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  1. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 8-3-12

    I can't wait to get over this cold I brought back with me. Murphy's law, get on a plane, catch a cold. I can't exercise if I can't even talk without coughing. I need to get back on the elliptical. And back to dog training if this durned heat lets up: 107 today. It's supposed to drop to "only"...
  2. AgilityDog

    Carvedilol and Heart Rate / Biking, jogging

    Hate to break it to you, but those beta blockers are intended to reduce your heart rate. So, yeah, you're going to experience fatigue if you try to push the HR. My cardio says not to believe the calorie counters on my HRM or my elliptical, because in order to get my HR up high, I have to work...
  3. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 8-3-12

    My goal for Founders' Day is to get back to my pre-cruise weight...Can I do 8 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks????
  4. AgilityDog

    On-X and Activity

    You'll be fine with that valve. It's the newest and most improved, but also has a proven track record. You may be able to have a reduced INR level with the On-X, as opposed to any other mech valve, though that is still in trials. Coumadin won't affect your running, swimming, or biking, though...
  5. AgilityDog

    2nd Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 7-27-12

    My husband has a pretty good camera, and he works hard at the photos. We were so lucky. The sun came out for us when we really needed it. We are among the 30% of visitors who got to see The Mountain - it's usually cloud covered. And the bubble-net feeding humpbacks - amazing!
  6. AgilityDog

    Bridging - 2nd time

    Standard bridging for mech valves is 1 mg lovenox per kg body weight, twice per day, after INR drops below 2. Then hold lovenox approx 16 hours prior to surgery. Your INR usually drops below 2 about 2 days after holding coumadin if your range is 2.5 to 3.5. Your INR should be monitored closely...
  7. AgilityDog

    2nd Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 7-27-12

    Don't feel bad about the gain, Bob. I returned from Alaska on Saturday night. After 2 weeks of eating in restaurants and on the cruise ship, with dessert at every meal, I gained 10 lbs - up to 148.8!!!! Fortunately, part of that IS water. As of this morning, I'm down to 144.5 (maybe that's just...
  8. AgilityDog


    Seriously, your doctor should have told you the extent of your leakage - mild, moderate, severe. And whether your ventricles are enlarged at all. Why the valve is leaking: stenosis or insufficiency. It doesn't sound as if you got much info. You need copies of your medical records, including...
  9. AgilityDog

    INR spike after being stable for months - Hot weather and sunshine make a difference?

    I had my INR spike to 6 back in May/June, and stayed up - I tend to react quickly to changes so I only made 1 mg changes rather than the usually recommended 10%. I wound up making the 10% change after 3 weeks way too high. My nurse/manager decided the only possible explanation is a seasonal...
  10. AgilityDog

    What are the chances.....

    "You have to be your own advocate...." Yes, you do, especially us women. Especially younger women. Bless you and your heart.
  11. AgilityDog

    Yea!! made it to 1 year.

    Woo Hoo! The first is SUCH a biggie. Congratulations.
  12. AgilityDog

    Skyler update - 6 months post-op (post infection)

    Oh bless his heart!! For real.
  13. AgilityDog


    I have 2 mech valves, the aortic being the On-x 'cause I liked the idea of reducing the risk of hemolytic anemia when implanting the second valve. I DO have restrictions on my activity: I can sprint, but not jog, as a result of mucho heart damage due to late diagnosis. Basically, my heart is...
  14. AgilityDog

    Need people as precedence for appeal

    Does Kaiser not want to do the surgery at all, or do they only want to do a replacement? I have not heard of many aortic valve REPAIRS.
  15. AgilityDog

    Cooker's Throwdown Friday III ... 7-6-12

    My starting weight for the Founder's race is 139.5. Sigh. With cruise pending....followed by multiple birthday celebrations next month.
  16. AgilityDog

    Rx identification safeguard

    Dick, I understand some pharmacies color code their bottle tops for various family members. You might want to look into this, even if you have to change pharmacies, if you are concerned you and your wife might accidentally pick up each other's bottles!
  17. AgilityDog

    7 Months post op...not the best news..not the worst

    You are right, you should not have to fear upsetting your doctor. I suggest you begin interviewing a new one. My EF is 40-45%, because of damage from the mitral valve (I was slow to get diagnosed because, after all, a 46 year old who runs dog agility just COULDn't have a heart problem...
  18. AgilityDog

    The Difficulty of Returning to the role of Heart Patient

    I'm sorry. I understand how you feel - getting cut on again. I don't recall the "trigger" measurement for surgery, since I don't have BAV or aneurism issues (at this time), but I'm sure someone will be along to let you know what that measurement is. You can always get a second opinion, or...
  19. AgilityDog

    oker's Throwdown Friday III ... 6-29-12

    If this race started Memorial day, I'm in exactly the same spot: 139.2 If it started St. Pat's day, I'm....sortof in the same spot, 'cause I don't have that wt on my calendar - somewhere between 138.6 and 140.1 I'm getting nowhere.
  20. AgilityDog

    Am I wrong about pre-existing condition?

    Well, it SEEMs to be over. It SEEMs the ACA will stand. We'll see, and we'll see how it goes as it is implemented. Seriously, a 1% penalty tax per year for not carrying insurance, is what, $500 on a $50,000 income? With insurance on a high deductible plan costing $600 per month? Most people...