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  1. Jason

    Very high dosage

    I understand your concern and myself was fretting over the amount of warfarin I was on directly after my surgery. However, after some consulation with docs and the good people here on this board, I finally convinced myself that it isn't the number that is important, but the INR. Understanding...
  2. Jason

    Question for men. Awkward..

    I went through heart surgery and came out the other side with no issues in that department, so can't help you with personal experience. I was a bit concerned about it going into the surgery, as one of Metoprolol's side affects can be impotence and decreased sex drive. I didn't have the issues...
  3. Jason

    46 years, Aug 16,1967......ONE valve

    Dick, you were a big help to me when I went through my surgery a few years ago, and I am very happy to come back and share this anniversary with you. You are a fixture on the site helping the newbies as they think through their choices. I am also glad I went with the mechanical, and don't have...
  4. Jason


    I smoked from the time I was 14 until a year before my surgery. At that time I had tried to quit several times, obviously unsuccessfully. I decided in 2010 to quit for the month of January as a New Year's resolution. That way I knew that at the end of the month I could start up again, and I...
  5. Jason

    One year anniversary

    Happy Valversary, Vadim. Good to see that your recovery has gone so well. You are an inspiration for many, I am sure.
  6. Jason

    First time poster, had surgery March 28th, 2013

    Great to hear, Kevin, and hope your path on the road to recovery continues to be very uneventful.
  7. Jason

    Two questions about mechanical valves

    I would add to this that the full body scans do pick up my heart valve, or at least that three of them have. It was actually pretty cool, the guy pulled me aside and asked if I could please take my necklace off. I showed him that i didn't have one, and he showed me the outline of me with a...
  8. Jason

    Heart pounds against ribs

    I have heard that this is more pronounced with folks who have had their ascending aorta grafted, as some have mentioned above. I certainly had it quite loudly when I first came out of surgery, and over the first year it became much less noticeable. Whether this is due to the fact that i became...
  9. Jason

    Insight? BAV w/ aortic aneurysm

    Count me as one that had an enlargement of the aorta present and then stabilize itself for quite some time. In 2001 or 2002 (I don't remember which) I had an annual echo due to my BAV from birth. At that time my ascending aorta had jumped up to 4.0 or 4.2 so I was put on a watch. It stayed...
  10. Jason

    Roche sucks

    Same here, but it wasn't Roche that forced the issue, it was the insurance company in my case. I believe the earlier poster who said it probably has to do with the fluctuating INR's early on and liability is spot on. I remember the three month waiting period being frustrating myself, but it...
  11. Jason

    clfhangr is recovering

    Good to hear! I went to college in Bozeman, and have some family in Billings. Glad to hear you are doing great!
  12. Jason

    2nd MVR Next Week and Getting Nervous

    Kristie, I will be thinking of you as you go through this second surgery. I can't help with the recovery question, as I have only had one AVR and aneurysm. Good luck and I look forward to hearing of your quick and uneventful recovery.
  13. Jason

    Questions about my condition and future surgery

    I don't think JCC is talking about the coronaries, which is what a Bentall procedure will replace and is quite common. My understanding is that he is talking about the innominate or brachiocephalic artery (I had to look it up)which is the first artery that takes off of the arch. This feeds the...
  14. Jason

    Questions about my condition and future surgery

    I had the first two issues that you have, which is what led to my surgery as well. My valve was still in the 'good' range on it's way to 'bad', but the aneurysm developed quickly and forced the surgery. I did not have any issues in the arch or the arteries, though, so don't have any experience...
  15. Jason

    Australian private health insurance

    Shane, I can't answer your question directly as I am just now planning a move to Australia, but there are many on here from Oz that might stop by and answer soon. I personally took out private insurance, but it is a stipulation for me to do so as part of the 457 work visa. They have a 1 year...
  16. Jason

    Insomnia at it's worst

    I had some significant issues falling asleep after surgery, and if I did sleep I would have vivid dreams and wake up often. This went on for about six months, actually, and during that six months I started taking ambien, which would help as I would get 4-5 hours of sleep before waking. I also...
  17. Jason

    Anyone have any experience with the Sorin Mechanical Valve?

    I have a Sorin/Carbomedics valve and can recommend it. It has been good for me, and the doc did a bang up job installing it!
  18. Jason

    Did your blood pressure lower after surgery?

    My BP going in was 145/90 or so without a blood pressure med. Immediately following surgery I was taken off of the mes and have been pretty steady at around 115/65 now. I was very happy to see that!
  19. Jason

    One year anniversary

    Hello all, I realized on March 8th that my surgery had happened one year and a day before. On March 7th of 2011, I had my aneurysm and BAV repaired, and have been living happily ever after since. I went through a few months of insecurity and fear, and since then have been doing very well. I...