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  1. Rain

    A new camera:

    I can't wait to see some of your photos taken with it!! :)
  2. Rain

    Janie's birthday

    Holy Smokes!! Holy Smokes!! I missed your birthday!! :eek: I have no doubt you had a fantabulous time doing what ever you may have been doing!! :p Happy Birthday Girlfriend!! :D
  3. Rain

    Today my valve is 60

    I got an idea!! I got an idea!! Jim and Rich.... how about you both drive WEST! :D Say.... June!! We'll all be in Durango for a reunion. :D We'd all love to see you both. Happy Birthday cousin Jim! Does that mean I'm older than you? :eek: lol I'm a six year old... going on seven next...
  4. Rain

    A new camera:

    Tell us more.. Tell us more.. Dennis, What kind of camera is it? We've always been photo fanatics... and we've all got new digital cameras.. but we're still using our old Minolta 7000i for other photos. We've had it forever... but it still takes great pictures. My daughter just went...
  5. Rain

    Updates from the 2006 Reunion!

    We had a great time!! We had a great time!! Yes, Gina..... bring Kara, she’ll have a great time. I’ll have Sara, and I’m sure Hank and Michelle will have their kids. It's about time our kids meet each other, don't ya think? :) The train to Silverton is amazing... It’s a beautiful...
  6. Rain

    Long Beach Dinner List

    We'll be there. We'll be there. Vergil Rain Ryan Sara
  7. Rain

    Day Before the Cruise Get Together - Long Beach, CA

    I look just like my avatar. I look just like my avatar. Wonderful, Hank! :) You are so efficient... Count us in for four. Ten days and counting.... although we?re leaving Colorado a week from today. Spending Friday night in Las Vegas and then on to California. Yippee!! Looking forward to...
  8. Rain

    Cruise Reunion on October 23, 2006 pre-cruise get together in CA pre-cruise get together in CA Hey Mike, Susan & Hank... lets do it! It?d be a shame to get that close and not see each other. :eek: I?m open for Sunday afternoon. Someone should start a new thread about a cruise get together in Long...
  9. Rain

    You asked for pictures?

    Grandbaby Avery Grandbaby Avery Karlynn, She is absolutely gorgeous!! I think this is one of the most important pictures.... holding the baby for the first time. The love shows to very clearly in their face.
  10. Rain

    Grandkids pictures..

    Grandbabies... Grandbabies... Just a couple of my favorite outfits, Christina... ones that I had pictures of them in. I guess I?ve saved some pretty crazy stuff from their youth. I know, Gina.... I haven?t been real good about posting pictures of him. But believe me...I?ve taken at least...
  11. Rain

    Grandkids pictures..

    One more.... One more.... This is the same day, he's sitting in a rocking chair we bought for my daughter when she was one year old. We carried that darn thing all the way home from a tiny town outside Mexico City, in the back of our Explorer!! lol We cherish the memories .... even tho...
  12. Rain

    Grandkids pictures..

    Grandchildren Grandchildren Christina, He's a cutie!! I'm really looking forward to the first birthday party. :) This is the picture I was telling you & Bonny about.. of my grandson wearing his Daddy's clothes. :) He's holding a picture of Eric at the same age, in the same clothes.
  13. Rain

    My Son Chris

    How about a card? How about a card? Ross, Would your son appreciate a card? It might help knowing there are so many people who care about his recovery and the well being of his family. Or would he think it was wierd getting mail from a stranger? If you think he would send me his address.
  14. Rain

    Cruise Reunion on October 23, 2006

    The OR team. The OR team. Georgia...... we should all dress up as OR people! :p whaddya think?? :D Wonder who is gutsy enough to be the patient?!! :eek: lol Not me!!! :p I?ll be the anesthesiologist! :D Heidi, I can?t wait to meet you and your friend Martha. Party we...
  15. Rain

    Want to start a Christmas Eve tradition...what's your favorite?

    Great idea!!! Great idea!!! Karen, I just LOVE this idea! I hope you don?t mind if I start doing it with my children. Maybe I can even get some of my brothers and sisters to contribute. How fun! I love family history and boy do we have some childhood memories....being a family of eight...
  16. Rain

    Favorite Christmas Recipes from VR Family

    I'm in, I'm in!! I'm in, I'm in!! Maybe we could even have an online Christmas party. :) A long, long time ago when the forum was much smaller we had a Halloween party. It was soooo hillarious. Everyone came into chat as a character.... like Casper, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. We really...
  17. Rain

    2006 Reunion T-Shirts

    Guess what I got in the mail today?!!! Guess what I got in the mail today?!!! My boarding pass!!! I'm soooooo excited!!
  18. Rain

    Prayers Needed

    Know how much I care about you Ross. Know how much I care about you Ross. Ross, I truely cannot imagine your pain. It brought me to tears reading about your son and family. Please know that I am sending you lots of warm hugs. You have all my love and support.
  19. Rain

    Hemosense Inratio Help

    Don't squeeze finger, & drop the first drop! Don't squeeze finger, & drop the first drop! I had a coagucheck test at my cardio?s office..... it read 2.1. I said, ?No way, I don?t believe it.... just look at my legs!? They were covered in bruises and pectiae. The cardio agreed with me that I...
  20. Rain

    How about testing daily for 6 months??

    Has the dog been getting in your flower bed? Has the dog been getting in your flower bed? Dr. Allan, Thank you for this post. :) There are a lot more of us like you out here than you would think. :eek: This forum just hasn't been a real friendly environment to discuss it. I?ve pondered...