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  1. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I have looked for vit K free whole food multi vitamins, and they are expensive. Even though I am taking the K2 as my little project, I would rather eat mt K1 vitamins. I home test tomorrow, I will post the results.
  2. hook

    Echo shows low EF after mitral valve replacement-need more advice please!

    1) Whenever I lay on my left side or back at night, my heart rate drops significantly (from 70’s to high 40’s) and it feels like I can’t breath until I sit up or lay on my right side (The cardiologist didn’t have any suggestions on what this might be). I wish I could find the study, but I know...
  3. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    That fits, since K2 is produced in the gut by native and ingested bacteria; that is our homegrown source. The amoxicillin kills the good bugs. I guess it is safe to say the antibiotics can raise INR if taken long enough.
  4. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I need the Vit K2 book for dummies.:eek2:
  5. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I love your take on it, and you said what I have been thinking. Lyn, I appreciate your information as well. As it seems K2 protien conversions will be affected in all parts of the body; the next question to be answered is how much of of this action is shut down, and can some of the K2 get past...
  6. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    You bring up the million dollar question. Will increased K2 require increased Coumadin, and will that increase in Coumadin cancel out all actions of the K2. The catch 22 if you will From what I can simplify, the Coumadin does its work in the liver where Vit K1 activates the proteins that work...
  7. hook

    Going off Warfarin

    I have been on it 10 months, and don't notice anything different.
  8. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    Here is the link Putting all the techno mumbo jumbo aside, my root question is simple; foe a person taking coumadin, would taking 45mcg of K2 help prevent calcium build-up in arteries and valves...
  9. hook

    Texas "Bionic Bride" fights for her life

    I am so happy for her. My brother and sister both had transplants, and they felt like new people afer the surgery imediatly.
  10. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    here is another article Part II: The Vitamin K Connection to Cardiovascular Health Introduction First recognized by German researchers as a nutrient required for normal blood “koagulation,” vitamin K is actually a family of structurally similar, fat-soluble compounds, some of which (the K2...
  11. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    Ok, this was the kind of research I was looking for. I know this is a rat study, but it is getting closer to the answer I seek. K1 into the liver creates a protien that aids in clotting, and coumadin blocks/slows that protien conversion. K2 in the liver creates a protien that conveys calcium...
  12. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    Great article Greg. From what I have learned thus far, it seems taking the K2 will help in many ways. thanks
  13. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I know Vit K found in green stuff is something us blood thinner have to keep at a minimum, but does Vit K2 also thicken blood. K2 has many benefits to include preventing hardening of the arteries and slowing cancer developement, thus I would love to take it. Anyone know the answer to...
  14. hook

    Increased heart rate-dizziness- A-FIB?

    Take it low and slow. I went through so many wacky things I never thought I would ever feel normal again. Despite having a lower EF, I feel great after 9 months. Listen to your body and take it slow.
  15. hook

    Amiodarone and Coughing

    I was on it, but no caugh. I do think it caused all kinds of other funky things thought. I just never felt right while I was on it. It did kick the afib out though. I asked my Doc why he pulled out the atom bomb first thing, he he has a good answer. For someone who just comes down with afib...
  16. hook

    Swollen Man **** on incision side - what gives

    Massage,,,, hmmmmm. The thought of feeling myself up is disturbing, but I will give it a try.:tongue2:
  17. hook

    Swollen Man **** on incision side - what gives

    Well, I had the minimally invasive surgery with the incision on the right side, and now 8 months after surgers I have a bit of a man ****. I kept thinking the swelling would go down, but it does not. :mad2: Aside from my reluctance to go to a pool shirtless, my newborn keeps giving me the...
  18. hook

    Vasectomy and heart problems

    That's what I like about you people, not afraid to laugh a little. For the record, the little tadpoles don't get in the arteries, but because thet are on the loose, the body builds up an imune responce to them; this happens in 2/3 of men and is an undisputed fact. It is thought that this...
  19. hook

    Vasectomy and heart problems

    I love this reply
  20. hook

    Vasectomy and heart problems

    I would have to scale back, but only for a few days. I am more worrie about the long term.