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  1. N

    TAVR trial for low risk! Bright future ahead!

    One would think valve-in-valve procedures would be more difficult in the smaller valve sizes, maybe not. Interesting that this tavr is "repositional".
  2. N

    TAVR trial for low risk! Bright future ahead!

    There are TAVR manufacturers that have showed Valve-in-Valve working inside competitor valves. Theoretically, they should fit even better inside prosthetic valves than native, since the failing prosthetic is perfectly circular.
  3. N

    TAVR trial for low risk! Bright future ahead!

    Guys, the future is almost here. TAVR will be the standard of care before we know it! Check out the new low risk trial with the Medtronic Corevalve. Really exciting about the valve-in-valve stuff too!
  4. N

    Third OHS

    Hey, sorry about the news that you need #3! I know you have a lot you're thinking about; I was exactly in your same shoes almost three years ago with my 3rd surgery. I know what it feels like to realize that neither option (tissue or mechanical) is a perfect one. My best advice to you would...
  5. N

    Exercise Post-AVR? (Running vs Cycling)

    Hey everyone, I'm wondering what the best exercise options are post AVR. I have been really interested in taking up cycling (biking). I am not required to take Coumadin. Would there be any added stress on the new aortic valve when riding a bike vs running? I appreciate any thoughts on this...
  6. N

    New Discovery regarding Calcification

    If we go in together in the idea! It seems like TAVR technology will improve once they start using engineered tissue on the stents instead of animal tissue. That could theoretically grow and live with the patient, and be done very quickly in the cath lab
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    New Discovery regarding Calcification

    Maybe because there's no Notch1 gene on the prosthetic tissue to regulate the calcium?
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    New Discovery regarding Calcification

    Saw this article about a new discovery regarding a possible explanation of why heart valves and arteries calcify. Calcification has been such a mystery, hopefully this will lead to some breakthrough treatments. Anyone going to ask your doc to get your Notch1 checked out...
  9. N

    Natural or Mechanial

    K2 sounds like a good idea, at first. Take a supplement that helps keep calcium away from your tissue, and in the bone. The big question is, does K2 see bovine and porcine tissue the way it sees my tissue? I wouldn't want to assume that K2 would be as helpful for preventing calcification on a...
  10. N

    Loud heart beat 9 years after surgery?

    Did you ever find out why it got loud again?
  11. N

    Upcoming second OHS, having trouble deciding which valve this time!

    cewilk, I know you are facing a tough decision here. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed perfect decision, only the best decision for your specific situation. I feel like I share a similar story to you. In 1999, I was 21, and went with a Ross Procedure. That valve lasted me 10 years and...
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    I have 4 days to decide - help!

    I think this might be from the same talk. Very interesting article...
  13. N

    Valve Selection Questions

    Hey there. Before you make any decisions about your valve, make sure you are up on all the latest trends. This link is an excellent update on where everything is going. I think it may be much easier to make a decision once you read this. Good luck...
  14. N

    Beta blockers

    What do you think the doctors meant who said Lisinopril was bad for valve problems?
  15. N

    Pediatric Cardiologist vs. Adult Cardiologist?

    Hey, I'm 35 and have been seeing a pediatric cardiologist since I was born with congenital aortic stenosis. I continued to see him, despite that he sees mostly little kids, because he had more familiarity with congenital issues than others. Now that I have a replacement aortic valve and am...
  16. N

    Valve Choice Betting on TAVR in the Future?

    I recently read some articles about TAVR using not bovine pericardium, but tissue engineered leaflets attached to a stent to be placed inside worn out heart valves. It is thought that TAVR would work better inside of a perfectly circular existing bioprosthesis vs even a native valve, more...
  17. N

    Invasive vs Non-Invasive valve replacement?

    The main reason mortality is higher on TAVR right now, someone said 20% in 1st year, is because TAVR is only recommended for high risk folks right now. They were high risk to begin with. ALL new technologies, whether valves, drugs, or medical devices, are always tested first on high risk. As...
  18. N

    Return of the Skipped Beats

    Zantac works sometimes, but it's old school. PPIs are much more effective and longer lasting. Get an OTC like Prilosec or there's many options with stronger prescription PPIs like Nexium and Protonix. There's generics too, which with a copay will be about the same price or less than the short...
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    Return of the Skipped Beats

    I used to get pvcs or pacs, usually at night when I was sitting on the couch. I would get them occasionally through the day too. I tried a beta blocker and other meds, nothing seemed to completely eliminate them. Doctor said they were normal and pretty much everyone has them. I also had an...
  20. N

    I am on my 3rd day returning to work after mech valve replacement - need some answers

    I got a tissue this time, but still could hear it beat very intensely for the first few months, I beleive as my heart was shrinking back to normal size. I hear it still, on occasion, but not nearly as much as before. The fact is, the pericardium acts as an additional layer of insulation. When...