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  1. L


    Girl, I look like a road map. I had planned on buying a cute, low cut little black dress to celebrate my 50th birthday in September. I sat and finally looked at myself in the mirror last Friday. There's no way I'd show all this messed up skin. All the nurses could tell who my doctor was by...
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    Low Fever

    Carole, My ears felt funny for a while. I had to hold my nose and push out holding my breath to get them to pop. I felt like their was fluid in them and like I was under water. That feeling let me to just feeling off and not all here. I am still very hoarse and still can't talk well, so I don't...
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    Hello all, All of my incisions are beginning to itch like mad. My sternum incision feels somewhat numb but itches as well. I called doc and they said nothing on it for 6 wks. besides cleaning with soap and water. I am beginning to do my own thing. I can't stand material being on me and it...
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    What does intubation feel like?

    Dayton, When they had to re-intubate me, I can actually say I rememberd your experience and thought if you could go thru what you did, I could do it too. I will never fear a tube again that actually kept me breathing and saved my life. ICU was a rough time and I am so glad to be home even...
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    Bentall's Procedure vs. Valve Sparing (David Procedure)

    I just had my aortic valve replaced and a Bentall procedure done. I won't ever go in for OHS again. I would say do it now, get it over, and don't even think about future surgeries. If I was told I had to have another surgery, I would say it's time to go see God.....never again.
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    Low Fever

    Carole, I began running fever a couple of days before discharge and have had it just about every evening since. It runs anywhere from 99.1 to 99.9. My docs told me not to worry until it was 100.5 or over. They said when I got the fever to just drink lots of water. It works. Mine always goes...
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    inr still messed up

    Hey girl, I am glad you are home. I know you must be frustrated. It just kills me that we can all survive this OHS but it's all the other things that get us. Let's just keep on keeping on. Trina
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    What does intubation feel like?

    Bill, I am two weeks post op and I will say the intubation was my biggest fear. I can tell you I remember nothing about it. I was even re-intubated because I had trouble breathing after they took it out. I remember nothing about either intubation. Focus your energy on surgery, healing, and...
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    miserable, can't breathe

    I had to have the breathing tube put back in because my body was too "wet" meaning I had lots of fluid on the lungs. They put the tube back in, took me off all meds and then it was able to come out the next day. Breathing was so hard, I didn't fight the tube going back in. I don't really...
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    Cancelled my surgery at last minute, I'm an emotional wreck

    Gerard, I think we have all felt the way you felt/are feeling. It is only natural to be scared. I was probably one of the most fearful individuals on here waiting for my surgery. Try to find someone to talk to, work on getting the courage up, and know there's many of us on here that have felt...
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    Sad story on local news last night

    This shows that we have to come up with some type of screening for our young kiddos. We've had so many kids (esp athletes) pass away this past year with sudden heart problems. I do love having the defib machines in our schools now. I learned how to use one and feel more confident as a one who...
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    Hello's Trina

    Debbie, I am on the sofa now. I too was finding it was too hard to breathe. My back began bothering me as well. Now I use lots of pillows and the back of the couch for support.
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    Hello's Trina

    Hey Randy, Yes, I did have a few more complications that most have I think, but I am every so determined to get this behind me. I just got out and walked the entire block and made it back home without passing out so I feel good. You take care and don't try to be Superman just yet....hehe
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    Snoopy's back in town!!!

    Welcome home and to the other side of the mountain. Take care of yourself and go easy. Trina
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    inr still messed up

    Carole, I hope things get better for you. I know how you feel about pills. I am so sick of pills. I don't even want to swallow the vitamins. Hang in there will be home soon.
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    Cardio Rehab

    Thanks for all the posts. I can't wait to begin. Today, I felt a little blue and am finding it a little hard because my family is back with their own lives and I'm feeling a little lonesome. I look forward to the social part of it as well.
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    Vision problems post-op?

    I've noticed my glasses aren't helping as much as they did. I don't have the auro, but everything is very blurry. Since I have a pacemaker I can't do MRIs. I have a small nodule on my pituitary gland, but I'm not about to go through anything else right now.
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    Rules Against Spouses Overnight in ICU?

    I was so blessed at the Texas Heart Institute. Hubby could not spend the night but he was right outside in the waiting room.They gave him blankets and pillows and even allowed my family to stay a "few" extra minutes after visiting hours. I was truly blessed as was my family. Now I know why...
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    What have you done differently after heart surgery?

    That's why I am so excited about cardio rehab. I just can't wait for someone to help me with a program. My hospital was just incredible explaining it to me today....really excited.
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    Legs like jello

    I probably do walk too fast, because hubby even says to slow down. He follows me with a portable wheelchair if needed, but haven't needed it yet. Today I just decided to do more things in the house since the weather is so bad here. I am finding my legs to feel a little better. I will begin...