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  1. P

    Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

    Pellicle: You misunderstood me -- I think that advertising on this forum would be a GOOD thing to do. It has been for a few hours. Good for them. I also think that being a sponsor at this site is a good thing to do (which SelfHelpDepot is now) is also a good thing. We should remember, when we...
  2. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    If the paper was peer reviewed, it could have been handled by someone with a lack of knowledge (or who forgot the basics of) statistics - or the person who retyped it before printing had a bad day...
  3. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    The only thing that having an INR below 2.0 (with an On-X valve) will do for you, compared with the 2.5-3.5 with St. Jude will increase your chances of an 'adverse' event. For small cuts, you probably won't notice any difference between the two. For bruising, you will probably not notice a...
  4. P

    It was the Cinnamon...

    There are actually two kinds of cinnamon (or one, if you consider the rarer cinnamon - I've forgotten its name - to be the REAL cinnamon). Cassia cinnamon is, IIRC, from Mexico. They're not the same. If you're using cinnamon and are worried about what it does to your INR - get a meter...
  5. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    'Democracy no hitlership?' What the hell are you talking about? Dick's valve has been working in his chest since 1967. My St. Jude's has been working in my chest since 1991. I don't understand what makes the On-X that much better (or, really at all, better) than what's been working in many...
  6. P

    Ebay drops all listing for Roche Coaguchek XS PT Strips

    There's no alternative, either. I can't imagine that the strips cost too much to manufacture. They probably want to keep self-testing under the control of 'clinics.' It's a good CYA (if something goes wrong, it's the fault of the provider, not Roche). Ultimately, personally, I'd like to see...
  7. P

    Ebay drops all listing for Roche Coaguchek XS PT Strips

    I wonder if enough of us can write to a senator or our congress representatives about the strange situation related to anticoagulation meters -- blood glucose meters are available without a prescription. Insulin is by prescription only. Why should anticoagulation meters and strips be any...
  8. P

    Question regarding life on anti-coagulants

    Pellicle: Your symptoms suggest (to me, at least) that your brain was combining the images from both eyes, and failing to do so. I wonder if you've got a problem that I've had for much of my life - my eyes sometimes diverge - giving me two images. My brain usually ignores the one on the left...
  9. P

    Question regarding life on anti-coagulants

    Over the years, there's been so much misinformation about anticoagulants. There was The Coumadin Cookbook, which avoided foods that contained Vitamin K. There were myths about not shaving with a blade because, presumably, a nick would cause you to bleed to death. Even here, there was...
  10. P

    Question regarding life on anti-coagulants

    Pellicle: You mentioned "small occasional issues which I believe are TIA's" What kind of 'small occasional issues' are you referring to? ---- As far as bleeding when on Warfarin, we should remember that INR is an approximate comparison between clotting time on warfarin and clotting time...
  11. P

    It was the Cinnamon...

    Interesting. I used to put cinnamon in my Ovaltine (or something that I drank). I haven't used cinnamon for more than a year. I might be crazy enough to check it out, too - I wonder if the effect is immediate (or within a few hours) or requires a certain level of the cinnamon compounds to...
  12. P

    Not doing surgery

    I'm careful about how I react to this guy - just in case, some day, he may act on his stuff. I was tempted to say - go ahead and do it - but I have concerns that he might (although I think, as many of us who've been reading this crap for a few years now, have no expectations that he would)...
  13. P

    Warfarin phone App

    I haven't tried this app - and probably won't. The big red flag for me was 'weekly dose.' This is a concept that's a bit scary to me. I don't know if it's giving you the same dose daily, or extra half doses on certain days, just to hit weekly numbers (for example 7.5 mg Monday, Wednesday, Friday...
  14. P

    Is an aneurysm common for people with a bicuspid valve?

    It's my understanding (not that I know much) that there's a genetic relationship between bicuspid valves and aortic weakness - incidence of aortic aneurysms is higher in people with bicuspid valves than it is in the general population. The doctors probably look for this either at surgery or at...
  15. P

    Clinical trial

    The drug maker that wants to do the trial probably contacted/worked with the pharmacy to contact any of their customers who are taking a specific medication. I don't think that there's anything specifically wrong with this - although their persistence in asking me about participation in a study...
  16. P

    Clinical trial

    When I was stuck with an HMO and couldn't see the cardiologist I wanted to continue seeing, I went to a different practice. They did a quick examination, then ushered me into a room where they told me about a clinical trial that they wanted me to participate. They put on a lot of pressure. I...
  17. P

    Acetaminophen and Warfarin

    Not all NSAIDS have the same effect on platelets. According to a rheumatologist that I saw YEARS ago, Ketoprofen has the least effect on platelets. Unfortunately, it's quite expensive - particularly when compared t the other NSAIDs, It's only available by prescription. Because most drug plans...
  18. P

    Surgery is officially recommended

    You're painting all doctors with a broad brush. NOT all doctors prescribed opioids to anyone who asked. Not all doctors are doing surgeries for the money. Some doctors do it because they actually want to help people. The situation with the money IS an issue -- with Medicare and insurance...
  19. P

    Mechanical valve ticking

    My St. Jude is 33 years old (that is, unless I got a 'pre-owned' valve). The ticking was loud for the first 10 or so years. It didn't take too long to get used to it. At first, I had some problems: I couldn't play 'hide and seek' with my daughter - even if I stood on the other side of a door...
  20. P

    Acetaminophen and Warfarin

    True, they can cause stomach bleeding. But there are enteric coated aspirin that are designed to NOT dissolve in the stomach - instead, these dissolve in the intestines -- thus, no stomach issues. I take 81 mg enteric coated aspirin - low dose - but haven't had problems with them. I don't...