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  1. L

    What is the future of AVR?

    When you have a dad with a horrible case of dementia and Parkinson's and a 22 y/o son who can no loner walk due to a storke this stem cell is sounding fabulous....luckily someone was smart enough to finally pass it and our docs don't have to go out of the country to utilize it. There might be...
  2. L

    Do you agree with the new prophylatic guidelines?

    Before I have any procedure done, my cardio has to sign off on whatever doc/dentist I see, has to fax over a request, he will look at it, and sign off on it......he will also give the go ahead on meds. I've not had anything done yet as I am only 6 wks post op, but this is what I hear...
  3. L

    Just put on Coreg is Coreg CR. I do feel better taking it in the morning. I do notice though that my pulse feels like it's beating fast again by evening...around bedtime. I know all this will pass. I am wiped out and sleep late in the morning even though I'm going to bed around 10 or so. Today I...
  4. L

    Tylenol post surgery

    You poor thing....I promise....the taste buds will get better. I think I was probably one of the worst on here regarding taste buds and 6 wks post op it's getting better.....I still don't want sweet or coke but everything else is much better. I still do crave the darned pickles and salt crave...
  5. L

    I have had a bicuspid valve my whole life...

    Al, Why don't they just use the on-x on every patient that gets a mechanical?
  6. L

    For those about to go through surgery and those waiting

    Very pretty. He's the only way I made it through. Thanks for sharing!
  7. L


    Books would be nice telling us what to expect, but I guess everyone is so different it would have hard to have such a thing. I did get a book telling me how far I should be doing my walking each day, but not much else besides do's and dont's. If I get anything good ar cardia rehab next week I...
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    Surgery on Friday

    Have yourself a good support system when you get home. Have a nice place to get comfortable such as a recliner. Being 6 weeks post op, remember to be patient and realize that recovery takes time. Don't take lots to the hospital. I overpacked and I know others on here did the same thing. You...
  9. L

    Did you have any post surgery blues?

    I did something similar, but just asked why I couldn't have just died on the table. I think alot of it is just the stress of the surgery, not feeling good, drugs talking, and a little bit of uncertainty. I don't think it makes you screwed up.....just not something we endure every day.
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    I guess you could consider the exercises the OT and PT gave me might be some stretching. They had me doing things to keep me legs active and limber and things for my arms to help since I could not raise them above my head and to help me with my pacemaker site so it didn't get sore.
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    I am a St. Luke's patient and ended up being in CV ICU longer than anticipated, but they had me up and sitting in the bed and using my spirometer as soon as I could in the main ICU. When the neck tube came out they stepped me down and then had me up eating my meals and sitting up in the bed. My...
  12. L

    Did you have any post surgery blues?

    Brian, I am going throught the blues right now and visited the doc this week. He guaranteed me it is normal after OHS and even said docs are being more sensitive to this issue now. They just don't know what causes this after OHS. The doc said he'd keep an eye on it and knows it will pass, but...
  13. L

    Just put on Coreg

    I think I might have had a med interaction. I had taken the Coreg around 8pm as that's what time I got it picked up from the pharmacy. I then took my night time Gabapentin for restless leg and my sleep med. They changed me to taking my Coreg early morning and all the other meds in the...
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    VJRoman01's AVR is Wednesday, April 22

    Good luck and God Bless for a successful surgery and great post op. We will all be here when you need us the most.
  15. L

    surgery next week

    John, I am 6 wks post op and just for bi-cusid heart valve and aneurism. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know it's easier said than done....don't worry....all will be okay and we will all be here will be in our thoughts and we will be here for you post op.
  16. L

    Just put on Coreg

    I was just put on Coreg yesterday to lower my BP and slow my pulse. It made me feel really bad. I woke up this morning feeling l like I was going to explode from my throat all the way to the top of my scalp. It finally went away but terrified me. Anyone on this med?
  17. L

    Hey! Who stole my taste buds?

    I lived on popsickles for a couple of weeks.....I tried the sugar free but those stunk. I think it was the "cold" and I just enjoyed that. I can say at 6 wks post op it gets better but I'm still not real hungry.
  18. L

    Hey! Who stole my taste buds?

    Oh Big, I was asking the same thing. I am almost 6 weeks post op and once a coke and sweet freak can't stand the thought of either. Sunday, I ate two giant dill pickles. I can't get enough of sour and salty, but can't stand sweet and want nothing to do with carbonation. I have lost 18 pounds...
  19. L

    I'm ba-ack

    I am glad you are on the other side Big Owl. Now it's recovery time and you have lots of us to help you.
  20. L

    I'm ba-ack

    Scott, I wish you could have seen what my hospital called meatloaf. I was ready to hurt my husband who was trying to feed me small bites for my health and nutrition.....then when we get home I overhear him telling everyone that the meatloaf looked like dog food. It was really pretty scary, esp...