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  1. Rain

    The Great Aneurysm Repair Timing Debate

    Monitor it closely. Monitor it closely. Aaron, My son?s dilated aorta was found the summer before his senior year in highschool. (1998) It?s measured everywhere from 4.2 to 4.6 over the years since then. The cardios have all said that the main thing that will determine when it should be...
  2. Rain

    My New Avatar

    Please don't even think about leaving. Please don't even think about leaving. Lisa, If anything.... everyone on this web site should be saying ?THANK YOU? to you. It?s interesting that the thread disappeared. :confused: It made someone look bad... and it wasn?t you. Thanks for all the...
  3. Rain

    First Radiation Treatment today

    Thinking of you Thinking of you That sounds like some heavy duty treatment.. five days a week. Yikes You certainly deserve a nap...or two... or even three!! :) I'm sending you lots of positive vibes from out here in Colorado.
  4. Rain

    Birthday wishes for LUVMYBirman, aussie girl and Alistair

    Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! Woooo Hooooo........ you go, girlfriend!! :D:p I remember my 40th b-day....... spent the night in a little rez town called Kayenta, AZ. Watching my boys wrestle in a wrestling tournament. Maybe I can make France for my 5oth!! :D Now get some cloths...
  5. Rain

    Bad news today

    Oops! Oops! Don?t let my boys (both engineers) know that slipped by me!! :eek: :D
  6. Rain

    Bad news today

    ALCapshaw2 got it right.... but usually Brush Hogs cut more than 2 or 3 feet.... the ones I’ve been around, anyway... I’d say more like 4 to 5. Maybe they make smaller ones for smaller tractors... I’m really not sure. And unlike a lawn mower... they can cut larger things... like ‘brush’. lol...
  7. Rain

    Update on Debra ( Brazil/ Scotland )

    Iwish Deb all the best... and her daughter too. Iwish Deb all the best... and her daughter too. She's had a pretty traumatic life the last 5 or 6 years. Seems one thing after another, after another. Thanks for posting Jan.
  8. Rain

    Bad news today

    You are in my thoughts and prayers, Glenda. You are in my thoughts and prayers, Glenda. Glenda, I know you are one tough lady... you can deal with whatever is thrown your way. I just know you will be fine!! You always have such a positive attitude. We recently got a piece of my family...
  9. Rain

    Long term ACT patients How do you feel about Coumadin?

    I have a mechanical valve and chronic a-fib. I have a mechanical valve and chronic a-fib. Oaktree hit it right on target.... ?For some people, coumadin is not ?just another pill to take.? I understand coumadin, I've self monitored and stayed pretty much in range for the last almost nine...
  10. Rain

    My version of the tawdry shirt

    Congratulations Jim!! To you and your son. Congratulations Jim!! To you and your son. Boy that is a cute little feller in the photo next to your name!! :) He must like trains... I think my grandson’s first words may have been “all aboard!” LOL His Mom and Dad took him on a ‘Thomas the...
  11. Rain

    Possible replacement for coumadin???

    You're right, Geebee... very childish. You're right, Geebee... very childish. I was responding/reacting to Bina?s post stating..... ?(I'm looking out the window, and what do I see.....oh my, it looks like Rain!) Gotta run and close some windows.? I do appologize. Never good to read and...
  12. Rain

    Possible replacement for coumadin???

    I am very thankful for warfarin. I am very thankful for warfarin. That doesn’t mean it’s something I can just forget about and mosey on with my life. :rolleyes: I have to take anti-biotics for something as simple as a teeth cleaning, I have to bridge off and on for surgery, wear an ID to let...
  13. Rain

    Forum content question

    Typical behavior... Typical behavior... Ross.... Karlynn is being mean to me.... would you please give her an 'infraction point'? :D
  14. Rain

    OH NO!!! What do I do???

    Don't panic Don't panic I would take the whole dose this morning and your normal dose tonight. I’ve certainly missed a few doses in the last almost 9 years.. And that’s what I do. I would then test myself in a few days. It's always worked out fine for me. BUT... I'm no doctor! :) And...
  15. Rain

    Happy Birthday: Rich, Perkicar and Dougie

    Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday Rich!! Happy Birthday Perkicar and Dougie!! Hope you all have a fabulous day.
  16. Rain

    Forum content question

    The more things change... the more they stay the same The more things change... the more they stay the same Infraction points... Wow... there?s a controversy just waiting to happen. Running people off is not going to solve the problem. The people ?getting their panties in a bunch? need to...
  17. Rain

    Possible replacement for coumadin???

    Rat Poison... Rat Poison... They?ve found Warfarin (rat poison) very effective in killing just about anything.. with a dose adjustment.
  18. Rain

    Forum content question

    Hot Button Topics.. Hot Button Topics.. I just had to laugh when I read this thread.... :D As bizarre as it may seem... ?Hot Button? topics also include valve choice and warfarin. :eek:
  19. Rain

    How do you feel about Coumadin (Warfarin)

    Grapefruit juice.. Grapefruit juice.. And don't take my word for it about the grapefruit juice... I just remember reading about it somewhere. I'm not a big fan of grapefruit juice anyway.. so no biggie for me.:)
  20. Rain

    How do you feel about Coumadin (Warfarin)

    Bored Ross? Bored Ross? You getting a little bored this summer, Ross? lol I can’t believe you brought this sleeping dog back to life. And he wasn’t even in the flower bed!! Scapel, I live my life just as I did before I started taking coumadin 8.5 years ago. My biggest compliant of...