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  1. C

    Can anyone help to clarify deep hypothermic cardiac arrest

    And exactly when and what it is used for? I have heard this mentioned by the surgeons (knowing that it really increases the risk of stroke and cognitive malfunctions worries me). Any insight would be greatly appreciated Thank you
  2. C

    Ross Procedure Talk by Paul Stelzer

    This has been very helpful, I will bring it up with my surgeon tomorrow thank you
  3. C

    Has anyone had the bentall procedure and been through

    Thank you for your detailed response. Did you have any protrusion in the Arch? or ws it just the Ascending Aortic? I am concerned that the ARCH is involved, thus the reason for the Deep hypothermic part (I think?). Does the tube bother you when it resonates? Can you hear the valve at night when...
  4. C

    Has anyone had the bentall procedure and been through

    Deep hypothermic cardiac arrest to repair the Aortic Root? Your feed back is welcome and appreciated. My surgeons cannot tell if the root is involved and said that they will not know if it is until they open me up. 50-50 now. thx
  5. C

    Has anyone used Dr Sharro Raissi @ cedars or any surgeon at UCLA

    Any feedback would be great
  6. C

    How different is your life after surgery?

    Just like to know how long you stayed in Clev? Weren't many follow up visits with the surgeon required? thx
  7. C

    Ross procedure if you have a Ascending Aortic Aneurysm?

    Hello, Is this possible or not a good candidate?
  8. C

    Need new Aortic Bicuspid valve and graft for Aneurysm

    MARY, I guess it is denial more than anything and trying to find the most skilled surgeon that my wife and I will be happy with. Thanks for the info I will visit the other areas you suggest for more info.
  9. C

    Need new Aortic Bicuspid valve and graft for Aneurysm

    Tom, Thanks for the reply. I will research the Ross so I can understand it better. I will ask the surgeon tomorrow as well. Thanks for the insight.
  10. C

    Need new Aortic Bicuspid valve and graft for Aneurysm

    Hello, I am going for my third surgical consult tomorrow as I have been diagnosed with an Aortic Bisucpid valve (2 years ago mild regurgitation or leakage) which has most likey lead to me having this Ascending aortic aneurysm (4.8cm). This is the real reason for surgery as it has caused me pain...
  11. C

    I need my aortic valve replaced

    same boat as you same boat as you Hello, It would seem as if I am in the same boat as you were. I am going for my third surgical consult tomorrow as I have been diagnosed with an Aortic Bisucpid valve (2 years ago) which has most likey lead to me having this Ascending aortic aneurysm...