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  1. Bonzo Dog

    World's First Awake Cardiac Bypass & Valve Surgery, India

    As long as they get the local right I don't see a problem for straight forward bypass and VR. I presume the patient is mildly sedated with some tranquiliser or other. For longer ops (my last one was 7 hours) it might be better to get knocked out, as laying there conscious for that length of time...
  2. Bonzo Dog


    Maybe Flirty Gerty is just playing with your affections Ross?? Reel em in reel em out ;) :D Glad to see you back Lynn. :) Was only wondering about your disappearance the other day, pleased it's down to good work, not bad health.
  3. Bonzo Dog

    Any bankers or sharedealers, please explain short selling?

    As this thread has run it's course, a thank you to all who contributed. I'm now better informed.
  4. Bonzo Dog

    I'm feeling scared

    Laura, I grew up with medical people telling me rheumatic fever was the cause of valve problems. As a young adult that view was changed and a genetic abnormality became the received wisdom. Two valve replacements later and to be honest it bothers me not what the cause was. I think analysing the...
  5. Bonzo Dog

    Surgery in six days

    That's the spirit! :) Looking forward to your post op messages.
  6. Bonzo Dog

    Any bankers or sharedealers, please explain short selling?

    Wayne, a hairy, Harley riding, investment broker. :):) :cool: Sir I salute your contradictions. :D
  7. Bonzo Dog

    Joke time

    No not at all being a). A depository of useless facts and b). A citizen of the world's premier seafaring nation; I already knew that. :p :p :D
  8. Bonzo Dog

    Joke time

    A woman goes into a bar and asks for a double entendre, so the barman gives her one.
  9. Bonzo Dog

    You know you're still in denial when...

    Ah yes, wobbles set up by reaching the theory becomes reality zone. :) Each to their own medication, I prefered a long drink. Foaming pints of real ale win over Martini for me. ;) Jim, I post my mantra again. Think positive, be stoic and mentally strong, focus on the post op benefits, you'll...
  10. Bonzo Dog

    Any bankers or sharedealers, please explain short selling?

    Have you perhaps highlighted the nub of current problems, not enough checks and balances, ie de-regulation leads to avarice?
  11. Bonzo Dog

    How much is Ross' teeth and surgery going to cost?

    Is there much opium in Ohio? :D (thinks)..... Probably in fact easier to obtain than amoxicillin.
  12. Bonzo Dog

    Tick, valve is driving me crazy!

    ....... errrrrmm don't fixate. Not trying to be facetious here, just speaking plainly. :) Relax, de-stress, accommodate; this is not an alien entity ticking, it is part of you. Do try different sleeping positions as they affect amplification. In the main just relax and go with the flow. Accept...
  13. Bonzo Dog

    Happy Birthday knightfan2691 (35)

    Birthday greetings from here also. :D
  14. Bonzo Dog

    Any bankers or sharedealers, please explain short selling?

    I just can't get my head round short selling. It is blamed for much of the turmoil in financial markets at the moment. :confused: The BBC website has this in it's guide to short selling. 'So what is short-selling? It is a technique that sees investors borrow an asset, such as shares...
  15. Bonzo Dog

    Filler Up....Not

    Spotted this and couldn't resist. :D
  16. Bonzo Dog

    Study into near-death experiences

    Ross, you are not alone in having a moment of epiphany during major illness. It sounds as though yours was more vivid than most.
  17. Bonzo Dog

    Study into near-death experiences

    A southern USA prison?
  18. Bonzo Dog

    TIME HAS COME.....GOOD-bye

    :eek: You Canadian bunch into spiritualism?? :D :D
  19. Bonzo Dog

    Pictures Of Ikes Devastation

    Some interweb strangeness here?? The link opens fairly rapidly for me. Posted it on a UK forum, a couple of members with fast broadband have said it freezes their screens. :confused::confused:
  20. Bonzo Dog

    Study into near-death experiences

    What are your views on this far out research? Taking place in both UK and US hospitals.