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  1. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    Just an update on my little one man trial. I upped my vit K2 intake to 90mgs per day. It seems to have little or no affect on my INR as far as I can tell. I take 5mg of coumadin per day, and have maintained a 2.8 INR almost every week. Please keep in mind for anyone who is interested in...
  2. hook

    Has anyone experienced a dry cough after surgery???

    I had one for about two months, and then it drifted away as I became more active.
  3. hook

    Last day of Amioderone!

    For what its worth, I had terrible afib that started about three weeks out of surgery. Because of other issues the amio was the big gun I needed to get things back in line. It worked and I was on it for 3 months. I had to ask to get off it, but I did and my rythm has been fine for months...
  4. hook

    How you feel after surgery

    I pushed to hard and ended up in afib. Take it slow and listen to your body. No hurry to heal.
  5. hook

    How do you like your Coaguchek XS?

    I have talked to Roche twice abou the issue and they gave me the same story both times. If the meter is within a 30% variance of a lab draw then that is acceptable. In my book that is BS, as 30% can be the difference between stoking out or bleeding out. The were not willing to change out the...
  6. hook

    How do you like your Coaguchek XS?

    I have this machine, but my insurance paid for it. It works good with few errors, but the results are always about .4 over the lab draws. I have checked it against lab draws about 4 times and it has been consistantly .4 to .5 over. I love having this devise; I am not comfortable with monthly...
  7. hook

    enlarged heart/cardiomyapathy

    Ann, I have had cardiomyopathy for 25 years, since I was 20 years old. In fact I spent my last year in the Marines with this issue. I always had mild regurg in the mitral position due to the enlarged left ventricle stretching out the valve, but about three years ago I notices I felt worse. I...
  8. hook

    Questions for those who had surgery

    Results may vary for different people, but I have to remind myself I have a problem. You will have a new normal, or may feel much better in your new normal.
  9. hook

    4 Weeks Post Op - Im new here

    Ask your doctor about L-Arginine. Don't be shocked if he shrugs, as some Docs have no clue about such things. Also do your own research. There are many things that can help your heart that do not come out of the pharmacy. My only warning about supplements is to be careful of the source...
  10. hook

    Bikini / Speedo Season Is Almost Here, Join Us In The Throwdown!!

    grilled chicken sandwich today with no cheese or mayo,,,,,,, yum, I'm in
  11. hook

    My Choice My Regret

    When I first got mine, I could hear it churping when I would sit at my desk. I can't explain it, but recently I have had to struggle to hear it. It does get better once it gets broke in.
  12. hook

    describe your intake of greens and how important you think it is

    I agree 100%.:thumbup: My coumadin needs have gone from 25mg per week to 35mg per week as I started working out more and more. This is all before my K2 experiment, so that does not affect anything.
  13. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I have never seen a multivitamin that says one way or the other. The ones I have looked at only say K. I asume it is K1, since that is the cheapest, and by volume is less. Quality vitamin K2 comes from natto (fermented soybeans), so it is bulky. I take a whole foods multivitamin with no K...
  14. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    Very logical approach. I like it.
  15. hook

    4 Weeks Post Op - Im new here

    Everyone is different, for me I started feeling that inner strength (eye of the tiger for Rocky fans) at 8 months, but I have other issues to deal with. Some people are back up to speed in far less time. Listen to your body, it will guide you. Be sure to eat a good diet high in fiber, and...
  16. hook

    Mechanical Valve noise - do you hear it from inside or outside?

    If this guy can take it, we all can.
  17. hook

    4 Weeks Post Op - Im new here

    15 years,,,, don't listen to that garbage, exercise will keep you going long after that. They say people with cardiomyopathy die in 5 years, and I was diagnosed 25 years ago and here I am. I am a true believer in staying active, but DO not try to jog too soon. Your heart takes a long time to...
  18. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I started the K2 last week 45mcg. Considering how much Coumadin I am on, there was little or no change in my INR so far. Since my surgery last May, I have noticed I get a lot of tater build-up on my lower teath near my salivary glands. I have to scrape this every other week with a dental tool...
  19. hook

    Mechanical Valve noise - do you hear it from inside or outside?

    I hear mine on the inside and out. It does become a non issue after a while. I like being able to hear my heart rate.
  20. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    All I meant was I would rather eat a few salads every week rather than take K1 in a pill.