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  1. Rich

    When did you drive again?

    Four weeks for me also but it was a bit uncomfortable. I just had to do it because my wife said I was a really terrible back seat driver.:eek: Rich
  2. Rich

    Funny Story On My Way To My Heart Cath

    Bookjp, I'm retired from GM also. Just wondering where you are going to have your surgery. I'm down here in Shelby Twp which is the fourth suburb north of Detroit. Rich
  3. Rich

    To our members in Dallas

    Lisa, I don't know what they call them,I thought just plain morons.:( Janie, I'm jealous of that governor's hair, sure wish I had hair like that. I wonder where he buys it?:rolleyes: Rich
  4. Rich

    To our members in Dallas

    On a personal level I think W is a great guy. But the ex-mayor of Detroit is a far different story. He is a liar and a real crook. With all the FBI investigations still going on as we speak, he well may end up back in jail instead of Dallas. It's a real scandal. Thankfully we live four suburbs...
  5. Rich

    To our members in Dallas

    I heard today that not only are you folks getting George W. for a neighbor, but also may well get the recently ousted Mayor of Detroit. Our local news tonight said he is being let out of jail this evening, and is headed for Dallas tommorow. You people are so lucky.:eek: Rich
  6. Rich

    Inr 1.1...

    Janie, Like Gina said I don't get around here much either, but your post really concerned me. Please let us know you are back in range and doing well. You are far too good a friend to a lot of us, and we don't want anything to happen to you. On a lighter note I have to say as we get a little...
  7. Rich

    Joke time

    The four cats The four cats The Four Cats >> >> >> Four men were bragging about how smart their cats were. >> >> >> The first man was an Engineer, >> The second man was an Accountant, >> The third man was a Chemist, and >> The fourth man was a Government Employee. >> >> >> To show off, the...
  8. Rich

    Joke time

    Pretty funny Pretty funny Ray Stevens has done it again.
  9. Rich

    Health Insurance

    It's really scary stuff. I am a salaried retiree and of course we just got dumped by GM regarding our employee health coverage. But as things are working out, I know we are still far better off than a lot of people. Rich
  10. Rich

    Undiagnosed valve deaths ?!

    Hey Book, I want to wish you the best for your upcoming surgery. I am also retired from GM, I was an engineer there for many,many years. I have lived up here for a little over 35 yrs, but born and raised in Cleveland for my first 35yrs so it's tough for me when deciding who to cheer for. Rich
  11. Rich

    What do you mean by 'Normal?'

    I was 58 at the time of my surgery. At twelve weeks there was nothing I couldn't do physically. It is my understanding that the sternum takes about ten weeks on the average to pretty much fully heal. Take it slow at first but don't just sit around doing nothing. By the end of the first week I...
  12. Rich

    Undiagnosed valve deaths ?!

    I had no symptoms right up to the day I 'crashed', and if I had not been moving too fast for my heart to keep up with me, I may not have had any warning until I dropped dead. And I almost did.Even after being released from the hospital the next day I felt just fine, but then I knew something had...
  13. Rich

    Warfarin & Cataract Surgery

    I had cataract surgery a little over a year ago. There is no need to stop Coumadin(warfarin), I didn't even have to be concerned about my INR. Be aware though if by chance you are taking an alpha-blocker, this is a potential problem. This would include Cardura, Flomax, and a few others. These...
  14. Rich

    Inauguration Again

    Bill, It's good to hear from you, congratulations on your eight year anniversary. I'm very sorry to hear of your wife's problem, she will be in our prayers. Rich
  15. Rich

    Ugh! Medical Bills!

    They are everywhere these days. My wife has to have perio cleanings three times a year due to another dentist's screw-up. Insurance approves these only at three times a year with evidence of necessity by a dentist. So they called and made her an appt. for a cleaning, except they didn't mention...
  16. Rich

    Good Morning America

    The first successful one in this country was done right here at my hospital in Royal Oak Michigan. They did the procedure I believe on a Friday and he went home on Sunday. Monday morning he was back at work! And he was in his late seventies at that time, which was the fall of 2005. By a quirk of...
  17. Rich

    Need guidance re Warfarin Dosage

    Eva, I agree that sounds like a large increase, it may put you on the 'roller coaster'. From what you said that comes to aproximately a twenty percent increase to your weekly dosage. Since you are not that far out of range, it does sound like a little too much. How are you going to take 10mg if...
  18. Rich

    mechanical valve

    Buffy Iv'e had mine for twelve and a half years and still don't hear it. The only thing I hear is a little thumping sound at night when I'm laying in bed. Why some hear it more is still a mystery for me to this day. Some think body size has something to do with it, but I'm thin and always have...
  19. Rich

    Need guidance re Warfarin Dosage

    Eva, I don't know if the Zocor or the orange juice has any effect on your INR. Personally I would add 3.5mg per week. Just snap a pill in half, add it to your weekly dosage and see what happens. Rich
  20. Rich

    Hey, Y'all

    Ann, Glad you are getting better. Sure is a lot of this stuff going around. My wife and I have been battling this bronchial thing for quite some time as well. I'm still taking an anti-biotic also. Rich