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  1. P

    On-X low INR target

    The study makes me wonder how many people were hurt by following On-X recommendations for low INR ranges. The suggestion that 1.5 - 2.0 is safe, and convincing gullible doctors that there's some benefit to patients when they maintain an INR of 1.5, versus 2.2 - 2.5 (or slightly higher) seemed to...
  2. P

    Acetaminophen and Warfarin

    Your doctor was wrong when he told you that NSAIDS are antagonistic to warfarin. What the NSAIDs do is make your platelets 'less sticky', which makes clotting take longer than if you haven't taken an NSAID. I took a fair amount of tylenol last year when I had some broken ribs -- the...
  3. P

    Black stool

    My keyboard tends to add characters when I type - I have to get a different keyboard. Thanks, 3mm, for the correction.
  4. P

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    At one time, they thought that testing every month was adequate. Current thinking is that testing should be done weekly -- I usually test weekly, but sometimes stretch the time between tests a little further. Before there were self-test meters, I ignored the 'every two weeks' instruction, and...
  5. P

    Is numbness of the feet a sign things are getting worse?

    I don't think I would be comfortable walking around with a diagnosed ascending aortic aneurysm (although I think I might be - but a really small one). The foot numbness may be a symptom - but a symptom of WHAT. If you haven't already, report it to your cardiologist - soon - it's just a phone...
  6. P

    Can you trust your dentist?

    I was in Las Vegas for Comdex in 1998 (IIRC). My wife went to our dentist for a 'simple' procedure - after an hour or so, digging at her tooth (I think he was trying to extract it), he finally gave up and sent her to an oral surgeon who actually did the job. She went home in agony. The oral...
  7. P

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    I don't know how prevalent home testing was when this book was written - or even if there were home test machines. I had a copy of the book - IIRC, the book had recipes that had little or no vitamin K - probably on the 'no' side. My copy is probably hiding somewhere, or is sitting in a...
  8. P

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    Instead of giving out incorrect information, they should have just trashed them.
  9. P

    Can you trust your dentist?

    In my post that started this thread, I noted that my 'new' (maybe former?) dentist told me that the current standard was to NOT pre-medicate (or post-medicate, FWIW). This dentist also had taffy candy in a bowl for patients. Presumably, this was to pull fillings out of teeth. I can't understand...
  10. P

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    Eva: When was this? Recently? They should have given you a Coaguchek XS instead of the book full of obsolete assumptions and recipes based on the assumptions.
  11. P

    The Coumadin Cookbook

    I got a copy on eBay years ago. IIRC, at one time Roche was giving it away - or selling it. As others have said it WAS an 'avoid Vitamin K at all costs' book. My purchase came with a 'coumadin' branded 7 day pill box. I don't know if I still have the book - but I didn't follow its recipes...
  12. P

    On-X low INR target

    A few things: You probably don't have to test 'every 3 days' -- many (most?) of us do weekly testing, and it's working out well for us. The INR testers DON'T detect the results that aspirin has on the platelets. It probably doesn't matter AT ALL, in terms of testing with a meter, how much...
  13. P

    Black stool

    I found a vendor who often has discounted meters -and seems to have a pretty good price (including strips) for the newest meter - the InRange. Although eBay has 'stopped' the listings of the CoaguChek XS meters, sometimes they'll miss one or two - you may be able to get a better price on eBay...
  14. P

    Black stool

    If you're able to self test and self manage - get a meter. If you need management help, get a meter - you can get help here. But it's important to know your INR so you can manage it. It sounds like you've been over anticoagulated - your INR was far higher than it should have been. Who was...
  15. P

    On-X low INR target

    These magazines were computer technology - not hard science. This was a while ago - I still try to maintain standards, but some of what I say comes from things that I read a while ago - I can't always easily find (or cite) these source articles. Agreed - 2.5 is a good target even for On-X valves.
  16. P


    What they don't emphasize strongly enough (for some, maybe not all of this type of drug) is that once you start, you'll gain it back. (Check out the fine print in the commercials).
  17. P

    On-X low INR target

    Pellicle: I'll have to look for it. If you'll refer to my comments, before mentioning the 20% figure, I said IIRC (if I recall correctly). Perhaps I didn't recall it correctly. When I get a chance, I'll look for it. My point here, though - and you stand by your XS to be +/- .2 is that people...
  18. P

    On-X low INR target

    INR test results should not be considered to be 'accurate.' IIRC, it was the WHO (World Health Organization) (or some other standards body) that concluded that test results +/- 20% of actual (and who knows WHAT actual INR is?), the result should be considered accurate. This is because INR isn't...
  19. P


    Yes. I noticed that it was blue. And that it was a hyperlink. I just didn't think many people would FOLLOW that link to find out what iff really meant.
  20. P


    Pellicle used an abbreviation: iff. I don't think this was a typo, and it may be a bit esoteric for some of us. IFF means 'if, and only if.' When you reread the post that contains this, the context becomes clear. I don't like avocados. My wife loves them. One day, I'll grow a Hass avocado...