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  1. Jason

    Present to myself!

    Thanks everyone, and Greg, I think you might be able to give me a run for my money! We just got back from a weekend at our camper on the lake, and we had a great weekend. We caught dinner two nights in a row and fried the fish on the grill. The boys thought that was the greatest thing, and...
  2. Jason


    Thanks, everyone. My dose did go up just a bit (from 70mg a week to 76; I have always been on the higher side), and we will recheck in a few weeks. This has all reminded me that I haven't sent in my paperwork yet for the home testing kit, which I will do tomorrow! Steve, I am guessing that...
  3. Jason

    Present to myself!

    I have been looking at the new Camaro's since they came out, but haven't been able to get myself over the hump of actually buying one. I wanted a dark blue one with either white or blue stripes, and had used this as a reason not to get one. I told my wife that as soon as I saw one that was the...
  4. Jason


    After levelling out at 2.5 for my INR for 5 weeks in a row (3 checks) my last check was 2.3. The clinic left me on the same dose even though my number had dropped a bit and my target was 2.5-3.5. There is fluctuation in the numbers, and I should come back in two weeks and recheck. The recheck...
  5. Jason

    Aortic Aneurysm with only Mild Aortic Stenosis

    My valve was replaced as a result of needing to replace my aneurysm, as well. My aneurysm was 5.4cm, and my valve was mildly stenotic approaching moderate. When the surgeon said that with my valve deteriorating at the present rate I would definitely need another surgery, I chose to change it...
  6. Jason

    Insomnia and Metoprolol?

    I am on the same dose as you now, at 50 mg 2X daily. I was at 75 mg 2X daily, but when my heart rate started dipping into the lower 40's they bumped me up. I am currently taking 12.5mg of Ambien CR, or controlled release. I may be able to drop back to a lower dose of non-CR soon, but for...
  7. Jason

    My first "bump"

    I had the same after my surgery, which was then followed with some atrial flutter. At that point I was put on amioderone in addition to the metoprolol I was already on. After a month of amioderone I stopped that dose, and have reduced my metoprolol. I haven't had any issues since about 3...
  8. Jason

    My Aortic Stenosis Story.

    I had BAV and subsequently aortic valve replacement and repair of an aneurysm. In my case I had no symptoms prior to the surgery, but on an echo it was found that my aorta had jumped to 5.4 cm in a year and it was time. Keep us in the loop as far as your progress!
  9. Jason

    Heat beat

    I had surgery on the 7th of March and had the exact same thing. Actually, when I take a deep breath and hold, it is magnified as far as the beating in the center of my chest. Hasn't really concerned my doc at all, so I haven't worried about it either.
  10. Jason

    Insomnia and Metoprolol?

    I have been on Metoprolol since my surgery on March 7th. I haven't slept a good, full night since. I don't know if it is the metoprolol or not, although that is the only constant medication I have had in that time. Most nights I take ambien to fall asleep and stay asleep. I don't want to...
  11. Jason

    Depression after OHS?

    Glad to hear you have an appointment. I didn't have the depression and crying, but I most certainly had the anxiety after the heart surgery. I couldn't help but worry about every little eventuality that might occur, until talking with my primary care physician. She put me on a very low dose of...
  12. Jason

    I'm ready for the punchline now please........

    Craig, I am sorry to hear that your valves have deteriorated, but I am happy to hear that they caught it and are able to fix it. I am sure your new valves will be much better than the old ones, and we will be hearing from you soon!
  13. Jason

    Post Surgery Heart Meds Update-Let the experiment begin.

    I had a flutter post op as well, although I was only on metoprolol and amioderone for rhythm. I did have a diltiazem drip when admitted to the hospital to get the A flutter down, but that was discontinued and no pills after the fact. Are you stopping the diltiazem on your cardio's orders? I...
  14. Jason

    Question for "side sleepers"

    For me it was about 6 weeks post-operation before I could fall asleep on my side with my arm under my pillow. I tried a few times before that, and my arm up under the pillow caused pain in my sternum. I woke myself up turning over between 6 and 8 weeks, as the pain would flare up a bit. Then...
  15. Jason

    AVR and Gallbladder

    I am still under four months post-op, and haven't had the issue you are dealing with. I will now pay a bit more attention to any abdominal discomfort, though, rather than assuming it was something not settling right after dinner! Thanks for the heads up, and hope everything works out for you.
  16. Jason

    Post Operation question

    Mike, I had the same sharp to dull pains, and for me it was just to the left of my sternum, and was worse when I turned my head to the right. That was at 6-9 weeks post operation, and now at almost 15 weeks post operation I don't have any of the pain in my chest/sternum. Once in a while I will...
  17. Jason

    14 year anniversary

    Congratulations, Sherry! It is great to read about success stories such as yours.
  18. Jason

    Compiling a list of questions for my surgeon

    Hi Tim, I think that the decision to go with tissue or mechanical is a very personal decision, to which there is no real wrong or right answer. I am an engineer by training, and as such I wanted to know the right or wrong, black or white answer, and looking back on it I don't think there is...
  19. Jason

    shortness of breath

    I don't get shortness of breath, but then I don't remember getting it all after surgery. I have been lucky in that regard, I guess.
  20. Jason

    2 years ago June 8th

    Congratulations on year #2, and glad to hear you are changing your health and habits. Here's to many more years for you!