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  1. H

    How to Slow Rapid Heartbeat?

    I meant dead at an earlier age (I’m 52), but I do understand your point.
  2. H

    How to Slow Rapid Heartbeat?

    I see the cardio in a month. If I detect that they’re dragging their feet I will definitely change cardio’s for a university hospital. OHSU is in Portland, OR (I live in So OR) & have world class surgeons there. No one knows why my native valve failed. I went w. the tissue mitral...
  3. H

    How to Slow Rapid Heartbeat?

    Got it. Yes, deep breathing does seem to help some. Good idea regarding O2 monitor. EKG showed stable heart rhythm w. some PVC’s. Ejection Fraction (EF) is actually at 30-35%. They’re considering raising my carvedilol—which will likely wipe me out energy-wise. Cardio nurse mentioned...
  4. H

    How to Slow Rapid Heartbeat?

    My heart rate has been running steady between 85-95 BPM while resting for a week now. I’m usually at around 60 for resting heart rate. Blood pressure fine, it’s only the heart itself giving me the trouble. I spoke w. the Cardio nurses today and she is trying to set me up for a EKG—but in the...
  5. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    I am wondering the same thing Deb. Think I’ll put that on the list to discuss w. cardio next month👍.
  6. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    Well, I guess I have become one of those who only check in when something is wrong:cautious:. My apologies—but here I am once again. I’ll jump right in: Echocardiogram taken last week. Ejection fraction has declined from 40-45% to now 35-40%. I see the cardio in 4 weeks, but they already...
  7. H

    How to Lower Cholesterol on Warfarin?

    Thanks much everyone. I forgot about fiber and I have been running low on that for quite a while. Could very well be the culprit! Also eating more oatmeal now😳! Seems like I also heard that Omega-3’s lower LDL (?).
  8. H

    How to Lower Cholesterol on Warfarin?

    Sooo, my annual blood work showed my bad cholesterol was pretty high: 150! I have been looking at various supplements for lowering LDL, but the “Caution” label always advises people on warfarin to not take it (e.g., garlic, etc.). So then, I was wondering what - if any - supplements might be...
  9. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    So true Tom & carolinemc!
  10. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    Thank you much men. After reading these posts I am going to request a MUGA to get to the nitty gritty on this. Really good info. AZ Don! Not sure if AZ stands for Arizona, but I lived in Surprise, AZ for a while. In fact, my first OHS was done at Banner in Phoenix. I freely acknowledge my...
  11. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    Thank you much gerrychuck. Really good points. I am seeing my cardio in about it 6 weeks and will ask for a MUGA (assuming I can have one w. my pacer wires in (I cannot have an MRI w. pacer wires😡!). Bad thing is, I could actually be sitting at an EF of 30% - and not even know it. Honestly...
  12. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    Thanks much Eva! Blessings!
  13. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    Thank you both. My cardio office called today and said that my lower Ejection Fraction *COULD* be due to my stopping the carvedilol, which, they said, was not what they intended me to do. They instructed me to restart the beta blocker, which I did today. Spent several hours researching how to...
  14. H

    Sternal Wire Removal?

    Appreciate every response. Very interesting read. I had the top wires removed about a month ago now without general anesthesia, so all was good!
  15. H

    How to Raise Ejection Fraction?

    So I just had my annual echocardiogram—and it came back with a reduced ejection fraction (EF) of 40%, down from 50% last year 😡! I have been lifting weights pretty heavily for the last year though, and am also off of my beta blocker carvedilol at my cardiologists recommendation since my EF was...
  16. H

    Resveratrol & Warfarin Interaction?

    Ok Gents—got it! That’s what I thought. Man, self testing has saved my bacon sooo many times already. For example, just prior to taking my dose today I thought, “I better test since I have been running high for some reason.” I cannot locate the culprit other than Lycopene and Pomegranate...
  17. H

    Resveratrol & Warfarin Interaction?

    Quick question gang. I recently bought some resveratrol—then, afterwards, thought “I wonder if this interacts w. warfarin🤨?” Tonight I came across the following quote while reading online: Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs Resveratrol has been found to inhibit human platelet aggregation in...
  18. H

    Lip Bleed Won’t Stop

    Ok, got it! Didn’t think about Vaseline, Carmex and Vit. E. Headed to the store to load up !
  19. H

    Lip Bleed Won’t Stop

    I have a cracked lip on side of my mouth that keeps bleeding when I yawn or stretch my jaws, etc. Tonight it got worse than ever and absolutely would NOT stop bleeding. INR is at 2.6 tonight, so not too high. After packing some powder sealant in the crack in lip it FINALLY cacked up enough to...
  20. H

    Blow to Head Tonight

    Very informative Pel. Thanks much.