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  1. Rain

    Spreadsheet to track echo results??

    Thank you, Al! I?m gonna go for it!! Thank you, Al! I?m gonna go for it!! l laughed out loud when I read your cardios response... “that’s disconcerting”. OKAY... :rolleyes: I think mostly doctors are really good... I just love my cardio. But after what I've been through with some of...
  2. Rain

    Spreadsheet to track echo results??

    Thanks! Thanks! Thanks Mary... I think I do remember Al being involved in that conversation. :confused: I’ll send him an email and ask him about it. Good point Steve. Actually I tried to do a comparison like you said a while back, but there were a lot of holes in it..... for those very...
  3. Rain

    I wonder....

    Yikes! Now I?m blushing !! Yikes! Now I?m blushing !! I think Karlynn and I must be twins!! :eek: Matter of fact.... I bet every woman on the site has the same stats! :p :D Wait....... what IS it they say about shoe size?? :p :p lol
  4. Rain

    Karlynn & others...

    That?s really funny Karlynn. lol That?s really funny Karlynn. lol I didn?t go look it up... so it may not be true.... but when I was in school I used to get a nose bleed every time I ran track. The school nurse always told me to eat lots of jello because it was high in K!! So Ma worrying...
  5. Rain

    Spreadsheet to track echo results??

    My heart has ?global? problems that I would like to track on a spread sheet. I?ve had at least ten echos in the last ten years. I seem to remember us talking about making one here in the forum a long time ago.... but I don?t remember if anyone ever actually did?? If so ... I?d really...
  6. Rain

    Heart enlargement -

    Christine don?t worry about me worrying about you!! Christine don?t worry about me worrying about you!! I?ll be worried about you worrying about me worrying about you!! :D I do see your point about not knowing if it was always enlarged or if this is something new. Can you call the cardio...
  7. Rain

    I wonder....

    Yeah, right........ Yeah, right........ I know you well enough to know there is nothing 'standard' about you. :p Now look.... people are going to start to talk. :eek: :D Have you ever noticed how tall people always acknowledge each other even if they?ve never seen each other before in...
  8. Rain

    I wonder....

    Hillarious........ Hillarious........ Karlynn.... I knew someone would have that response... but I expected it to be Janie. :p
  9. Rain

    How loud are the mechanical valves?

    I hear mine quite often. I hear mine quite often. Oh come on, Jim.... wouldn?t it make sense that if you had a little more ?insulation? around the valve it would be quieter? :confused: Just wonderin'..... because just a couple days ago when I was out visiting my son's house that is being...
  10. Rain

    Some difficult issues

    Wow, Nancy.... Joe is one tough guy. Wow, Nancy.... Joe is one tough guy. Hopefully he will be home with you soon. As I?ve said before... he's one lucky guy to have you there by his side.
  11. Rain

    Heart enlargement -

    Try not to stress out, Christina. Try not to stress out, Christina. Girlfriend you gotta not let stuff stress you out so much! :eek: I know stress definitely makes my a-fib worse. I also know it's easier said than done (the stress stuff) .... but I worry about you worrying too much. :eek...
  12. Rain

    Enetric day seven-defibrillator gets placed

    Right on, Di... he sounds like a great guy. Right on, Di... he sounds like a great guy. With an attitude like that and a Mom like you.... Eric will be fine. Sure glad to hear he's on the mend.
  13. Rain

    I wonder....

    Ross will have a good time monitoring this for accuracy!! Ross will have a good time monitoring this for accuracy!! Let?s ask their height, weight and shoe size when they sign in too. :p :D Of course current members would have to do the same! :eek: Who?s first?!! :p
  14. Rain

    Enetric's 5th & 6th day in hospital

    Tough little buggers, those Erics.... I have an 'Eric' too. Tough little buggers, those Erics.... I have an 'Eric' too. Please let your son know that many people are thinking of him and sending him positive vibes. Attitude is so important at this stage of the game. Stay strong Mom.... I...
  15. Rain

    7.2! Yikes!

    Some color will help... Some color will help... Gnusgal, I can vouch for that. The red spots don't show up nearly so much on my legs (where my skin is darker) as they do when they make it all the way up to my chest. Whatever you decide, you'll look great. I betcha with all the excitement...
  16. Rain

    I-40, Little Rock, Arkansas

    We love you, Cort. We love you, Cort. Keep smiling Cort.... it?s almost spring! :) Sunshine, longer days, green grass, flowers.... Soon you?ll be able to take ?the baby girls? out for a nice evening drive. Probably the car wreck is responsible for your feelings.... or 'the straw that...
  17. Rain

    PMs Vs open forum discussions

    My number one ?angry getter? is probably rude and obnoxious people. My number one ?angry getter? is probably rude and obnoxious people. I?ve had my share of health problems, but have never felt ?angry? about them. I admittedly have been quite frustrated with coumadin at times. But that...
  18. Rain

    Try This One!

    Wierd..... Wierd..... I got a blue hammer....... does that mean I'm half abnormal? :eek: :p That's really strange to...... because I don't think I've ever saw a blue hammer. :confused:
  19. Rain

    Weekly intake of Coumadin ?

    You should have a 'target'. You should have a 'target'. Daniel, You should have a target range for your INR. You adjust the dose to hit that target... That's where your cardio came up with the number. Good luck! :) Rain
  20. Rain

    An Early Birthday wish for Ross

    Happy Birthday Rossman!! Happy Birthday Rossman!! I remember when I was just a babe like you.......:D :p oh... how time flies. lol I do love you, Mr. Ross. :) I hope your day is filled with lots of family and much happiness. I wish we could all be there with you. Holy Smokes :eek...