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  1. Seaton

    My Time has Come

    All the best for tomorrow, @Denjun And onwards to a good recovery. ☀️
  2. Seaton

    Hi everyone from England

    Greetings Paul. Welcome to this great and informative forum from a fellow UK-er. There’s a super international depth of knowledge and experience here that helped me tremendously when I first got my diagnosis suggesting I’d eventually be needing AVR. I got my valve replaced in August 2019, so...
  3. Seaton

    Wireless pacemaker that dissolves in body
  4. Seaton

    Staying the Course: Romantic Month of June, 2021 Edition

    Fantastic to read the surgery went well, Superbob. Good news indeed. ☀ And excellent that you challenged the bureaucrat’s “observation” agreement! Very sneaky to wave a wordy document at you so soon after being anaesthetised. Hopefully no further repercussions. Happy healing … and please be...
  5. Seaton

    Show time! 13 years in waiting, tomorrow morning surgery with Dr. Svensson at the Cleveland Clinic.

    Very best to you, Bill! Looking forward to your updates and wishing you a good and smooth recovery for the days ahead. Onwards … ☀️
  6. Seaton

    My Fathers Passing

    Just read your initial post, @Warrick Sending condolences and very best to you for the days ahead.
  7. Seaton

    4 weeks post AVR, aorta graft and CABG - my experience

    Great to hear @gpr100rs! Thanks for the write-up. Fantastic you’ve returned to work already and things generally improving. Home-made chocolate chip cookies are definitely the way to go. 😃 Here’s hoping the ulnar nerve issue subsides soon for you. All the best for a continuing good recovery. ☀️
  8. Seaton

    2nd OHS at 67 April 26/2021

    Wishing you the very best for the days ahead @Luckyguy17. Sounds like you have a good team monitoring your situation.
  9. Seaton

    Tomorrow 's the day

    Good health and the very best of recoveries to you! ☀️
  10. Seaton

    On the Flip Flop ..with a little extra hardware

    Hello Lynn ... Good to see you back here post-surgery. Thank you for the detailed write-up. Glad you’re home and healing, despite the bumps. Keep an eye on your temperature but hopefully things will settle down soon. Wishing you a good and steady recovery as the days go forward. Very best to you.
  11. Seaton


  12. Seaton

    First post from Maryland - advice and support needed!

    Hello Mark and welcome. Yes, this forum’s a fabulous resource for anyone experiencing heart valve issues – diverse wisdom and experience in abundance and always a generous willingness to engage with questions where possible. You’ve come to the right place! Finding the forum certainly made my...
  13. Seaton

    Thank You

    Welcome Lynn. As you know, this is a great place for all things heart valve replacement (and beyond! 😎). Reach out whenever you feel the need. There is much wise counsel here. Will be following your journey as things progress. Wishing you all the best for the days ahead and onwards. ☀️
  14. Seaton

    Post Surgery update

    Sorry to hear of these early struggles and speed bumps, @tezza. Hoping the team can get to the bottom of your blood issues soon and things settle quickly for you. It’s good to know you’re on day four and about to move to a ward. Wishing you the very best for the days ahead and the speediest of...
  15. Seaton

    Saw cardiologist

    Great to hear Anne! Long may it continue. 🌷 *You must be due your second vaccine soon? Or perhaps you’ve had it. I’m six weeks after my first (AstraZeneca), so let’s see when the next call up will be (supposedly by week twelve). Onwards ... ☀️
  16. Seaton

    Pls if anyone has their valve replaced with the inspiris resilia comment.

    Greetings @esvaja Hope you are well. I had an Inspiris Resilia implanted in London in August 2019. I’d just gone 61. I feel lucky to have got it done pre pandemic. My immediate recovery afterwards was relatively smooth, with only one trip to the Emergency Department a month post surgery with...
  17. Seaton

    AVR and aneurysm repair tomorrow

    Great to hear from you so soon, Kingster! Welcome to the other side. Wishing you the best for the days ahead ... ☀
  18. Seaton

    MOO is now 10!

    Happy 10th, Steve! 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 Viva your Magic Moo decade. Very inspiring. Long may it continue. And fantastic to hear the cancer’s been treated successfully. Very good news indeed. And for the record, your wisdom and presence is always welcome here. 😎 Onwards and very best to you!
  19. Seaton

    Tomorrow is my day for AVR

    Hoping all well in recovery. The best to you and for the days ahead.
  20. Seaton

    AVR and aneurysm repair tomorrow

    All the best with your recovery.