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  1. P

    Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

    FWIW - I don't know what SelfCareDepot (a sponsor here) charges for the InRatio (I think he said he'll have some in a few weeks), but I saw that Reliaston has them, apparently in stock, and if you use the code Savewithreliaston, you get 10% off. If you're REALLY in a hurry to get an InRange, and...
  2. P

    Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

    Weather aside, it's probably good to be near enough to Niagara Falls to be able to walk into Canada to get meter and strips. You may even be able to use a coupon that one of those here mentioned. It may be good to be in the upper North end of the U.S. - perhaps with cities just north of you...
  3. P

    Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

    The InRatio was a dangerous device, and was recalled by the FDA for good reason. Results were inacccurate for some (many?) people - myself included. I trusted this dangerous device. I was getting 2.6 -- I had a TIA (or a stroke) after a few weeks trusting that thing, and the hospital's INR...
  4. P

    Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

    Roche won't sell to people in the United States - they want us to use anticoagulation services - a big waste of money for those of us who self-test (and many of us who self-manage). It switches the liability to the 'services' and away from them. I don't know if you can even buy, with a...
  5. P

    Active duty military outcome

    I was thinking about something similar the other day. I was in college when the Viet Nam war heated up. I was number 15 in the draft lottery -- my number probably would have been called, if I wasn't a full time student and diagnosed with allergies that kept me out of the service. I was...
  6. P

    Barostim ???

    Thanks. If I do it, I'll update this thread. I'm typing with 9 fingers - I cut my left index finger and am just figuring our how to use 9.
  7. P

    Barostim ???

    I have an ICD. It makes no improvement - it's designed to defibrillate the heart if it stops. It's basically a pacemaker with an extra zapper. Yes,. it's CHF. I don't have edema, oddly enough, but have trouble with exertion. The doctor did a carotid ultrasound (both sides) and my carotids...
  8. P

    Barostim ???

    Yes. It's definitely interesting. I got multiple calls this week from a doctor's office telling me that I had an appointment this week (today - Thursday, December 5) that I didn't make. I wasn't able to take the calls. Yesterday, my electrocardiologist's office called me. Apparently, they...
  9. P

    Barostim ???

    My cardiologist recommended that I look into Barostim - a device that is inserted into the right carotid, then anchored onto a spot on the carotid (or is it the brain stem?) that a device implanted on the right side, near the sternum, uses to generate a weak pulse that controls some of the...
  10. P

    Highest INR you have heard of or experienced?

    I personally prefer to calculate by daily dose, rather than weekly total. If it's possible to do daily dosing the same every day, this would avoid minor swings that happen depending on the day you test your INR. It's good that you found a way to hit a daily dose of 4.75.
  11. P

    Testosterone - A question for those men on warfarin

    Androgel and those other things are made from organs of cattle (or other mammals). I don't know that the body tolerates this 'foreign' testosterone very well. Years ago, for women, they tried Premarin (PREgnant MARe uRINe) in women and it led to many cancers - it was removed from the market and...
  12. P

    Highest INR you have heard of or experienced?

    Lisa -- this makes a lot more sense than an INR of 100. And, FWIW, calculating the INR from the PT depends on the reagent value. The PT is divided by the reagent value to determine the INR. FWIW - years ago, I was told by a clinic (probably mishandled my sample) that my INR was 7.1. I was...
  13. P

    Traveling to a different time zone, when to take warfarin

    You don't have to take Warfarin at the same time each day. It's not that kind of medication. The half life is DAYS - taking it a few hours earlier or later than you usually do won't have much - if any - difference in your anticoagulation or your INR. As long as you take it - don't miss or...
  14. P

    UK Lancets Gauge Size

    You should probably try to go with 21 gauge -- slightly larger, they make a larger incision (better for getting a good sample). Most will work in the lancing devices. If you look at the single use lancing devices, you'll see that they're usually 21 gauge (although I also bought 23 gauge...
  15. P

    New member & “bloody” question

    My uneducated guess is that it's your sinuses - the blood drains into the back of your mouth, making it seem as if it's an oral issue. A good ENT should be able to isolate the source -- but if it's not warfarin-related, there may be something that's actively bleeding, and cutting out warfarin...
  16. P

    Roche Coaguchek XS PT INT STRIPS

    I'm not sure about needing a prescription to buy a meter or strips. BUT Roche won't sell to individual users - they will only provide meters THROUGH services - the services may send you a meter, they may send you strips, but they CHARGE the insurance a LOT more than it would cost just for meter...
  17. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    Whether or not the On-X results are correct, it's been well documented, AFAIK, that an INR below 2.0 for the St Jude valve (now Abbott) is dangerous. Let the On-X marketing folks continue using this irrelevant marketing message - if they feel that they have to - but I don't see why St. Jude...
  18. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    I've seen some resistance to the clicking by people evaluating which valve to get. I've seen a lot more resistance because with mechanical valves, you'll need to take warfarin (as if it's such a bad, dangerous, terrible thing to have to test and self manage). Warfarin - rat poison - can kill...
  19. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    It's been 33 years for me. I'm not sure if the tick has gotten softer or not - I don't notice it unless I'm in a quiet place and try to hear it. There are maneuvers I can make to make the click in my head louder. For the most part, I don't hear it (and am not bothered by it) anymore --...
  20. P

    On- X valve is superior to outdated one like st jude and ATS

    I got my valve in August 1991. I was supposed to go in for testing every two weeks (I often went much longer). Actually, thinking about it now, I think that they were testing INR, but am really not sure. Later, in the early 2000s (or maybe earlier), it was definitely INR that was being...