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  1. E


    Hi Bob I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear of Abby's passing. Please know, and I believe this from my heart, that she hasn't left your side; she's still there, but in a different form. Dogs are so very loyal that she won't leave and go until she's sure that you will be ok with her...
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    Post-Surgery Update on Jeff....THANK YOU ALL!!

    Great rest. Thanks for posting and keeping us updated. Evelyn
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    YAHOOOOOOOOOO, ROSSMAN!!!!!! So glad you're rest and try not to worry too much about the damned insurance....priorities, my man, priorities. I LOVE YA, ROSSMAN. Evelyn
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    Bad Home Monitor Machines ??????

    Hello M&M First of all, I would like to say that we think home testing is the ONLY WAY to go. I'm sorry you have been having so much trouble with your machine, and can tell you that we have been there and done that. We have had 4 inr machines over 6 years....two Protime, one Coaguchek, and...
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    Thanks, Mary.......I've been checking and glad to hear he's not bleeding!!!! What a tough go he's had. I LOVE THE ROSSMAN!!!!!!!! Evelyn
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    I need help!

    Hi Nancy Welcome HOME!!! You've found a great place with tons of caring people who know of what they speak. You will do fine. First I'd like to say, YOU'RE PERFECTLY NORMAL TO BE SCARED. It's a huge surgery, but you have to focus on the positives: You're going to a first-rate hospital...
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    The Great ER Visit(s) Of Ross

    Rossman Thank God you are OK!!! Wow, what a post!!! I would have been screaming "BLOODY" pun intended. Now rest and relax and start healing all over again. Evelyn
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    Condolences to Mary

    Mary So sorry to hear of your loss. I wish your entire family peace. Evelyn
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    Where is ROSS?

    Rossman Just rest and relax and get your strength back. We'll wait as long as we know you're home and ok. Evelyn
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    Millie will advise after AVR surgery

    Hi Millie YAAAAAAAY!!!! Thanks for updating us, but even better for updating us with such good news. Keep us posted and give that hubby of yours our best. Evelyn
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    Happy birthday evelyn

    Thank you ALL!!! I have had a wonderful birthday......lots of gifts from wonderful friends, dinner out twice and breakfast in bed this morning!!! How decadent!!! Best of all, this birthday brings $ocial $ecurity!!!! Whoo Hooo!!! Evelyn
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    Happy Birthday Yaps!

    Happy, Happy, Yaps!!!!! Seize the day, eat lots of cake!!!!!! Evelyn
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    Christopher Smith-Musician2k 7/16/1965-10/13/2008

    Carla.... I'm so very sorry for the loss of your hubby. I'll put your whole family in my prayers. Evelyn
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    Happy Birthday bird lady50 (49)

    Hi Mary Nope, my birthday is the 19th, I just celebrate anyone's birthday in philosophy, "If it's October, it must be my birthday." I know, crazy. Ev
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    Happy Birthday bird lady50 (49)

    Happy Birthday all.....and me too!!!! Evelyn
  16. E

    Hello All

    Sh*t, Rossman!!! You surely don't need any more!!! Get to the drs. office and prove them wrong.....keep us posted. Evelyn
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    I have pneumonia.

    Hi Hens...... Soooo glad you're feeling better!!!!!! Keep on resting, though, that P-neumonia knocks you out!!!! Evelyn
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    Millie will advise after AVR surgery

    Tom.... GODSPEED!!! I will put you in my prayer list. I know you'll be fine. Thank you for having your wife let us know how you are......we worry!!! Evelyn
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    I have pneumonia.

    You know, Miss Ann, we can't have our two besest support staff out of commission at the same time!!!! Hmmmmmmmm, who coordinated this one????? Both Rossman and you at the same time????? Evelyn
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    Hello All

    Rossman...... Ice cream, jello, pudding, mac and cheese, split pea soup, broths, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt,anything you can blend/puree like fruits,......hope that helps somewhat. Ev