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  1. P

    Question about tanning beds

    Tanning Beds? Tanning Beds? Why would you want to use a tanning bed? Haven't those things been associated with increases in the occurance of skin cancer? -Philip
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    Pot Use? Pot Use? No, I've not experienced enough issues as I've distanced myself from my surgery date to justify medical pot use or the use of over-the-counter pain meds. Shortly after surgery, I didn't feel inclined to use pot or over-the-counter stuff; why use that lightweight stuff when...
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    Surgeon recommends mechanical, but what do I want???

    Many Posters? Many Posters? Yes, many posters here have noted that their surgeons didn't make a recommendation; on the flip side, many posters have also noted that their surgeons did make a recommendation. Personally, I don't believe it's unusual for surgeons to make recommendations at all...
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    I'm Baaaack

    Good! Good! Agreed, life is good! It's great to hear that you're doing well. -Philip
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    Surgeon recommends mechanical, but what do I want???

    Recommendation Recommendation Since when is it unusual for a surgeon to recommend a particular type or brand of valve. Mine made a recommendation. I think many of them make recommendations all the time. Perspectives among members here vary. Despite the best efforts of members like me to...
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    Internal Bleeding Concerns

    Motorcycle? Motorcycle? If my wife would let me buy a Harley, I'd do it in a flash. Sorry, I just don't buy into the idea that being on coumadin increases risk factors enough to create hesitation when it comes to doing things we enjoy. AVR surgery and coumadin use doesn't make me fragile. I...
  7. P

    home testing w/o a machine? may be an odd question

    Medieval Testing? Medieval Testing? As I recall, the blood in the urine test recounted the experience of one of the first guys to receive an artificial valve and use coumadin. It was specific enough to recount the experience of the guy by name. I remember thinking about how dangerous that...
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    Internal Bleeding Concerns

    Crashing & Bleeding Crashing & Bleeding If it helps reassure you that you've made a good decision... Rehab got me back into cycling back in 2007. I started mtn biking at about six weeks post op. I did one of those end over end tumbles at several months post op. Basically, ended-up no worse...
  9. P

    Why are we not suppose to drink green tea?

    No Green Tea? No Green Tea? Geez, I've been washing my coumadin with a large glass of green tea for weeks now. No major problems with INR yet. -Philip
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    Rookie Mistake, I think I got this home testing figured out

    Error? Error? Just do a stick which produces a nice hanging drop of blood. The blood is the only thing that touches the strip reservoir. I usually swing my arm in a circle after doing the alcohol wipe thing to speed up the drying process, it also insures that I've got a good amount of blood in...
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    home testing w/o a machine? may be an odd question

    No Monitor Testing? No Monitor Testing? There was a post some while ago about someone in the early days of valve replacement surgery and coumadin use. If I remember correctly, dosage was adjusted by watching for blood in the urine... if blood started showing-up in urine coumadin dosage needed...
  12. P

    Say it aint so.

    Magnet Trick Magnet Trick I showed the magnet thing to the physiology students in my high school last year. I simply used magnets that were stuck to the fridge in our teacher's lounge... freaked every kid out. Al's right, high quality stainless steel isn't supposed to be magnetic. Mentioned...
  13. P

    May I please vent for a minute?

    Venting Venting No, absoultely no venting allowed here... just kidding. If you're not happy with the services you're receiving from your doctor(s), why not shop around? Sure, the doctors you're seeing may have the congenital heart defect label, but there are undoubtedly lots of cardiologists...
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    busy day-rehab, lunch, pulmonary appt

    Rehab Stuff Rehab Stuff Yeah, a good dose of beta blocker does tend to cap your heart rate. I noticed that when I was doing rehab and taking beta blockers. It sure is easy to jump your heart rate up if you don't take your meds. Sounds like the folks running your program need to watch those...
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    Englewood Sprint Triathlon 7-17-2010

    Sprint Tri? Sprint Tri? Congrats on getting out there and finishing even though your performance wasn't what you would've liked. Sounds like you need some sealant in your tubes. I tagged a Jumping Choloa Cactus with the front tire of my mtn bike last week; the sealant in my tubeless tire...
  16. P

    Rehab exercise - safe sustainable heart rate post op

    Conversational Pace? Conversational Pace? Good point, Mark. Remember conversational pace means you can carry on a conversation or talk easily. It's not speaking a word or short phrase followed by gasping for air. If speaking while exercising doesn't feel comfortable, you've exceeded...
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    Rehab exercise - safe sustainable heart rate post op

    Nope Nope Nope, the 220 minus your age to determine maximum heart rate is useless. If you want to be careful, visit with your cardiologist about what your maximum heart rate should be as you deal with the recovery-rehab stuff. Your cardio doc may give you a range to start with which may...
  18. P

    Say it aint so.

    Airport Security Airport Security Actually, I hate to disagree, but I frequently set off airport security alarms and the TSA guys really don't care if I produce my artificial valve documentation card. The response of the detectors at airports vary depending upon how the machines are set. I...
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    Please Help!!!!!!!

    Cath Cath Sorry to hear about your situation. I really wish they'd develop a way to get the information a heart cath provides via a less intrusive method. Poking around in there with wires and tubes just doesn't seem like a good idea. -Philip
  20. P

    Why is this choice so difficult?

    Choices, Choices, Choices... Choices, Choices, Choices... We hear from lots of folks who are extremely happy with the valve choices they've made. These comments come from people who've chosen mechanical and tissue. Of course, on occasion we hear from people who've made choices that they're...