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  1. 3

    8 years today

    10 yrs today. still remember that fateful day.
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    8 years today

    not quite cliff notes of that day, but fun to look back on. at the hospital at 0530, get a complete shave from chin to toes, only in the front. they do leave the back and the arms. i'm as hairy as a bear so it looks crazy right now. anyway, put on the gown, have a good 15 mins with the...
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    7 yrs today

    Made it thru 7. Thanx to this board for all the guidance. Truely appreciate it. wrote this right after my surgery- "avr and bypass on 9/18. got home this tuesday, alive, sore and ready to heal. my experience is all over the map, but i'll bore you anyway. at the hospital at 0530, get a...
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    6 years Today

    6 years ago this morning, and I’m still kicking. Wasn’t quite 60 when I chose that cow valve and don’t regret it for one second. For those that need a little humor, here’s my account from that day, 6 years ago. at the hospital at 0530, get a complete shave from chin to toes, only in the...
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    5 Years

    5 years today since i got that bovine replacement. looks like i'll make it to my 65th after all. still cracks me up when i read my post from right after surgery. went something like this: " at the hospital at 0530, get a complete shave from chin to toes, only in the front. they do leave the...
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    One Year Anni

    Well, survived the 1st year. Feel so much better than I did a year ago. Gym rat really pays off. I did laugh my ass off reading my post-op post. Here it is for anyone else who needs a good laugh. "avr and bypass on 9/18. got home this tuesday, alive, sore and ready to heal. my experience is...
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    strange pain

    6 weeks post AVR and bypass. recently, once in awhile, i get a sharp pain, lasting only a second or so, in the left side of the chest. it does not feel anything like classic "chest pain" associated with the heart, but it is from that general area. anyone experience something like this?
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    strange pain

    6 weeks post AVR and bypass. recently, once in awhile, i get a sharp pain, lasting only a second or so, in the left side of the chest. it does not feel anything like classic "chest pain" associated with the heart, but it is from that general area. anyone experience something like this?
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    Sleeping in a bed

    3 wks post op and I finally went from recliner to bed. Having said that, our beds are temperpedic and move like hospital beds. If I lay flat, it hurts. Can't see how anyone could lay flat. Now, sleep is a whole other issue. If someone has scoop on that, lemme know.
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    made it!!

    avr and bypass on 9/18. got home this tuesday, alive, sore and ready to heal. my experience is all over the map, but i'll bore you anyway. at the hospital at 0530, get a complete shave from chin to toes, only in the front. they do leave the back and the arms. i'm as hairy as a bear so it looks...
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    To all those waiting for OHS.

    mine is thursday morning, so reading this gave me a tiny bit of uplift. thanks.
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    5 days to go

    AVR and single bypass surgery coming on 9/18. actually, been looking forward to it-just want to get my life back. but now as the time creeps ever so close, i do find myself lost in negative thoughts. i realize these surgeries are not without risk, but i wish i'd quit worrying about it...
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    Valve Selection Decision

    Met with the head surgeon and things went well. He had no issue with me choosing a bio valve. In fact, he told me he would personally go that route as well, since he did not want to deal with Coumadin the rest of his life, and he is younger than I. IAC, surgery scheduled for 9/18. He chose...
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    Valve Selection Decision

    I'm 3 months short of 60 and will be undergoing AVR and a single bypass next month. Upon meeting my surgeon, the topic of valve choice came up. She basically said there was no way she would put in a biological valve given my age. I met with my Cardiologist to discuss at which time he told me...