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  1. Seaton

    Tissue Valve Turns 14

    Happy 14th, Johnny! 🙂
  2. Seaton

    10 years on

    Great to hear, Palious. Long may it continue! The best of health to you.
  3. Seaton

    14 years today

    Great news, spartangator. Inpiring to hear! Very best for the years ahead.
  4. Seaton

    Covid 19 vaccine recommendations

    In the UK, as it's a national health service, you usually get what you're given (offered). Currently the Pfizer and Moderna are the only brands on offer to the 50+ age group and other eligible groups in this initial booster roll out...
  5. Seaton

    Covid 19 vaccine recommendations

    I have a Inspiris Resilia bovine aortic valve implanted. My initial two Covid vaccinations were AstraZeneca. No noticeable valve issues with those. Just had a Pfizer booster (6 October). No noticeable valve issues so far with that.
  6. Seaton

    The Big Calendar Entry

    Great news, TellTale! And great to read your write-up. Take it steady, one day at a time. We are here with you. Wishing you a good and restful recovery.
  7. Seaton

    Livvy's Valve Disease Open-Heart Surgery Video Diary

    Livvy Gosney was diagnosed with heart valve disease in 2015 after her doctor heard a murmur. Fast forward six years, and after facing delays to treatment caused by Covid, Livvy was finally called in to receive her life-saving treatment. This is her journey through that life-changing...
  8. Seaton

    20 years on September in 2001

    Happy 20th! 🌟
  9. Seaton

    The Date is Set!

    Greetings @Estrazz Fantastic to hear you have a date. Have heard lots of good things about the Mayo from members here down the years. You’ll be in excellent hands there for sure. Sending a big best to you for the days ahead and will be looking forward to reading your updates as things...
  10. Seaton

    Royal Paworth

    Oh my. Such bad luck, Paul. What a drag. Hoping any new date will be sooner rather than later and well before your preferred surgeon leaves. Sending good thoughts your way in the interim. Onwards.
  11. Seaton

    Staying the Course -- Autumn At Last!

    Gosh, Bob. Very sorry to hear of your wife’s misfortune again. Wishing her a speedy and healthy recovery. And the best of outcomes re your family issues. Golden retrievers sure can be golden. Beautiful hounds. Looking forward to some future posts on your walkabouts should you get yourself a new...
  12. Seaton

    Apologies to Shakespeare

  13. Seaton

    7 yrs today

    Wow. Glad those early issues eventually resolved! It's great to know you're here updating all these years later. Happy 7th to you! ☀️
  14. Seaton

    Royal Paworth

    Sorry to hear that, Paul. Can be a bit of an anticlimax. But glad all good your end, as you say. Happened to me in August 2019. Gowned and prepped for afternoon surgery, only to be cancelled an hour before procedure. The surgery before me had over-run as an emergency. They rescheduled me for...
  15. Seaton

    The Big Calendar Entry

    All the best going forward, TellTale. 😊 It's great to have a timescale to focus on and prepare for. We'll be cheering you on and here for your updates post surgery!
  16. Seaton

    Going on 20 years this month

    Congratulations Caroline! 20 years is an incredible and inspiring number. 🙂 Long may your valve keep ticking. The best of health to you.
  17. Seaton

    54 years..........but who's counting!

    Clapping over here in London. Big congratulations to you! Ever the inspiration.
  18. Seaton

    three month post op

    Happy three monther! Really great to hear. The very best to you as things move forward. 😎
  19. Seaton

    Staying the Course: It's July, the Heat Is On!

    Condolences for the loss of dear Ellie, Bob. And the very best to you for the days ahead.
  20. Seaton

    My Time has Come

    Really great to hear! Happy healing and continuing good health to you.