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  1. Rain


    ulcers.. ulcers.. I don?t have a copy of what the first doctor prescribed, but the second one prescribed ?amoxicill-clarithro-lansopraz, 500-500-30mg The pharmacist told me that even if he would fill the prescription that my insurance wouldn't cover it. I went through quite the go around...
  2. Rain


    What drugs do you take if you have an ulcer & are on warfarin? I had an ulcer and every drug my doctor tried to prescribe.. The pharmacist wouldn?t fill... because it conflicted with my daily drugs. Toprol, lanoxin, coumadin, baby aspirin, multi-vitamin & warfarin. I finally went to my local...
  3. Rain

    Today makes 13 years since my dissection

    Glad you're still here. Glad you're still here. . Rossman says: "Oh man, don't follow my spirit. That sucker is a law breaking, womanizing, social misfit that thinks he's sexy with a hose in his nose." Oh come on, Rossman... :p this is probably what keeps you alive!! :D lol...
  4. Rain

    Anyone making corned beef and cabbage today?

    Gina you are toooo sweet. Gina you are toooo sweet. Ross!! You meanie! lol :eek: :D J/K Billaaaeeee!!!! :D I think you hit the nail on the head about the marketing ploy.... clever little fellers, aren?t they!! :p lol AND ... just when I thought no one was gonna say they fry their...
  5. Rain

    St. Patty's 9 years ago.....

    Time flies!! Time flies!! Wow.... it doesn't seem like that long ago, does it?! :eek: Congratulations!! :) I'm right behind you... it'll be 8 for me on 4-6! :) The bright sides of OHS... meeting my girlfriends! :D
  6. Rain

    TOOTS Certificates

    Tawdry Shirt is on the raod.... Tawdry Shirt is on the raod.... The tawdry shirt has left the cold and snow of Colorado and is on its was to Southern Cal! :D
  7. Rain


    Because I care Because I care Well Cort.... after talking, meeting and caring about each other for 8 years it would be strange if we just stopped caring one day. :eek: So don't you even think about totally disappearing on us!!! :mad:
  8. Rain

    TOOTS Certificates

    Stalled shirt Stalled shirt Bob, There is a shirt 'stalled' at my house.... only because to my knowledge there has never been a 'next' recipient. Please, if you know of anyone who would like to have it sent to them... send me their address or send them my email address. ANYONE who would...
  9. Rain

    Bonnie Anderson "Granbonny" June 10, 1940 - March 11, 2008

    A very,very special lady. A very,very special lady. , Adriane, Thank you for posting. I know how hard it must be for you. I only knew your mom through this forum and emails, but through this forum I came to love her very much. Such a wonderful, wonderful lady. The possum she sent to...
  10. Rain

    Winter Scene pics....

    Last one... although I have so many good ones!! Last one... although I have so many good ones!! Can you tell I love taking pictures, Cort?!! :D I'm tired of winter too, to be honest. We've just purchased some property and will be beginning construction on a new house soon. So I'm totally...
  11. Rain

    Winter Scene pics....

    My little mailman... My little mailman... Oh, I just love this one too!! lol Ethan loves to get the mail.
  12. Rain

    Winter Scene pics....

    And more snow! And more snow! Well, golly... I have so many pictures I just love!! lol Remember my Sara? She's Ethan's right hand Auntie for helping shovel the walk. Instead of building a snowman.. they built a snow cave. :eek: The snow got higher than the mail box
  13. Rain

    Winter Scene pics....

    More snow More snow I love this one of my grandson, Ethan... he helps shovel the walk with 'his' snow shovel. It's a window scraper... but don't try to tell him that! :D
  14. Rain

    Winter Scene pics....

    Snow, snow, and more snow!! Snow, snow, and more snow!! Cort, Loved your pictures!! And all those that followed. We've had our fair share of snow here in southern Colorado... that's for sure! Here's a picture I took going over Lizard Head the other day...
  15. Rain

    Christopher Miller Crawford December 24, 1942 to September 21, 2007

    We've lost a really great guy. We've lost a really great guy. I haven?t visited the forum much for a while and only read today of our dear friend, Chris. I?m so sorry to hear of his passing. My heart goes out to his family.
  16. Rain

    Official 2008 Reunion Thread

    HOLY SMOKES!!! That was waay cool!! HOLY SMOKES!!! That was waay cool!! Hank that was amazing!! :D Waaayyy cool!! :D You are a gutsy little devil! Got my heart pumping just watchin the video! :eek: :D Who all jumped? Did Mike go? I really, really wish I could have made it to the...
  17. Rain

    Percutaneous Valve Replacement

    Researching & posting links is fine and helpful.... Researching & posting links is fine and helpful.... . But these folks have qualified doctors to “recommend” medical procedures. Many, many people agree with you, sir.
  18. Rain

    My Surgery is Soon...Where is a Tawdry Shirt?

    I have a shirt I have a shirt . Just waiting for an address. :)
  19. Rain

    Prayers Answered-Jim is home

    Scary stuff!! Scary stuff!! . Wow, Jim!! :eek: I think I’m glad I didn’t see this thread until today. It was hard enough just reading through it tonight. Scary!! A rough week for our dear Shirley too!! I'm sure glad you are back home.
  20. Rain

    My Surgery is Soon...Where is a Tawdry Shirt?

    Rain raises hand!! Rain raises hand!! . Now Bob... don't you take the tone with me! :p I have been patiently waiting for the next recipient of the shirt. The one I have is sitting safely in the out box... just waiting for a name and address. Admittedly I have been a little busy with the...