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  1. N

    damn it

    I don't know how they tested the allergy, it was a very long time ago, 34 or so years ago.
  2. N

    damn it

    I hope your husband is under the care of an Infectious Disease specialist. That is vitally important. Joe had a blood bourne nosocomial (caught in the hospital) Klebsiella infection and is was thought he had developed endocarditis. However, it did not get that far. The ID doctor took over his...
  3. N

    damn it

    Let me tell you a little story. My husband had his first valve replacement (aortic) when that operation was not at all popular. It was in its infancy. There were not many choices of valves in those days. He was scheduled for a pig valve replacement, but he was tested for possible allergies, and...
  4. N

    damn it

    Mary- I am so sorry that this has happened, and sorrier that it happened while you are on vacation. There is nothing worse than being away from your home and familiar doctors and hospitals when illness strikes like this. I hope they can get things under control so you have some other options...
  5. N

    Blockage or Angina?

    These are scary things to be happening and with no one who wants to diagnose you. I wouldn't wait. Pain at a 9 level is not heartburn and pain down your left arm, sweating, shaking and this knocking you to the floor, all serious problems, and not "Ho-Hum" problems. If it starts up again, you go...
  6. N


    Please send Yaps my love and tell her I am glad things are more stable for her. Thanks for the update.
  7. N

    10 things your hospital won't tell you

    good article!
  8. N

    Soooooooooo upset by Cardio................

    I don't think that man (cannot call him a doctor) would stand a chance here. He'd get so many complaints he'd be drummed out of the profession. I hope you do write a complaint letter and make sure you tell them how upset you were and how it made you feel physically, heartwise to have him blow...
  9. N

    Paranoid about hospital infections.

    It isn't paranoid to be careful about serious things. To be aware of the possibilities of hospital bourne infections is your best protection. That is why hospitals are really trying to cut down on these types of infections. But they have a very long way to go, and they cannot monitor every...
  10. N

    Soooooooooo upset by Cardio................

    The guy's a nut case!!! He should get out of the profession, and do something else like mow lawns for people where he won't have to relate to them. What a jerk and how unprofessional. I'm glad you told him off. Are you permanently stuck with this guy or do you have some options?
  11. N

    Update on the Mallards

    I thought I would give you an update on the Mallard ducks in the pond. The drake has left, I guess his job is over with and for the first time, Mom is sitting on the nest full time. So from what I have read, in about 28-30 days, I should see some ducklings.:thumbup: Too bad Joe isn't here to...
  12. N

    Will I have to withdraw from caffeine?

    They tried to restrict Joe to decaf as well. He couldn't tolerate that. But I understand why, he had chronic afib. He always drank regular coffee at home.
  13. N

    Paranoid about hospital infections.

    Oh, duct work, you are so right! One of the best things you can do is to do everything they tell you and try to get the He-- out of there as fast as possible. And also try to vow to yourself that you will stay out of the hospital in the future if at all possible. Yes, we all have germs in our...
  14. N

    Paranoid about hospital infections.

    Well, Neil, Joe was in the hospital so many times over the years with all sorts of issues, not just heart surgery. I want to mention that this happened in not just one, but several hospitals, two in Schenectady, NY, two in Albany, NY, even one in Boston, Mass. So it is not a problem with just...
  15. N

    Paranoid about hospital infections.

    This is going to be a rant and I am not going to hold back on this one, I'm going to talk about some nasty things. Hospital infections are REAL! Joe picked up C-Diff diarrhea in the hospital. It was a horrible thing and took months and months to get rid of, and many medications and many...
  16. N

    Post Op Issues......

    You did the absolute right thing by going to a different hospital ER. That way, "friends of a friend" can't cover up nasty care issues. And they got right to your doctor, so now we know that he CAN answer his messages when he feels like it, and I guess, when you called him, he didn't feel like...
  17. N

    Post Op Issues......

    Should have added, if you think the hospital was filty enough, you should complain to the State Health Department and also send them a copy of your letter to those others mentioned above. Perhaps they need an unannounced inspection.
  18. N

    Post Op Issues......

    Some of the things you are mentioning are maddening. Why give you a list of reasons to call your doctor and when you call, they don't even give you the courtesy of a call back? That is very poor care in my book, and a bunch of lazy people. The hospital filth is inexcusable. Not changing your...
  19. N

    Hubby getting a pacemaker

    sounds like all went very well. Pacemakers are real life savers. Joe had one. He was passing out prior to getting it, never passed out again after implantation.
  20. N

    Mystery bruises

    You need to have a blood platelet count done. That is one thing that can cause spontaneous bruising.