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  1. Seaton

    Awake and recovering

    Super news, Deidra! Sending good healing thoughts and a recovery big best your way.
  2. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    I worship my Pill Box, by the way.
  3. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Hahaha... well, I should say 7mg just to play devil's advocate 😈 But suppose 9mg (ish) could be the sweet spot... Then again, what do I know! 😄 *I don't drink, but I should buy you all a beer, anyway.
  4. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Seeing as I have contradicted myself and continued to post my ongoing newbie-to-warfarin INR readings anyway, I thought I’d continue until in range and stable, chiefly as an example and reference for any others new to all this. Clinic blood draw today (Friday): INR now 1.7 An increase from...
  5. Seaton

    4th procedure

    All the very best going forward, Gail.
  6. Seaton

    Surgery Tomorrow. Rise and Shine

    The best to you for today’s surgery. And onwards to a good and steady recovery. Will be looking out for your updates.
  7. Seaton

    Cold all the time.

    Welcome home! Sending good healing thoughts your way and the best for the recovery days and weeks ahead.
  8. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Clinic blood draw today (Tuesday): INR now 1.3 A drop from last Thursday's 1.4 New dosage schedule given: 9mg tonight 9mg tomorrow 7mg Thursday Clinic INR test Friday When the clinic called with my new INR figure at midday, they asked me to go back again in the afternoon to have a heparin...
  9. Seaton

    12 Years on Trifecta

    Super news, Tom. Long may it continue. All the best to you going forward. ☀️
  10. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Sound advice and one I have been following behind the scenes in preparation for getting my own CoaguChek® INRange soon. Pell’s been very helpful. As have you all. Yes, that’s my concern. I may contact them again tomorrow to discuss, especially considering I’m on no other anticoagulant at...
  11. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Yes. That’s what I thought... but also half expected, considering how things have gone so far. Have a self-testing interview with the clinic next Thursday. The clinic said don’t buy an INR meter until you’ve had this interview. Tempted to just buy the meter anyway rather than wait for their...
  12. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Clinic blood draw today (Thursday) – INR now 1.4 New dosage schedule given: 6mg tonight 7mg Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6mg Monday Clinic INR test Tuesday
  13. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    From 8 today, they are actually dropping me to 6 for the next two days. But your suggestion of 7mg daily going forward and testing Thursday and again on Monday seems reasonable. I will do as they say for now and confer with them on Thursday. Keen to get back in range. *Am booked for an initial...
  14. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    INR back down to 1.3 today. Blood taken this morning. Call from clinic this afternoon with INR result. They've upped tonight's (Monday's) dose to 8mg. Told to take 6mg Tuesday/Wednesday. Back in the clinic for bood draw/INR check Thursday. And so it goes.
  15. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Great advice, Protime. Thank you! Interesting stuff. Will be great to have more control over this whole process.
  16. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Thanks Martin! Am hoping it pushes up a bit more and stabilises. I'll soon find out where I am on Monday. Yes, was told I could get those supplied on prescription if I'm self-testing through the clinic. Hoping for a self-test interview soon to get things going. All the best to you.
  17. Seaton

    6 months post-surgery today!

    Congratualtions on your half year recovery, HH! Both thumbs up to you. 😎 Hearing that you're back on your Peloton and road bike and pushing near same levels as pre surgery, is impressive and inspiring. Long may it continue. Sending good health thoughts and best to you going forward.
  18. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Thanks Andy! Really kind offer. I may take you up on that*. The coffees (or whatever your poison is) will be on me. 😎 *Will try to organise buying a meter soon. Cheers for the feedback. 👍🏻
  19. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Good points. I was wondering about this after they'd called to give me my new dosage going forward. I will bring this up at my next session (Monday) and see what they say. Cheers for the feedback, Protime.
  20. Seaton

    Warfarin Protocol Initiated!

    Thanks @tommyboy14. Yes, looking forward to eventually self-testing and lessening the clinic visits and venous draws. I've requested a meeting with their self-testing department.