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  1. Rich

    Photo album from Auschwitz- So horribly sad!

    I lived in Germany on business back in the mid-sixties. I visited the concentration camp at Dachau, it was really awful. If I ever had any doubts (which I didn't) that really hit me hard. Rich
  2. Rich

    Long term effects of Coumadin/warfarin

    I just was curious if anyone experienced any unknown side effects over the years. I'm sure not a total expert but after all these years, there isn't much I don't know about Coumadin. I have to agree with Joann, maybe they just don't know. It's hard to beleive though after all these years of...
  3. Rich

    Long term effects of Coumadin/warfarin

    I am asking this due to some ongoing discussion on another thread regarding valve choice. There has been talk about long term potential problems especially with the elderly. I would like to hear some of these. I have been on Coumadin for almost 14 yrs and am now approaching age 72. That's not a...
  4. Rich

    Al Lodwicks Domain has expired

    That would be one big loss for a lot of people. Has anyone heard from Al ? I don't remember seeing any posts from him in a very long time, I hope he is OK. Rich
  5. Rich

    11 Years Post Aortic Valve Replacement Today!!

    Hank, Congratulations and many more to come. With you starting this site, many have been able to access info that is very valuable to them. I only wish something like this was around before my surgery in '96. There was absolutely nothing out there. Now thanks to you we can offer our experience...
  6. Rich

    yikes- inr of 5.4 with use of nexium?

    Megan, When I was having all kinds of problems several years ago, that's when I stopped the Nexium after two and a half years. I had to really monitor my blood level for a while. I had to go from 22.5mg/wk to 30mg/wk which I still take to this day. So be careful. Then my GI doctor told me to...
  7. Rich

    yikes- inr of 5.4 with use of nexium?

    In addition here is a list of possible long term side effecta for Nexium. Body as a Whole: abdomen enlarged, allergic reaction, asthenia, back pain, chest pain, substernal chest pain, facial edema, peripheral edema, hot flushes, fatigue, fever, flu-like disorder, generalized edema, leg edema...
  8. Rich

    yikes- inr of 5.4 with use of nexium?

    Megan, I took Nexium for two and a half years. It had a very dramatic impact on my INR. I had to reduce my dosage from 30mg/wk down to 22.5mg/wk. That is a big drop. Although the Nexium certainly did it's job, my advice is to be careful with use of this drug. Due to another problem I was...
  9. Rich

    What are you doing or completed this next week? 3/14 - 3/20/2010

    We walk a few miles a day. Other than that, whatever she tells me!:rolleyes: Rich
  10. Rich

    Blood thinners

    Good one Blanche. The sad truth is a lot of patients really have no clue. They just take the med without knowing anything about it, and some suffer the consequences of doing that. While sitting in my cardiologist's office several years ago, a guy came in and when he signed in, the girl said to...
  11. Rich

    Insurance and Medicare

    Dayton, That's good you can use warfarin, most seem to have no problem with it. I'm just one of the 'lucky' few that had problems with it. I tried it at my cardiologist's request, and my INR dropped like a rock in a matter of days. It wasn't due to any medication,diet,or activity changes. All we...
  12. Rich

    Dental Work / Antibiotics & Warfarin

    I have always done the same as Dick with no problems. Rich
  13. Rich

    Insurance and Medicare

    Ross, I guess that's why people really have to do their homework, because it's different in every state. Like I said around here advantage plans are out of sight, and if the government gets it's way they may cease to exist. As an example we have freinds that live about 150miles north of us. The...
  14. Rich

    Bonnie Anderson "Granbonny" June 10, 1940 - March 11, 2008

    She was a great lady and we all miss her very much. Hopefully if I'm a good boy I will see her again some day. Rich
  15. Rich

    Insurance and Medicare

    I have to disagree with some of what I have read. When GM dumped us salaried retirees about a year and a half ago, we didn't know where to begin. Thanks to our retirement group we came up with some great coverage without breaking the bank. Please understand each and every state is different, and...
  16. Rich

    Blood thinners

    Doug, Who would write replies like that?:rolleyes::rolleyes: For me the bottom line is this: If someone on the street calls it a blood thinner, I could care less. But when a medical or dental professional calls it a blood thinner, and believes that is what it does, then it really disturbs me. It...
  17. Rich

    Blood thinners

    Cris, You must of read my mind because I couldn't have said it any better than you did. I was referred to a dental specialist several years ago. He talked like he completely understood Coumadin, and would do the procedure without stopping Coumadin. And he said he was going to send a letter to my...
  18. Rich

    Blood thinners

    Thanks Phillip, It is just the lack of understanding about this medication that bothers a lot of us. In my 14 yrs on Coumadin I have heard some really ignorant statements from some of these 'professionals'. Like at my GI's office setting up an appt. for my colon check. She says to stop my...
  19. Rich

    Blood thinners

    An article appeared in today's edition of Parade magazine. Go to and read the same old stupid things written by some doctor. Will they ever wake up and get it? Rich
  20. Rich

    Not heart related...............BUT

    Thanks Bina, That could very well be the interaction I heard about.