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  1. Rich

    Happy Birthday Bina "50 is Nifty"

    Bina, Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday young lady. Rich
  2. Rich

    Happy Birthday Steve - Keeper Of Our Waiting Room

    Steve, Have a great birthday(sorry I'm a little late). Rich
  3. Rich

    Passing of my Mother

    Hank, I'm sorry to hear of your loss, my condolences to you and your family. Rich
  4. Rich

    Such a Klutz

    Bob, Been there, done that many times. More often now that I'm an old man.:( Also because I havn't been around I think I missed your birthday young man. Hope you had a good one. Rich
  5. Rich

    On a scale of one to ten?

    Dave, Relax and ease your fears. Personally for me a cut finger would be a lot more painful. The meds they give you will ease just any and all pain. I was 58 when I had my surgery. The afternoon of the second day I was walking the halls of the hospital. The only bad thing I remember is falling...
  6. Rich

    I'm back..........sort of

    Thanks Norma, we are going to get thru this mess. Bob, you hit it on the head. Yes if they go under it will really hurt us, but this bailout will only serve to keep the doors open a little longer.Until if and when the economy picks up, few people are going to buy cars. Rich
  7. Rich

    I'm back..........sort of

    Thanks for the good wishes from all of you. We will survive, I guess if I survived AVR then we can get thru this mess. Deb, I guess you undrstand some of this due to your stepdad's position. We know how bad things are in Ohio. My wife and I are natives of Ohio. I started work for GM at the old...
  8. Rich

    Hematoma or Broken Foot, or both?

    Gina, I hope you get over this soon, sounds very painfull. Time to put yourself first and take it easy. Talking about snow around here also. Last week we had three straight days around 70, now here comes winter.YUCK!!! Rich
  9. Rich

    New to list Overwelmed =0

    Gary, Welcome to this site, I'm sure you will get some answers. In the meantime try to stay calm and hang in there. It's not near as bad as you may think, and will make a huge difference to your life. Rich
  10. Rich

    I'm back..........sort of

    We have been so overwhelmed with trying to get our health care for next year sorted out, that I just havn't had much time for anything else. I hope this finds our members doing well. As some of you know we are some of the GM salaried retirees dumped out in the cold. It has been a nightmare to...
  11. Rich

    Happy Birthday hensylee (76), ShezaGirlie (65)

    Ann and Janie, Two of the very best ladies born on the same day! I guess 11-13 is a really great day. Ann you have been a good friend and I hope you celebrate your birthday the way you deserve. Janie you are another really good friend and I hope you are having a good time on your cruise. Welcome...
  12. Rich

    Now I'm Ticked

    I gave up a long time ago trying to get my hands on that remote control. It seems so many think controlling the remote is a guy thing.WRONG!!! So I also just go to the basement and watch things down there, it's just a little lonely without a dog these days. I hope we can get another one some day...
  13. Rich

    Hensylee's birthday is almost here!!!

    Happy Birthday my dear friend. Wishing you many more to come, Rich
  14. Rich

    Low INR question?

    I had the same problem when I stopped taking Nexium earlier this year. It took several months to totally get rid of it,and I had to increase my weekly dosage by 20%. You are getting some very good advice here. 2.1 is no reason to panic but increase your dosage by the 10% rule we talk about here...
  15. Rich

    Colonoscopy topic, revisited

    Marsha, Way to go !! I've had two and never stopped my Coumadin for either. My gastro guy just asked me to get my range down to around 2.0 prior to the test. He then had them run a very quick blood test to check my INR minutes before the test. It was no problem. The first time I had this test he...
  16. Rich

    A Sad Day For Bina and Dave

    Bina and Dave, Sorry for your loss, we have been there many times. Rich
  17. Rich

    28 Years and counting........

    Congratulations Gina, People like yourself are an inspiration to all. Rich
  18. Rich

    Missing members

    I wish we could all go back to the way it was and why this site was created. It's a shame that so many have all but dissapeared. Why can't we concentrate on the issues and friendships that were made here? Whatever happened to Billy?
  19. Rich


    Bob, I'm very sorry to hear that, we have been there way too many times and know how it feels. Any pet has always been very special to us. Rich
  20. Rich


    Ross, Glad to hear you are home. Please get well soon. Rich