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  1. Rich

    Family History and Valve Selection....

    It made no difference to me at all. I have already lived longer than my parents and grandparents. The thought of a second heart surgery was the biggest influence. As mentioned there are no guarentees but hopefully the odds are in my favor. Coumadin can be a pain sometime but no big deal...
  2. Rich

    One Quick Question

    Freddie, Personally I would say absolutely not for those of us who had only valve replacement. In my case I was born with a bad valve, but my heart was and still is just fine. Rich
  3. Rich

    Hi All - New to

    Nik, Welcome to the forum and to a fellow Michigander(I'm in Shelby Twp). Hope all goes well and you get some answers. Rich
  4. Rich

    Confused about valve choice

    All I can add is this. I was 58 back then and my surgeon said I was too young for a tissue valve. So I have a St. Jude mechanical. Coumadin can be a pain but not nearly as bad as some make it out to be. I am now a little over thirteen years post-op and very happy with my valve. One point I try...
  5. Rich

    How old were you when you had your AVR?

    I was 58 and received my St. Jude mechanical on 7-29-96. Rich
  6. Rich

    Detroit Marathon

    Congratulations Jeff, Good to hear you made it with no problems. We live in a far northren suburb of Detroit and heard the tragic news on our local news, very sad. Rich
  7. Rich

    Victor Stone Butts (2hartsas1) 11/14/1944-04/13/2009

    Very sad and far too young. My sincere condolences. Rich
  8. Rich

    It came a day Early....

    The 'S' word...............Gag:eek: Two years ago yesterday in this part of Michigan it was 90 degrees, very, very unusual for this time of year. I guess that's global warming:rolleyes:. Yesterday on the same date it struggled to hit the mid-fifties here. Is that considered global...
  9. Rich

    Ten years of having fun..!!

    My dear Janie, I havn't been around much due to some other problems, but I'm glad I spotted this. Congratulations old friend on ten years and many more to come. My valve became a teenager a few months ago. Get out and celebrate, Rich
  10. Rich

    Probiotic Supplements?

    What I was told by my gastro guy is this: As we age(gag), we tend to lose the good bacteria in our systems, and things don't work like they should. A probiotic adds that good bacteria to our systems, and helps things work 'back there'. The one he put me on for a while was called Align, and it...
  11. Rich

    Pre-med for Colonoscopy

    I have taken Levaquin for other things, it is a very powerful anti-biotic( and very expensive also). For my last colon check they did give me an IV of an anti-biotic but I don't know what it was.
  12. Rich

    Probiotic Supplements?

    I did take a probiotic in pill form for a while, to deal with another problem. But these days I take a small cup of yogurt daily. It is a probiotic, it tastes better and is much cheaper. Rich
  13. Rich

    Happy Birthday Wise (50)

    I'm late but Happy Birthday Wise and many more to come. Rich
  14. Rich

    Ross??? where are you?

    Ross, I totally agree with everything you said. Some of the stuff that has gone on in recent years has made me keep my distance as well. We all have our own opinions about this,that, and everything, but that is no reason for any of us not to get along with each other. Hopefully we can...
  15. Rich

    muscle pain from statins use

    Bob, I totally agree with everything you said. Two years ago I was facing cataract surgery, and one of the requirements from the hospital was a minor routine blood test prior to the surgery. This had to come from my PCP. But this doctor insisted I have a full blown blood test. So I did even...
  16. Rich

    What Happened...

    Bob, That is quite a story, I can only imagine the frustration you went through. Thankfully with your amazing knowledge you got it done. It's good to hear you are doing well, your story can be a lesson for many. Rich
  17. Rich

    muscle pain from statins use

    I won't say statins don't benefit a lot of people. If you can tolerate them then it is your decision.I am just amazed at the level they dropped the acceptable range compared to the 'old days'. It has had one major benefit for sure, and that is the drug companies have pocketed billions from the...
  18. Rich

    muscle pain from statins use

    Jeff, As Ann mentioned my wife tried every statin out there at that time. She almost immediately went from a very active lady to one who could barely stand up. Needless to say she threw away all statins. Our cardiologist sent her to an MD friend of his who is really into alternative meds for...
  19. Rich

    Tbone didn't make it

    Ross, I havn't been around for a while, I'm sorry to hear of Tbone's passing. It's really hard to lose a good friend, especially someone far too young. Wishing the best to his family and to you for your loss. Another from my wife's hometown gone. Rich
  20. Rich

    Upcoming Dental Procedure

    Scott, I have a mouthfull of them, it's a piece of cake, but not cheap! Most of us use 2000Mg of amoxicillin one hour before the appt. The only other thing you may question is the anesthetic. There is one that causes me heart palpitations, efeneferon(spelling?) is the one that gives me trouble. Rich