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  1. river-wear

    I have 4 days to decide - help!

    Driving and riding your bike already? Wow. I was too sore to drive more than a mile or two at four weeks. The surgeon said I could, but I decided to wait another week or two. Sounds like you're doing great!
  2. river-wear

    New Topic from Standard User

    Third try - Chrome and IE11 won't let me post. Not sure why I'm blocked and other people can participate. Last chance - Firefox.
  3. river-wear

    New Topic from Standard User

    Testing the ability to post. Chrome won't allow it anymore, after earlier this week. Trying IE11 now. God, I hate this browser.
  4. river-wear

    New Topic from Standard User

    Most days I can't post anymore, so trying a new test to post while accepting the dreaded 3rd party cookies.
  5. river-wear

    New Topic from Standard User

    Testing to see if I can post today. Most days I can't anymore.
  6. river-wear

    Going in for AVR on Aug 27th- On-X Valve

    Yesterday I wrote a response and the site made it disappear, so I'll try one more time. (I've been having this problem every other day - where I can't actually post anything.) Day 1 for me: surgery started late and ended around 5:30pm. My husband and sister were able to see me soon after that...
  7. river-wear

    Going in for AVR on Aug 27th- On-X Valve

    Yesterday I wrote a response and the site made it disappear, so I'll try one more time. (I've been having this problem every other day - where I can't actually post anything.) Day 1 for me: surgery started late and ended around 5:30pm. My husband and sister were able to see me soon after...
  8. river-wear

    Going in for AVR on Aug 27th- On-X Valve

    Day 1? My surgery ended around 5:30pm. My husband and sister were allowed to see me shortly after. I woke up at 11pm and they left around 11:30 or so - shortly after they removed the vent. I drifted in and out all night. Take it easy with the ice chips; too many will make you nauseous. You'll...
  9. river-wear

    I am a marathon runner with a broken heart

    I'm not sure if Rubirosa comes back here - last post was two months ago - but seeing that she (he?) is in Ohio, I would highly recommend going to the Cleveland Clinic whether a Ross Procedure or repair is chosen. (A replacement is less tricky.) They are in the best position to provide an...
  10. river-wear

    AVR calcification and magnesium supplement

    However, as seen by many patients here (including me), a BAV doesn't necessarily become calcified. Fortunately my surgeon didn't find any calcification on my valve when he fixed it. (Hoping that means it'll be a permanent fix...) Does stenosis always result from calcification? If so, I find...
  11. river-wear

    Barfing up Meds

    Yay, I can post again! Last night the site just swallowed up my messages and they disappeared. Hang in there, Justin, it should get better as your body adjusts to the medications. With luck, you won't be on them very long either.
  12. river-wear

    Barfing up Meds

    I would eat 2-3 saltines just before my meds and that helped, especially with the Amiodarone (Pacerone). Vomiting is common with that one, or so they told me. As for the Metoprolol, it made me dizzy, queasy and miserable - oh, and sleepy. I found that if I laid down for two hours after taking...
  13. river-wear

    Barfing up Meds

    I ate a few saltines before taking my meds. And Metroprolol made me feel especially crappy, so I would take it and then lie in bed for two hours afterward. It sucks, but I preferred that to the queasiness.
  14. river-wear

    Barfing up Meds

    I ate a few saltines before taking my meds. And Metoprolol made me feel especially crappy, so I would take it and then lie in bed for two hours afterward. It sucks, but I preferred that to the queasiness. It did get a little better with time - hang in there.
  15. river-wear

    Near Death Experiences

    Nope. I don't even have any recollection of the five hours they had me waiting around for surgery - the anesthesia team was apparently pulled away for an emergency. Gotta love versed (or whatever it was the guy shot into my IV before wheeling me away from my family). Next thing I knew, I was...
  16. river-wear

    Duration until normal movement?

    Your friends are being jerks. Just sayin'. You're young, you'll get better - just give it some time. You've had a double whammy and didn't have a chance to fully recover from the first when you had to have the second surgery. I bet you'll feel like a new person in a couple months. Best wishes!
  17. river-wear

    Ejection Fraction post surgery

    Yeah, that murmur kind of freaked us out for awhile. The doctor said because the heart enlarged, the valve couldn't close properly any more. They did an echo for a better look. Still seems odd to me, but here we are years later and his doctor doesn't hear a murmur anymore. Good luck with...
  18. river-wear

    47 years(Aug 16, 1967).....and counting

    Congratulations, Dick. I hope you have many more years of enjoyment of that valve! (You got it just three days after I was born.) Your history gives a lot of us hope and comfort.
  19. river-wear

    Valve Selection Decision

    At your age, and since you said you're willing to risk another surgery, it isn't unreasonable to want a tissue valve. You may be over-estimating the effects of being on Coumadin but you still should go with what you think is right. See what surgeon #2 has to say. I'm surprised any surgeon...
  20. river-wear

    Originally posted about newborn daughter, but I may have BAV too???

    It sounds like you don't have anything to worry about as far as heart function - that's great! A TEE is a trans-esophageal echocardiogram. It can sound a little scary, but they give you nice drugs to not be aware of what's going on - it doesn't hurt and it only lasts about 15 minutes.