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  1. hook

    Is there a way to predict dosing changes if adding K to the diet?

    I added vit K2 to my diet and noticed very little dosage change needed. I chose the K2 because it is suppose to help sequester the calcium in the pluming and transport it to the bones. The logic here his it helps prevent calcium build up in the arteries and strengthen bones; bone density has...
  2. hook

    First Few Days Home

    my best advice is to always keep a cell phone at your side just in case, and don't shower alone; my first shower I nearly passed out. I also got a little over confident and went to my basement office to get some papers just to realize I could not get back up the stairs. My dad 75 year old had...
  3. hook

    Off the Beta-Blocker...Yay!

    I have been on them for 20 years due to cardiomyopathy, and guess they are part of me now. I often wonder if I would not go down hill if I stopped them. I take coreg and found that the time release version seem to prevent the valleys many complain about. It is great to hear of people who keep...
  4. hook

    Tissue vs. Mechanical

    This is my take, but if your goal is to stay off blood thinners with a tissue valve, that may not be your choice. Often one surgery will leave you with a fib and the need to take blood thinners anyway. Multiple surgeries increases your odds of a fib, thus increases your odds of life long blood...
  5. hook

    How long were you in A-Fib

    My a fib started about three weeks out. It was all over the board, with slow, wears, fluttering, etc. They put me on Amioderone for about three months and it went away. I had to force the issue to get off it, but once I stopped I was fine. I referred to the Amio as my "Cardiac Chemo". There...
  6. hook

    Paperwork needed for flying......

    I have never been asked to show any ID for my valve or ICD. If you don't want to go throughout the metal detector simply tell them you have a metalic valve and you get the personal treatment.
  7. hook

    Added benefit of valve replacemen,,,,, or not??

    Just trying to keep it light; if no one want to have a sense of humor I will go away for another six months.
  8. hook

    Rehab - Do or Not?

    I did rehab because I was afraid of v-fib during my recovery. It is a good way to get back in the saddle.
  9. hook

    Added benefit of valve replacemen,,,,, or not??

    Beautiful,,,, we should keep this theme going,, talk about diversions
  10. hook

    Added benefit of valve replacemen,,,,, or not??

    long standing bugs, that is something to ponder.
  11. hook

    Added benefit of valve replacemen,,,,, or not??

    Ok, odd topic here but I know I'm not crazy. Before my surgery two years ago I had a bad case of IBS (aka - the trotts, trouser chilli, screaming eagles, anal oil derik) slowly getting worse over the last decade. It was so bad I never flew in the morning because I knew I would be on the can...
  12. hook

    ejection factor

    Here is how it was explained to me, as my docs said my EF may go down after surgery. When leaking valves allow blood to back-flow, this is often still seen during the EF measurments as blood flow. When the valve is replaced the flow can only go in one direction, thus reducing the number. Mine...
  13. hook

    Vitamin K2 and Warfarin

    I still take my K2 50mcg every other day. I like the benefits of the K2, so it is my K of choice. If I tavel with work and eat out a lot, I tend to eat more greens, so I cup down on those weeks. This seems to have little affect on the amount of Coumadin I need, but does seem to help keep my...
  14. hook

    Life Insurance

    Very wise for a 28 year old person to think of such things. You will have a hard time getting insurance of any kind, medical or life. I don't know that you do for a living, but if you change companies make sure they have a good group policy. When you start get as much life coverage you can...
  15. hook

    Life Expectancy... of Valve or Person?

    Amen brother. I am glad you are here to set an example for us all.
  16. hook

    Surgery on Friday.. How did you keep calm?

    The tubes are no big deal; the medication will dull all those concerns for you. I think it is important that someone be with you at all times. Have them bring a pad and pen so you can write down things you feel or need when you wake up. To tell the truth, I didn't think the post surgery was...
  17. hook

    Question for Coreg users

    I was on 25mg of coreg twice per day before my MV replacement two years ago. I remained on the drug after to continue treatment of my cardiomyopathy. I was finding the drug gave me some drops in energy after taking it so they converted me to the 80mg time release taken at night. This seems to...
  18. hook

    Post Surgery Question 2- Higher Resting Heatbeat?

    Mine was in the high 90s for the first few weeks and slowly started coming down. It took me almost a year to get into the mid 70s, and now I have a resting HR of 60 or below. It takes time.
  19. hook

    Post Op Less Invasive Mitral Valve Repair

    Best advice I can give, go buy a lazy boy recliner; even if you donate it after you recover, it is worth every peney. This will be your home hospital bed for the first month. It also keeps your lower back from hurting, as you can not sleep on either side. Don't buy the sheik one, get the big...
  20. hook

    Two years have flown by

    Congrats on your anniversary. Funny thing is I just hit my two year mark on May 28th. I think back to how bad my health got before the surgery, and how much better things are now. Thanks for reminding me.