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  1. P

    Metoprolol vision changes? Or is this something else? Graying out of vision in one eye only

    Ease has nothing to do with it, as far as I can tell. Just put a few generics together (I think this is what Trelegy has done), and call it a new medication, charging a lot of money for what is really a few generics. Add some stuff that makes it time release, and it's a new medication that they...
  2. P

    Cataract Surgery coming soon

    I had my cataract surgeries because things became too dim, and when I encountered bright light - especially from the side, I couldn't see at all - the light made my cataract 'glow,' obstructing all vision. My wife has cataracts and another eye issue. She needs surgery but won't get it - and...
  3. P

    Cataract Surgery coming soon

    My ophthalmologist was one of the surgeons involved in the first study of the Crystalens - a lens that was supposed to change focus inside the eye. In theory, it made it possible to see near AND far with the same lens. The lens cost $2400 EACH. The 'autofocus' only lasted about 10 years or so...
  4. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    When I was an undergrad at UCLA, Student Health was one of the benefits. After seeing probably dozens of doctors by then (from childhood) and a LOT of doctors and students at UCLA Student Health Service, it took one student to hear (or be concerned about) my aortic murmur. None of the MDs...
  5. P

    Migraine aura anyone? Or does the cheese stand alone?

    I've been avoiding a neurologist for a while - I stopped seeing my last neurologist after his receptionist/office staff member/? lied to me about calling and mailing me regarding an address change and the fact that he no longer accepted my insurance. My PCP has been prescribing my medication for...
  6. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    I'm not sure how many negative results we get, and most of this is pretty positive. We don't hear about the really bad results -- dead people aren't prone to complaining a lot.
  7. P

    what to take to the hospital - a checklist

    Actually, after my valve was implanted, I wanted to read. I brought a few books. Back then, the stay in the hospital was longer than it is today. When I was allowed to have food brought in, I had a barbeque beef sandwich - one of my favorites. The hospital was close enough to Tommy's (famous...
  8. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    The impression that some have reported is that the physicians get an hour or two (maybe?) training in INR management, in Med School, and stop there. From there, I suspect, they learn all they need to know from the device reps - like, for example, an INR of 1.5 - 2.0, plus 81 mg aspirin, is...
  9. P

    Cataract Surgery coming soon

    The laser has dramatically changed ophthalmology - I wish it was around 70 years ago. It would have saved my father's vision. He had retinal detachments, starting in 1953 (I think). He traveled 300+ miles to a surgeon in San Francisco who apparently was able to repair retinal detachments. He...
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    Not doing surgery

    I was aware of all this - at least, this is what he claims (and I have no reason to not believe it).
  11. P

    Not doing surgery

    I don't know if anyone else has written this, but it seems to me that writing to this forum, essentially calling out for help. I won't even think about trying to give you advice.
  12. P

    Cataract Surgery coming soon

    I'm thinking about an appendix transplant -- but the one that I have is still good, so I'll have to wait.
  13. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    Yes, just marketing -- but marketing that could put people at potential risk of bad outcomes. Somehow, I feel that my comments about not following the On-X guidelines was vindicated. I'm also encouraged to know that there are SOME surgeons out there who actually read, and understand, studies...
  14. P

    what to take to the hospital - a checklist

    Some thoughts, based on hospitalizations the last couple years (and, again, some may be repeaters): A powerpack - I brought, I think a 10,000 mw (whatever the units were) power supply with me. If I couldn't get my phone charged in the room, I could still do it with the powerpack. I could also...
  15. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    Whether I'm at death's door (I don't think that I am - yet) or feeling well enough to run a marathon, I'm still responsible for what I write. I'm sorry if I stepped on toes -- it wasn't intentional, and it's not wrong to call me out if I deserve it. Thanks for the kind words, Dornole, and...
  16. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    Not my BEST moment? I don't have ANY good moments. I checked (not as well as Pellicle did, btw) to see when the On-X was first implanted - the best that I found were some studies from 2016. I made the apparently wrong assumption that if they were still studying the valve, it may not have had...
  17. P

    Sinus Infection Risk Mechanical Valve

    I understand your concerns. I get sinus infections every few months or so (it seems like they may be more frequent than this, but most just resolve on their own). It's my understanding that the mouth has a lot more of the nasty bacteria that can cause bacterial endocarditis - plus an intimate...
  18. P

    Another cry out for help…Ablation or no ablation!

    In 2020, I had multiple SIMULTANEOUS arrhythmias. My cardiologist didn't know what to do about it - he installed a stent that I'm sure I didn't really need. Otherwise, my angiogram looked fine. I was sent home with Amiodarone - a nasty medication that did nothing to my arrhythmias, but sure...
  19. P

    INR - How low should you go?

    OK. I stand corrected. But SFCHATT - what makes you so damned angry? I clearly said that aiming for a higher INR is what I would do if I had an On-X. You're free to maintain your INR wherever you want it. I wasn't arrogant enough to insist that this is what you should, or must, do. Your...