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  1. Bonzo Dog

    Happy birthday to 4 people today

    Ta for the explanation. :) Sounds mildly erotic. :o :D
  2. Bonzo Dog

    YEAH Team USA and Canada

    And now we have horses banned for drug taking. :eek: No N. American ones I hasten to add. :) As an aside, I'm amused by the different tabulations of the medal league. Here we use the International Olympic Committee configuration based on total golds won looking like this , our media reports...
  3. Bonzo Dog

    Happy birthday to 4 people today

    :confused: :confused: Educate European me please. Mulligan??????
  4. Bonzo Dog

    Attention Hippies......

    :D Ah you mean the good old days when Britain ruled the waves. There was no need to lie about greed. No need to invent weapons of mass destruction. Just blatantly and unashamedly exploit overseas countries. Rip off their natural resources and if they don't have any just kidnap the population...
  5. Bonzo Dog

    Happy birthday to 4 people today

    Many happy returns to all. :) Not too many candles on the cake now. ;) :D
  6. Bonzo Dog

    Attention Hippies......

    Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 Danny, I respect the sincerity of your fighting for freedom view. I just wonder quite whose freedoms you actually were fighting for. Haliburtons maybe? Dwight D...
  7. Bonzo Dog

    Bad News

    Aarrrgggghh. The last thing endocarditis sufferers need are invasive procedures leaving the patient open to further infection. :eek: The septic protocols need to be so very, very tightly controlled and monitored.
  8. Bonzo Dog

    Valve replacement benefits

    Hello from Yorkshire Roger, all open heart surgery has it's quantified risks, those given to Val are higher than most. The odds are between 5/1 and 4/1 on a positive outcome if she has surgery. If you do nothing the odds are 1/1 she will die soon. I'd go for surgery.:) Should it all go wrong...
  9. Bonzo Dog

    How did you used to look??

    What flattery. :D Norma, I bet the Water Board Executive Secretary broke a few hearts in her time. ;)
  10. Bonzo Dog

    Statins and insomnia

    There was a recent thread on sleeping problems. Many of us seemed to suffer varying degrees of insomnia. Many of us take statins. Advice is they are more effective taken at night. Info has just come my way that statins may cause insomnia. Your thoughts on this please.
  11. Bonzo Dog

    How did you used to look??

    Prompted by Ross's Hippie thread, I'm wondering how we looked in our youth. :eek: I'll go first. Age 19 this was on my Student Union card from 1973. :o :D
  12. Bonzo Dog

    Attention Hippies......

    :D:D:D Do you think I could do a worse job than the current incumbents ;)
  13. Bonzo Dog

    blood pressure

    That mirrors a conversation I had with cardio re my low BP. :) As low as you can go without feeling odd was his view.
  14. Bonzo Dog

    Attention Hippies......

    Hey cooker it's not too late. After sporting a military style short back and sides for a couple of decades I went for the retro long hair look. :eek: :eek: Too much information!! :D
  15. Bonzo Dog

    Attention Hippies......

    and the free love???
  16. Bonzo Dog

    How much did your valve cost?

    Well sorry to make any of you envious, mine was free. :D Long live the NHS.
  17. Bonzo Dog

    Attention Hippies......

    Still poignant today if Iraq and Muslim are substituted for Vietnam and Commie IMHO :rolleyes: So who owned an Afghan coat? I did :o :o :eek:
  18. Bonzo Dog

    Playing around

    Me too :D Nice pic Dennis. What is the bird?
  19. Bonzo Dog

    Bad News

    Oh no!! Poor Darlene. I don't understand, why wait until next week to see an infectious diseases doc. :confused: Get the heavy duty antibiotics in as soon as possible are my thoughts.
  20. Bonzo Dog

    Hello my New Found Friends...I'm Home!

    Well done Alistair. :) Keep positive. Try to gently up your exercise regime each day. Be aware the next couple of months may be two steps forward one back. ;) :)