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  1. L

    Hello's Trina

    Thanks for all the posts everyone. Last night was a rough first night home. I am up moving quit a bit this morning trying to stay focused and's hard though. My chest feels like it is drying up where the stictches are and boy the soreness. I am trying to plan my days and get on a...
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    Intubades!!! A new game for all pre-surgery VR pati

    I thought about you Ross when I was being reintubatted. I hate the thing but when I couldn't breath, it saved me. My throat is intense pain right now though and I have a right eareach which they say might be from the vent.
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    Hello's Trina

    How did all of you handle the long days? I feel great that all of this is over, but now all the unexpected things the found and just trying to must energy has me overwhelmed. Since I stayed in icu for so long I feel behind. I am having a hard time using this spiromoeter and I can barely life...
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    Update on Carole

    Oh poor thing. She and I talked back and forth by PMs several times and we both dreaded that thing. I had to to have mine put back but it didn't stay in or long. Ice chips are like getting a t-bone steak. My CV unit was all begging for them. I was also spelling things in the air and hubby made...
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    Hello's Trina

    Hello everone, Well I am home and I can say say I know what if feels like to be hit by a mack truck. Of course, our day started way off schedule due to emergency situations. Surgery was more than expected. I also had to have the root repaired with the Bentall procedure. I am blessed I had this...
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    lilteach3234 Heart Valve Replacement

    lilteach3234 Update lilteach3234 Update Good evening all, Well, I have tried to post several updates but always ended up either being logged out before I could post and when I got back in, my update was lost or inadvertently closing the silly thing out myself. Needless to say, I was too...
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    lilteach3234 Heart Valve Replacement

    Thanks to all for your encouragement. It is 2323 hours, oops, I mean 11:23pm and I just went in to see her. I called her nurse and he said she was stable and starting to wake up a wee bit so I asked if I could come back and see her and he said yes. He is really a great nurse, seems to be very...
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    lilteach3234 Heart Valve Replacement

    Evening all, This is Reed, lilteach3234's husband and she had asked me to post a thread concerning her Aortic Valve replacement surgery that occured/is occuring as I type. Originally, she was scheduled to be #1 on the list but was shifted to the number two position due to needs of an 89 y/o...
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    lilteach3234's surgery is Tuesday, March 10

    Well it's 4:45 a.m. Houston time. We are out the door. My hubby's coffee sure does smell good. I will have him post an update tonight. Keep those prayers coming.....I want to feel all of your vibes when I'm under. I'm first on the doc's roll call this morning. My students want my heart...
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    Good article for women

    I have had a history of depression, but take an antidepressant which makes me feel better. My depression came from almost losing a son, my husband leaving after son got sick, and a big car accident right after. I worked myself through 9 years of college 1 course at a time and then went back...
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    Bentall Procedure

    I totally agree....don't ever want to do this again. That's why I am still awake at the wee hours of the morning.
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    Good article for women

    I was reading this article tonight and found it interesting. It is on women and depression and heart disease.....thought I'd share....can't sleep.
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    Bentall Procedure

    Dang....I am really discouraged because I thought all I was going to have to do is the the valve and be done. This is discouraging.
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    lilteach3234's surgery is Tuesday, March 10

    Thanks so much to all of you. I just love ya all already.
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    Actor Robin Williams in hospital

    One of my coworker's father is in Methodist and right next door to Mrs. Bush. Mr. Bush has walked by his room several time and my friend says her dad just acts like a little boy when Mr. Bush waves.
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    Barbara Bush - Houston surgery today.

    He seeme not only excellent but caring....I didn't get one inkliking that he was taking anything lightly. The Bush family had even had a second opinion from Mayo Clinic and they said he was one of the best in the world. I think he is just so extremely good it is common practice for him.
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    Mike85 is over the mountain....

    Yippee....I am so glad for Mike. You'll be getting an email from my husband tomorrow saying the same thing. I am just so dang happy I got thru the cath today.
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    Bentall Procedure

    Another dumb question....I am getting an aortic valve replacement and possibly a Bentall procedure as well. Do each of these surgeries take 4 to 5 hours or is a total of 4 or 5 total? I can't imagine being on a heart/lung maching for 9 or 10 hours. Here is what my paper says that he gave my...
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    Alternatives to Morphine

    The most awesome nurse told me to ask for Toradol is great. She said it is esp. good for those who morphine does nothing.
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    Barbara Bush - Houston surgery today.

    Just having the cath done today and seeing how awesome I was treated and the care I got, I feel much better about tomorrow.