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  1. Jason

    The date is set

    It sounds like everything is falling into place for a stellar surgery and great recovery.
  2. Jason

    Cardiac Cath

    I am happy to hear you are doing well. Sounds like you have a very good frame of mind going into your surgery, and no complications found so far. That all bodes well for a good recovery!
  3. Jason

    gradient decreased 2 months after surgery

    Ah, yes, I did have a baseline echo at the one month checkup, but was in A-Fib at the time so it wasn't too valuable. I did not have one at six months, and will have another one at 1 year. I was hoping to get one at 6 months, and was surprised when my checkup was about 10 minutes long. I was...
  4. Jason

    gradient decreased 2 months after surgery

    I had my surgery in March of 2011, and my doc waits until a full year after surgery to do a follow up echo. I am looking forward to seeing how much my changes in diet and valve will have on the numbers.
  5. Jason

    Heart beats too hard when i lie down

    I did have this problem right after surgery, for upwards of 3-4 months. I had to take an Ambien every night for almost six months, with only four days that I missed it. Those four nights were miserable enough to remind me that I wanted to take the pills. Over Thanksgiving I thought I would...
  6. Jason

    Honest Opinions?

    I agree with everything kfay said, especially the part about quitting smoking. I smoked until I was 35, and quit for a new years resolution. I had tried before, but wasn't successful until I resolved to quit for a month. Knowing that after a month I could have another one if I wanted made it...
  7. Jason


    I think you would have to ask your own surgeon about this, as it probably differs between hospitals, etc. If you are going to a teaching hospital my guess is chances are better.
  8. Jason

    Weight training after Aneurysm repair

    My surgeon never said anything about weight lifting during the restrictions portion of our discussions, so I asked during cardiac rehab. Several different nurses said the same thing, which was that I should have no restrictions upon successful completion of the program. They cautioned me that...
  9. Jason

    Scheduled for AVR Surgery 1/11/12

    Rick, I will be thinking about you on the 11th. My surgery was less than a year ago, but it seems much longer than that already. It is amazing how well we can cope with such things.
  10. Jason

    Feeling down ... hate these mood swings ...

    Alison, I am sorry to hear you are having a blah day, and you are exactly right that you can come and whinge to us at any time. I know that there were many things that I discussed here that I didn't discuss even with my wife, just because you all know exactly what I am going through in most...
  11. Jason


    I had my AVR surgery coming up on 10 months ago now, and I just watched some you tube videos of valve replacement surgeries for the first time. I knew the videos were out there, but I wasn't quite comfortable with watching the videos until today. After watching the videos, I want to go find my...
  12. Jason

    Please keep everyone in your prayers

    Thanks for sharing. I agree that thoughts and prayers are in order.
  13. Jason

    More Noobie Questions

    This struck a chord with me. I just went through my surgery in the last year, and some of your (Sean's) comments are definitely reminding me of where I was with the diagnosis. However, one of the guys I work with had a very good point similar to Marguerite's when I finally told him what was...
  14. Jason

    Probability of contracting Endocarditis in Mexico and the Caribbean.

    I was just in Cancun at the beginning of December for a week, and never even thought about contracting BE from the water. I may have some research to do on my own, now. All that being said, I feel fine since getting back, and suspect that I don't have any issues. I enjoyed the heck out of the...
  15. Jason

    Advice please

    I highly recommend easing into it, and would recommend half days for at least a week if not longer. I was on half days for two weeks, but after one week I went full time. That week of half days was a godsend.
  16. Jason

    Valve *thump* vs valve *click*

    I have a dacron graft, and have read that it does indeed increase the noise. I guess everyone's mileage may vary, but I do have the same effect you mention in that it thumps much louder when taking in a big breath and holding it.
  17. Jason

    Skyler needs some prayers...

    I will send some prayers your way, as well. I hope all works out well!
  18. Jason

    One leg swelling

    I have not experienced any of the symptoms you are showing, but hope that someone more knowledgeable comes along to answer. Hope you figure it out!
  19. Jason

    Valve Cards

    I had a temporary card when I left the hospital, and got the permanent one in the mail about 3 weeks later. This was for a carbomedics mechanical valve.
  20. Jason

    Great article for mech valve patients!

    Thanks for sharing. This is a great article!