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  1. hook

    Does a dilated left ventricle shrink back to normal?

    Mine has been enlarged for the last 25 plus years. It has gone down some after a yeaar post op, but not much hope of a full recovery. A feel great and do what I want with it enlarged. The point here being you can go a long time like this; not the end of the world.
  2. hook

    irregular heart rate.sob with exertion, fatigue, post op AVR, MVR 8 weeks post op

    I had this long plateau where I simply felt like my heart was running on 4 cylinders, and I was a V8. I had a 3 month issue with afib, then it was pvcs, and just feeling like crap. At the 9 month point I started getting stronger, as if the other cylinders were catching on one at a time. Now...
  3. hook

    40 Years...

    Rock and Roll grandpaw; I am 5 years older than you and my daughter is only 7. You attached life head on it sounds, I admire your zest greatly. Thanks for the post!!!
  4. hook

    Good-bye Wafarin!

    Good to hear you didn't have to stay on it. It would stink if a choice was made to use a tissue valve to avoid the use of coumadin, but have to take it anyway because of afib or something else. I wonder why doctors don't test patients out on coumadin before valve repacement to do a dry run...
  5. hook

    This is just getting ridiculous!

    I had pulmonary hypertension as my mitral valve failed, and it spiked to a dagerous level just before my replacement surgery. For many years I have always had a dry cough, and got horrible chest colds a couple time a year; the kind that has endless coughing. As my mitral valve got worse I hade...
  6. hook

    Weight Lifting

    I am about 15 months post op, and I do some strength training about three times a week. I focus on pulley, dumb bells, and machines, with reps in the 15 to 20 range, feeling muscle burn and fatigue on the last rep. In the weights world I would consider this a "light weight workout", but I am...
  7. hook

    Why choose a mechanical valve?

    The stat I would love to see is how many stroke events took place for patient in range. When I talk to the coumadin clinic, they tell me stories about how they struggle with patients who simply don't take the meds as directed.
  8. hook

    Coreg CR, better than Coreg or not???

    Yea, that two hour mark feels like after effects of a night in Tijuana. If I could smooth that out a bit it would mke the day go better.
  9. hook

    Coreg CR, better than Coreg or not???

    I may try the Coreg CR (time release version) over the cheaper generic. It seems I get a bit light headed a couple hours after I take my pills in the morning.:confused: Has anyone tried to switch over, and has it helped even things out? I see no evidence it helps the heart any more than the...
  10. hook

    Best Style of Martial Arts to Learn While On Coumadin and Implanted Pacemaker?

    I have a good bit of Okinawan Kempo in my past, and unless you have years of tournament experience it is not much use for "family protection". This kind of stuff has to be second nature like shaving or brushing your teeth. At best it is only good for one on one conflict, provided your opponent...
  11. hook

    Atrial Flutter.. feedback welcome

    I had flutter, and all kinds of bad rhythms in my atrium. It got so bad I almost needed a walker to go to the bathroom because I would nearly pass out half way there. The rhythm Doc put me on amioderone and it cleared up. While my rhythm was in check I went to cardiac rehab and got started...
  12. hook

    Tissue v Metallic

    I was driving myself nuts over the options. I went with mechanical, and just after surgery had buyer’s remorse; natural I guess. After my fifth day in recovery the surgeon told me he would have had me on long term Coumadin therapy anyway due to other issues, so we went the right direction with...
  13. hook

    listen to your cardiologist, not the internet!! Please!

    According to internet figures I should have been dead 25 years ago, But I feel what I would consider above average. It's all about taking care of yourself and doing the work.
  14. hook

    Thumping along at 10 months

    I had mitral regurg, and I feel the same thing after I got a mechanical replacement over a year ago. It often feels like a heat thud, as if the valve slamming shot makes the sensation.
  15. hook

    Post Op Elevated Heart Rate - Factors, Causation, Theories?

    mine was in the mid to high 90s the first two weeks, dropped into the 80s on the third weeks and dropped from there. I was stuck at 72bpm for many months, and with increased excersize it now dips to the low 60s when the kids aren't screaming. It don't get any better than that for me.
  16. hook

    Stupid question... Re mech valves

    Keep in mind those stroke and bleeding statistics include people that do not take the drug correctly. I would like to see stroke stats for people who were in range at the time. Think of this; every time you get OHS, you risk permanent afib as a result. Afib means you will be on coumadin...
  17. hook

    The real deal with 'blood thinners' please

    For me taking the pill is no big deal, testing is no big deal, and I bleed no more than I did before. I still work out, cut grass, and work with sharp tools; all not an issue. My diet is well rounded, and I don't walk around with a food list and coumadin cook book. The only food I stay away...
  18. hook

    Heart Palpitations when laying down - regular event, cant seem to get used to it

    I am over a year out, and can feel my heart when I relax as well.
  19. hook

    Dr. prescription for INR Machine.. Now What??

    Kristen, like many other things you cannot take no for an answer. I was turned down at first until I obtained a letter from my cardio that explained two specific points. 1) It was medically necessary that I would have to test weekly (insurance does not want to pay weekly lab cost) 2) It should...
  20. hook

    Questions I asked my surgeon today

    Great feedback:thumbup:,,,,,, just shocked you got this many words out of a surgeon; sounds like a great doc I don't see having the mechanical valve life changing. The only hassle has been trying to get other surgery set up where bleeding is a risk. Managing INR becomes part of life, much...