yes, the CT scan showed the blockage. I agree about the boss, however, this job pays very well. I'm not sure whether this boss will end up staying in the position, the boss is new and is in a probationary period now and I think is under some stress, maybe on shaky ground. She's extremely...
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    Prayers needed

    I just spoke with Sharon, and the doctors had made their rounds. Initial information is that she has a 50% blockage in one of the coronary arteries. The cardiologist said that his first "go over" the test results are that she did not have a heart attack and there was no heart damage. He felt...
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    Prayers needed

    She lives in Florida and I live in NY.
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    Prayers needed

    My daughter collapsed at work today with chest pains. She is in the hospital now and they have found a narrowed artery. More testing tomorrow. She is only in her forties. She has been complaining to her doctor about dizziness and headaches for a long time now. They checked her out for inner ear...
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    Still blue, are you?

    This happens to a lot of heart surgery patients. So you are not alone. I am not sure if anyone really knows the "why" of it. It is probably a combination of the trauma of the surgery, the long recovery and some of the medications used after surgery. My own husband had clinical depression. He...
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    A word of encouragement...

    I helped my husband through many thoracic surgeries including multiple valve surgeries and 2 lung surgeries. I can tell you that this surgery is a little different from other surgeries. It takes about 6-8 weeks before you are feeling better, and then it takes about a year before you can say that...
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    Ross you are the MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think any speculation about the whys of what happened are just that, speculation. None of us knows what transpired, and for all we know, it was a mutual parting of the ways. Maybe neither person is in the wrong, just that they had their own private differences. To say anything else is really...